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Chapter 11: Export Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract

Chapter 11: Export Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract. 出口交易的磋商和出口合同的签订. Export Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract. General procedure in business negotiation Conclusion of the contract. General procedure in business negotiation. Counteroffer. Offer. Enquiry.

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Chapter 11: Export Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract

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  1. Chapter 11: Export Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract 出口交易的磋商和出口合同的签订 School of International Economics

  2. Export Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract • General procedure in business negotiation • Conclusion of the contract School of International Economics

  3. General procedure in business negotiation Counteroffer Offer Enquiry Acceptance Offer and Acceptance are the necessary procedures School of International Economics

  4. General procedure in business negotiation • Enquiry 询盘 • Enquiry are usu. made by the buyers without engagement (无约束力) to get information about the goods to be ordered, such as quality, quantity, price, delivery date and other terms. • 指交易的一方准备购买或出售某种商品,向对方询问买卖该商 品的有关交易条件。询盘的内容可涉及:价格、规格、品质、数量、包装、装运以 及索取样品等,而多数只是询问价格。所以,业务上常把询盘 称作询价。 School of International Economics

  5. General procedure in business negotiation • Kinds of Enquiry • “Invitation to make an offer”邀请发盘 • The enquiry is made by the buyer • “Invitation to make a bid”邀请递盘 • The enquiry is made by the seller School of International Economics

  6. Enquiry询盘 • “Invitation to make an offer”邀请发盘 • “PLEASE OFFER NORTHEAST SOYA BEAN”“东北大豆,请发盘”, • “BOOKABLE MAXAM BRAND DENTAL CREAM LARGE SIZE MAX 10000 GROSS PLS CBL LOWEST PRICE EARLIEST DELIVERY TIME” School of International Economics

  7. Enquiry询盘 • “Invitation to make a bid”邀请递盘 • “NORTHEAST SOYA BEAN AVAILABLE PLEASE BID”“东北大豆可供,请递盘”, • “CAN SUPPLY MAXAM BRAND DENTAL CREAM USD0.50 PER PC MAR SHPMT CBL RESP IF INTERESTED” School of International Economics

  8. General procedure in business negotiation • Attention when making Enquiry • The buyers should not give away his real intentions in the Enquiry • Can ask for more information besides the prices of the goods • Will not bind upon both parties • Enquiries should be brief, specific, courteous and reasonable • Can be taken as an integral part of the documents and as evidence to handle the disputes School of International Economics

  9. General procedure in business negotiation • Offer 发盘也称报盘、发价、报价 • A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. • 根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约: “向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如果十 分确定并且表明发盘人在得到接受时承受约束的意旨,即构成发 盘。 School of International Economics

  10. General procedure in business negotiation • Parties in Offer • Offeror (发盘人): the party who makes an offer • A selling offer (卖方发盘): the offeror is the seller • A buying offer or bid (买方发盘或递盘): the offeror is the buyer • Offeree (受盘人): the party who receives an offer School of International Economics

  11. General procedure in business negotiation • Kinds of Offer • Firm offer 实盘 • Non-firm offer 虚盘 School of International Economics

  12. Kinds of Offer • Firm offer 实盘 • Is a promise to sell goods at a stated price, usu. within a stated period of time. • The contents of a firm offer: • An exact description of the goods • Mode of the payment • Terms of delivery • The valid period for the offer School of International Economics

  13. Kinds of Offer • Example of a Firm offer • “OFFER 300 M/T LIQUID GLUCOSE WATER CLEAR 45°- 46 ° (液体葡萄糖水清色) PACKED IN IRON DRUMS OF 300KGS, EACH STERLING 1000 CFR ROTTERDAM SHIPMENT MARCH/APRILIRREVOCABLE SIGHT L/C REPLY HERE 10TH OUR TIME.” School of International Economics

  14. Kinds of Offer • Non-firm offer 虚盘 • Is an offer without engagement. • In most cases, the contents are not clear and definite, the main terms and conditions are not complete. School of International Economics

  15. Kinds of Offer • Example of a non-firm offer • “OFFER NORTHEAST CHINA SOYBEAN 10000 M/T OUR REFERENCE PRICE (参考价格) USD300 PER M/T FOB DALIAN SUBJECT TO OUR FINAL CONFIRMATION.” (“以我方最后确认为准”)。 School of International Economics

  16. General procedure in business negotiation • Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Shall be made to one or more specific persons • Shall indicate the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance • Contents of the offer shall be definite, i.e. trade terms of the offer shall be complete, clear and final • Shall be sent to the offeree and contain the term of validity School of International Economics

  17. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Shall Be Made to One or More Specific Persons应向一个或一个以上特定的人提出 • “Commercial advertising”? (商业广告) School of International Economics

  18. Commercial Advertising VS Offer 大陆法:不得视为发盘 英美法:只要内容确定,在某些场合下也可以视为发盘 《公约》:非向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的建议,仅应视为邀请发盘,除非提出建议的人明确地表示相反的意向。 School of International Economics

  19. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Shall indicate the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance 必须表明发盘人对其发盘一旦被接受即受约束的意思 • Indicate by terms as “firm” offer, “offer with engagement”(实盘), etc. School of International Economics

  20. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Contents of the offer shall be definite, i.e. trade terms of the offer shall be complete, clear and final 发盘内容必须十分确定:发盘内容的确定性体现在发盘中所列的条件是否是完整的、明确的和终局的。 School of International Economics

  21. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Complete offer 完整 • An agreement on “general terms and conditions” in advance • The main trade terms in the offer same as the previous ones • Form certain trade practices which are known to the two parties School of International Economics

  22. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Clear offer 明确 • No terms such as • “the price is only for your reference” or • “delivery may be made in August or in September” School of International Economics

  23. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Final offer 终局或无保留 • Without any restrictive conditions, such as • “subject to our final confirmation” • “subject to prior sale” • “without engagement” School of International Economics

  24. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Shall be sent to the offeree and contain the term of validity 送达受盘人并规定有效期 。 • An offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree. 发盘于送达受盘人时生效 • An offer is terminated until the date of validity stipulated in the offer. School of International Economics

  25. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Validity of an Offer 发盘的有效期 • If an offer doesn’t clearly stipulate the time of validity, it will be effective within a reasonable time. (合理时间内有效) • An oral offer, unless otherwise agreed, must be accepted immediately unless the circumstances indicate otherwise. (口头发盘,如无约定,仅当场有效). School of International Economics

  26. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Methods to stipulate time of Validity • Stipulate the latest date for acceptance • Stipulate a period of time for acceptance • Not stipulate clearly the time of validity School of International Economics

  27. Methods to stipulate time of Validity • Stipulate the latest date for acceptance 规定最迟接受的时间 • “OFFER SUBJECT TO REPLY HERE TENTH” • “OFFER VALID TILL TENTH OUR TIME” School of International Economics

  28. Methods to stipulate time of Validity • Stipulate a period of time for acceptance 规定一段接受时间 • Example : “OFFER VALID FOR THREE DAYS” • In a telegram or a letter begins from the moment the telegram is handed in for dispatch or from the date shown on the letter or, if no such date is shown, from the date shown on the envelope. • By telephone, telex or other means of instantaneous (即时的) communication, begins from the moment the offer reaches the offeree. School of International Economics

  29. Methods to stipulate time of Validity • Stipulate a period of time for acceptance • “Official holidays or non-business days are included in calculating the period.” • “If a notice of acceptance cannot be delivered at the address of the offeror on the last day of the period because that days falls on an official holiday or a non-business day at the place of business of the offeror, the period is extended until the first business day which follows.”如果最后一天为发盘人的非营业日而不能送达,则顺延至下一个营业日。 School of International Economics

  30. Methods to stipulate time of Validity • Not stipulate clearly the time of validity • “OFFER… REPLY BY TELEX” • “OFFER… CABLE REPLY IMMEDIATELY” School of International Economics

  31. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Withdrawal or Revocation of an Offer发盘的撤回或撤销 • Difference between the “withdrawal” and “revocation”. (撤回”和“撤销”属于两个不同的概 念) • Different countries have different explanations • Stipulation by “The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods”. School of International Economics

  32. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Withdrawal of an Offer 发盘的撤回 • An offer, even if it is irrevocable, may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer. • 《公约》规定:“一项发盘,即使是不可撤销的,也可以撤回,如果撤回的通知在发盘到达受盘人之前或同时到达受盘人。” School of International Economics

  33. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Revocation of an Offer 发盘撤销 • “Until a contract is concluded, an offer may be revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance.” • “An offer can not be revoked: • If it indicates, that it is irrevocable, or • If it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer.” School of International Economics

  34. 发盘的撤销 • 《公约》第16条规定: (1)在未订立合同之前,发盘可以撤销,如果撤销的通知于受盘人发出接受通知之前送达受盘人 (2)但在下列情况下,发盘不得撤销: (a)发盘中写明了发盘的有效期或以其它方式表明发盘是不可撤销的;或 (b)受盘人有理由信赖该发盘是不可撤销的,而且受盘人已本着对该发盘的信赖行事 School of International Economics

