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Highway Safety Manual Implementation . DISTRICT PILOT PROJECT Presentation May 2, 2011. Highway Safety Manual Implementation . Presentation Outline. Overview of the Highway Safety Manual Implementation Plan Update of the Development of SPF Calibration Factors Available SPFs and CMFs
Highway Safety Manual Implementation DISTRICT PILOT PROJECT PresentationMay 2, 2011
Highway Safety Manual Implementation Presentation Outline Overview of the Highway Safety Manual Implementation Plan Update of the Development of SPF Calibration Factors Available SPFs and CMFs Sample Pilot Project Description and Analysis Request for Pilot Project Descriptions
CO & District Champions • Assign Top-Level District Champions • Participate in Top-down management presentations with the Central Office champions (Bob Romig, Brian Blanchard and Marianne Trussell) • Actively promote, support and advocate the benefits of implementing the Highway Safety Manual • Monitor pilot projects and implementation progress • Conduct recognition ceremonies for pilot project participants • Submit District Champion counterparts from Transportation Development and Operations to Marianne Trussell, Chief Safety Officer by April 29, 2011.
Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual to Florida Conditions
Overview • Calibration factors for fatal and injury models only • KAB and KABC
Identify Facility Types • FDOT Prioritized Segments • Rural two-lane roads • Rural multilane divided roads • Urban multilane divided arterials • Additional segments • Urban two-lane undivided arterials • Urban two-lane with TWLTL • Urban four-lane undivided arterials • Urban four-lane with TWLTL
Rural Two-Lane Roads • N = AADT × L × 365 × 10-6 × e(-0.312) • CMFs with available data • Lane width, shoulder width, shoulder type, TWLTL, lighting • CMFs values assumed • Grade, driveway density, roadside hazard rating • HSM default values used
Rural Multilane Divided Roads • N = exp[ a + b × ln(AADT) + ln(L) ] • CMFs with available data • Lane width, right shoulder width, median width, lighting • CMFs with values assumed • None
Urban Arterials • CMFs with available data • Median width, on-street parking, lighting • CMFs with values assumed • Roadside fixed objects • CMF assumed to be 1.0 • Driveway density • CMF assumed to be 1.0
Bike Lanes – Urban 4 Lane Divided • Without bike lane separation • With bike lanes • Without bike lanes
Intersection Data • Data Needs • Rural and Urban • AADT, Crashes, skew, left-turn lanes, right-turn lanes, lighting, • Urban only • pedestrian activity, left-turn signal phasing, right-turn-on-red, red-light cameras, bus stops, schools, alcohol sales establishments
Intersection Data • Crash Analysis Reporting System • Geometric characteristics? • Lat, long coordinates? • FDOT Intersection Study • Signalized: no geometry, no 2nd AADT • Un-signalized: no AADT
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT SR 44 from Hill Avenue to West of CR 4139 is a rural 2-lane undivided roadway with curved roadway segments. Five curves exist within the project limits and one curve would require a design exception for super-elevation. Equation 10-6 (HSM-Part C) and the applicable CMFs (HSM-Part D) will be used to predict crashes for the roadway segment that includes Curve 1 and determine if a design exception is justified.
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT • The following information is available: • Length of segment: 0.10 miles • AADT: 17,300 in 2010 (opening year); 26,600 in 2030 (design year) • Grade: 0.0% • Radius of curve: 573’ • Driveways per mile: 2 • Lane width: 12’ • Shoulder width: 4’ • Shoulder type: paved • Roadside hazard rating: 2 (based on 18’ CZ with 1:4 front slopes) • Curve length: 0.06 miles • Existing e: 3.5% (eastbound) and 0.0% (westbound) • Required e: 10.0% • Calibration factor: 1.01
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT Apply the appropriate SPF N = AADT × L × 365 × 10–6 × e (–0.312) = 17,300 × 0.163 × 365 × 10–6 × e (–0.312) = 0.753 crashes/year
