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RSIT Presentation Hickman Mills C-1 School District May 5, 2011. District PD Focus Academic Progress Update – Acuity Data Driven Instruction by level MAP & EOC Preparations Program Evaluations & Parent Involvement AQ Safety Survey Update. Outline of Presentation.
RSIT PresentationHickman Mills C-1 School DistrictMay 5, 2011
District PD Focus Academic Progress Update – Acuity Data Driven Instruction by level MAP & EOC Preparations Program Evaluations & Parent Involvement AQ Safety Survey Update Outline of Presentation
Differentiated Instruction (DI) PLCs/Collaboration/Data Teams Coaching Co-Teaching How Practice is Changing/ImprovingStephanie Hill, CODE Program
MAP 2010 versus Acuity Predictive B and Acuity Predictive C Acuity
Data to Drive Instruction ElementaryDr. Everlyn Williams, Principal • PLC/Data Teams meet weekly planning instruction based on Acuity results • DI small groups organized from use of Item Analysis reports • Individual student data conferences to set learning goals • Customized assessments created over targeted areas for identified students
DI stations based on the Acuity Item Analysis reports Individualized data chats with students Math Masters: 66% of students participating in this program were proficient on Acuity C Data to Drive Instruction Smith Hale College PrepJana Reid, Instructional Coach Communication Arts & Math
February 19: 75 students 125 benchmarks passed March 5: 82 students 165 benchmarks passed Data to Drive Instruction Smith Hale College PrepJana Reid, Instructional Coach Saturday School
Data to Drive Instruction Smith Hale College PrepJana Reid, Instructional Coach Saturday School March 26: • 63 students • 117 benchmarks passed April: • 63 students • 142 benchmarks passed
25 students receive additional reading tutoring daily 44% of the tutoring students scored proficient on Acuity C. Data to Drive Instruction Smith Hale College PrepJana Reid, Instructional Coach UMKC Tutoring
PLC/Data Teams use Item Analysis reports and MAP IBD data to set SMART goals Individual student data conferences track progress and set learning goals DI flexible groups created using results from various assessments MAP and EOC prep embedded through work stations and daily lessons Data to Drive Instruction Hickman Mills Junior HighJan Davis, Principal
PLC/Data Teams following model presented by KCRPDC on data driven instruction Using Explore, Plan, and ACT data to support and improve student academic skills Continued implementation of DI model and school literacy practices SW-PBS will be introduced in the fall with the full support of the staff Data to Drive Instruction Ruskin High SchoolChad Ryerson, Principal
MAP & EOCPrep for Success Acuity data is utilized by teachers to re-teach and individualize instruction Student data talks provide immediate feedback Student data notebooks Collaborative discussions with the learning community regarding the data
MAP & EOCPrep for Success Student goals Utilization of DESE MAP released items Spring break packets with incentives Data talks at the data walls MAP parent night
MAP & EOCPrep for Success Test taking skills Vocabulary Development Counselor Talks PLC data driven discussions that guides the instructional practices After School Tutoring
MAP & EOCPrep for Success Co-Teaching District Reading Campaign Computerized programs for skills practice SMART Goals DI based on the data of strengths and deficiencies of individual students Improved instructional delivery of content (coaches, teachers, tutors, etc.)
Program Oversight Update MSIP Finding 3: The district has provided staff with a wide array of programs and initiatives without collecting impact data to validate individual program’s fidelity of implementation and evaluation of results. (6.7)
Finding 3: Major Components Addressed Develop Program Oversight Tool Assess Programs and Collect Impact Data Process and timeline for assessment was established Program Evaluations are being presented to the Board Impact Data and Recommendations are included Getting feedback and consensus from: C & I Team, Principals, Teachers, and Parent Oversight Com. Using feedback to make program adjustments and/or deletions Parent Involvement Recommendations Informing Parents about key programs and policies Including their recommendations in decision making
Program Evaluations Parent Oversight Committee previewed CA textbooks February 28, 2011 Overview of Adoption Process Parent Comments after Review: Provide selection criteria Select leveled readers that cover the same content Teacher PD a must to learn how to implement resources
K-12 Reading Campaign Begins March 7, 2011 – Ends May 13, 2011 Staff, Students, and Parents are encouraged to participate Posters displayed in buildings with pictures of current students reading Student reading logs = entry in prize drawing All participants will receive a completion certificate Prize drawing will be held on May 13, 2011 One student from each school will win a Nook Reader and a gift certificate to Barnes & Noble Additional students will win gift certificates Winner will be featured on the posters for the 2012 Reading Campaign
Safety Survey Results Do you or your child feel safe at school?
Celebrate and Share 2011 AQ Data Continued Implementation of Systematic Interventions – PBS, Olweus Anti-Bullying, Discipline committees Behavioral Incentives for Students Data Analysis with Appropriate Actions steps 2012 AQ Survey Spring What Comes Next?