  35. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Termination of an Offer 发盘终止 • The time validity stipulated in the offer becomes due 过了有 效期 • The offeree rejects or makes a counter offer 对方拒绝或还盘 • The offerer revokes the offer before acceptance 发盘人作了有效的撤销。 School of International Economics

  36. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Counter-offer 还盘 • A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer. • 指受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘人在发盘中提出的条件,为了进一步协商,对发盘提出修改意见或附加条件。 School of International Economics

  37. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Counter-offer 还盘 • If the additional or different terms do not materially(非实质性变更) alter the terms of the offer constitutes an acceptance, unless the offeror, objects orally to the discrepancy or dispatches a notice to that effect. • If he does not so object, the terms of the contract are the terms of the offer with the modifications contained in the acceptance. School of International Economics

  38. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Acceptance 接受 • A statement made by … or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not in itself amount to acceptance. • 指受盘人接到对方的发盘或还盘后,同意对方提出的条件,愿意与对方达成交易,并及时以声明或行为表示出来。在法律上称作承诺。缄默或不行动不构成接受。 School of International Economics

  39. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Four conditions for a valid Acceptance • Acceptance shall be made by a specific offeree. (须由受盘人作出)。 • Be declared in certain ways, orally or in a written form (接受必须口头或书面表示出来)。 • Reach the offeror within the time of validity. (必须在发盘规定的时效内作出)。 • Shall be in accordance with the offer. (必须是无条件的)。 School of International Economics

  40. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Time of validity for Acceptance接受生效的时间 • “At the moment the letter is dropped in the mail box, the contract is formed”.”投邮主义” • The British laws and the American Laws 英美法系 • “It is in operation until received by the offeror”“到达主义” • Law of continental countries 大陆法系 • “An acceptance of an offer becomes effective at the moment the indication of assent reaches the offeror.” • “the United Nations Convention…“公约:到达时生效。 School of International Economics

  41. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Late Acceptance 逾期接受 • Is generally considered invalid. • Is effective if without delay the offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a notice to that effect. 《公约》规定:如果发盘人毫不迟延地用口头或书面通知受盘人,确认该接受有效,则该逾期接受仍有接受的效力. • In case of delayed transmission 如果接受的逾期是由于传递不正常而造成的 School of International Economics

  42. Four Basic Conditions For an Offer • Withdrawal of an Acceptance接受的撤回 • If the withdrawal reaches the offeror before or at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective. • 公约规定,在接受送达发盘人之前,受盘人将撤回接受的通知送达发盘人,或两者同时送达,则接受可以撤回。 School of International Economics

  43. 国际贸易实务 第十一章 案例: 一法国商人于某日上午走访我国外贸企业洽购某商品。我方口头发盘后,对方未置可否,当日下午法商再次来访表示无条件接受我方上午的发盘,那时,我方已获知该项商品的国际市场价格有趋涨的迹象。对此,你认为我方应如何处理为好,为什么?

  44. 国际贸易实务 第十一章 分析: 中国与法国均系《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》缔约国,洽谈过程中,双方对《公约》均未排除或作出任何保留。因此,双方当事人均应受该《公约》约束。按《公约》规定:对口头要约,须立即接受方能成立合同。据此,我方鉴于市场有趋涨迹象,可以予以拒绝或提高售价继续洽谈。

  45. 国际贸易实务 第十一章 案例 我出口企业对意大利某商人发盘限10日复到有效,9日意商人用电报通知我方接受该发盘,由于电报局传递延误,我方于11日上午才收到对方的接受通知,而我方在收到接受通知前获悉市场价格已上涨,对此,我方应如何处理?

  46. 国际贸易实务 第十一章 分析: 中国与意大利均系《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》缔约国,该案双方洽谈过程中,均未排除或作出任何保留,因此,双方当事人均应受《公约》约束。我方于11月收到意商的接交电报属因传递延误而造成的逾期接受。因此,如我方不能同意此项交易,应即复电通知对方:我方原发盘已经失效。如我方鉴于其他原因,愿按原发盘达成交易,订立合同,可回电确信,也可不予答复,予以默认。

  47. 国际贸易实务 第十一章 案例 (1)我某公司向法国一客户发盘,后者很快回复,接受,但价格降至15美圆,我方不给理睬,而是以高价卖给了其他客户,法国商人坚持合同有效。最后诉诸法律,结果怎样? (2)我某公司向美国一客户发盘,后者很快回复,接受,但要求提供产地证明,我方不给理睬,而是以高价卖给了其他客户,商人坚持合同有效。最后诉诸法律,结果怎样?

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