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT (1.55 x Lc) + (80.2 / R) – (0.012 x S) (1.55 x 0.06) + (80.2 / 573) – (0.012 x 0) = = (1.55 x Lc) (1.55 x 0.06) 2.51 = Note: CMF1r => lane width; CMF2r => shoulder width and type; CMF3r => horizontal curvature Adjust the estimated crash frequency to the site specific geometric conditions 1. CMF1r = (CMFra – 1.0) x pra + 1.0 = = (1.0 – 1.0) x 0.40 + 1.0 = 1.0 2. CMF2r = (CMFwra x CMFtra – 1.0) x pra + 1.0 = = (1.15 x 1.0 – 1.0) x 0.70 + 1.0 = 1.11 3. CMF3r =
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT Note: CMF4r => super-elevation variance 4. CMF4r = 1.06 + 3(SV - 0.02) = = 1.06 + 3(0.10 - 0.02) = 1.30 5. CMF5r = 1.0 (grade < 3%) 6. CMF6r = 1.0 (less than 5 driveways / mile) 7. CMF7r = 1.0 (no rumble strips) 8. CMF8r = 1.0 (no passing lanes) 9. CMF9r = 1.0 (no TWLTL)
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT = = 0.94 • 11. CMF11r = 1.00 (no roadway lighting) • 12. CMF12r = 1.00 (no automated speed enforcement) • CMFcomb = 1.11 x 2.51x 1.30 x 0.94 = 3.41 e(-0.6869 + 0.0668 x RHR) e(-0.6869 + 0.0668 x 2) e(-0.4865) e(-0.4865) Note: CMF10r => roadside hazard rating = 2 (based on 18’CZ with 1:4 front slopes). 10. CMF10r =
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT Note: crash costs from STATE SAFETY OFFICE BULLETIN 0-01 or ROADWAY DESIGN BULLETIN 10-09 Npredicted-rs = 0.753 x 3.41 x 1.01 = 2.59 crashes/year Annual KABC Cost of Crashes (existing conditions) Fatal = 0.013 x 2.59x $6,380,000 = $214,815 Incap. = 0.054 x 2.59x $521,768 = $72,974 Nonincap. = 0.109 x 2.59x $104,052 = $29,375 Poss. Injury = 0.145 x 2.59x $63,510 = $23,851 ANNUAL CRASH COST (existing conditions)= $341,015
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT (1.55 x Lc) + (80.2 / R) – (0.012 x S) (1.55 x 0.08) + (80.2 / 750) – (0.012 x 0) = = (1.55 x Lc) (1.55 x 0.08) 1.86 = Note: CMF1r => lane width; CMF2r => shoulder width and type; CMF3r => horizontal curvature Adjust the estimated crash frequency to the site specific geometric conditions (build) 1. CMF1r = (CMFra – 1.0) x pra + 1.0 = = (1.0 – 1.0) x 0.40 + 1.0 = 1.0 2. CMF2r = (CMFwra x CMFtra – 1.0) x pra + 1.0 = = (1.15 x 1.0 – 1.0) x 0.70 + 1.0 = 1.11 3. CMF3r =
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT Note: CMF4r => super-elevation variance 4. CMF4r = 1.06 + 3(SV - 0.02) = = 1.06 + 3(0.10 - 0.10) = 1.06 5. CMF5r = 1.0 (grade < 3%) 6. CMF6r = 1.0 (less than 5 driveways / mile) 7. CMF7r = 1.0 (no rumble strips) 8. CMF8r = 1.0 (no passing lanes) 9. CMF9r = 1.0 (no TWLTL)
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT = = 0.94 • 11. CMF11r = 1.00 (no roadway lighting) • 12. CMF12r = 1.00 (no automated speed enforcement) • CMFcomb = 1.11 x 1.86 x 1.06 x 0.94 = 2.06 e(-0.6869 + 0.0668 x RHR) e(-0.6869 + 0.0668 x 2) e(-0.4865) e(-0.4865) Note: CMF10r => roadside hazard rating = 2 (based on 18’CZ with 1:4 front slopes). 10. CMF10r =
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT Note: crash costs from STATE SAFETY OFFICE BULLETIN 0-01 or ROADWAY DESIGN BULLETIN 10-09 Npredicted-rs = 0.753 x 2.06x 1.01 = 1.57crashes/year Annual KABC Cost of Crashes (buildconditions) Fatal = 0.013 x 1.57x $6,380,000 = $130,216 Incap. = 0.054 x 1.57x $521,768 = $44,235 Nonincap. = 0.109 x 1.57x $104,052 = $17,806 Poss. Injury = 0.145 x 1.57x $63,510 = $14,458 ANNUAL CRASH COST (existing conditions)= $206,715
SAMPLE PILOT PROJECT 314,015 – 206,715 = 0.08994 x 821,748 107,300 = 1.45: 1 Annual Reduction in Crash Costs 73,908 = Annual Increase in Construction Costs Note: Construction costs were annualized at 4% over 15 years. BENEFIT/COST RATIO B/C =
DISTRICT ACTION Submit a description of a pilot project that can be analyzed using the current Highway Safety Manual. Submit: narrative that describes the project alternatives and the input values Central Office will review the proposed analysis and provide feedback that may include resource information, discussion of appropriate methodology, etc. Submit by Wednesday, May 11th. Information will be shared with District Champions.
The New Highway Safety Manual of 2010 • Questions?