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Production of Engineered long-life and male-sterile Pelargonium plants

Explore the production of male-sterile and long-lived Pelargonium plants using genetic engineering to create allergen-free varieties. Discover the benefits of delayed senescence and anther ablation in Pelargonium cultivation.

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Production of Engineered long-life and male-sterile Pelargonium plants

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  1. Production of Engineered long-life and male-sterile Pelargonium plants

  2. Key Words - Pelargonium zonale and Pelargonium peltatum - pSAG12 and PsEND1 promoter - Engineered long-lived and male sterile plants - ipt gene: expressed in long-living plants - Barnase: gene expressed in pollen free plants - Agrobacteriumtumefaciens - Delayed senescence - Anther ablation: abnormalities in anther production

  3. Background - Flowering plant - Grown in Europe since 17th century - More than 200 species of Pelargonium -Cultivars: P. zonale and P. peltatum is the most popular. - