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Gas Phase Transport

Gas Phase Transport.

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Gas Phase Transport

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  1. Gas Phase Transport VLEACH, A One-Dimensional Finite Difference Vadose Zone Leaching Model, Version 2.2 – 1997. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division, Ada, Oklahoma. Šimůnek, J., M. Šejna, and M.T. van Genuchten. 1998. The HYDRUS-1D software package for simulating the one-dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably-saturated media. Version 2.0, IGWMC - TPS - 70, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, 202pp., 1998. Principal Sources:

  2. Effective Diffusion • Tortuosity (T = Lpath/L) and percolation (2D)

  3. Total Mass • At Equilibrium:

  4. Henry’s Law • Dimensionless: • Common: atm m3 mol-1

  5. VLEACH • VLEACH simulates vertical transport by advection in the liquid phase and by gaseous diffusion in the vapor phase

  6. VLEACH • VLEACH describes the movement of solutes within and between three different phases: • solute dissolved in water • gas in the vapor phase • adsorbed compound in the solid phase • Equilibration between phases based on distribution coefficients

  7. Processes are conceptualized as occurring in a number of distinct, user-defined polygons that are vertically divided into a series of user-defined cells

  8. Voronoi Polygons/Diagram • Voronoi_polygons • close('all') • clear('all') • axis equal • x = rand(1,100); y = rand(1,100); • voronoi(x,y)

  9. The polygons may differ in soil properties, recharge rate, and depth to water • However, within each polygon homogeneous conditions are assumed except for contaminant concentration, which can vary between layered cells • Hence, VLEACH can account for heterogeneities laterally but does not simulate vertical heterogeneity • During each time step the migration of the contaminant within and between vertically adjacent cells is calculated

  10. Chemical Parameters • Organic Carbon Partition Coefficient (Koc) = 100 ml/g • Henry’s Law Constant (KH) = 0.4 (Dimensionless) • Free Air Diffusion Coefficient (Dair) = 0.7 m2/day • Aqueous Solubility Limit (Csol) = 1100 mg/l

  11. Soil Parameters • Bulk Density (rb) = 1.6 g/ml • Porosity (f) = 0.4 • Volumetric Water Content (q) = 0.3 • Fraction Organic Carbon Content (foc) = 0.005

  12. Environmental Parameters • Recharge Rate (q) = 1 ft/yr • Concentration of TCE in Recharge Water = 0 mg/l • Concentration of TCE in Atmospheric Air = 0 mg/l • Concentration of TCE at the Water Table = 0 mg/l

  13. Computational Parameters • Length of Simulation Period (STIME) = 500 years • Time Step (DELT) = 10 years • Time Interval for Writing to .OUT file (PTIME) = 100 yrs • Time Interval for Writing to .PRF file (PRTIME) = 250 yrs • Size of a Cell (DELZ) = 1.0 ft • Number of Cells (NCELL) = 50 • Number of Polygons (NPOLY) = 1

  14. Output

  15. Mass loading to ground water

  16. Something missing?

  17. Dispersion! • Dispersivity is implicit in the cell size (Dl) and equal to Dl/2 (Bear 1972) • Numerical dispersion but can be used appropriately

  18. Dispersion M.C. Sukop. 2001. Dispersion in VLEACH and similar models. Ground Water 39, No. 6, 953-954.

  19. Hydrus

  20. Hydrus • Solves • Richards’ Equation • Fickian solute transport • Sequential first order decay reactions

  21. Governing Equation Provide linkage with preceding members of the chain

  22. Hydrus Input Files

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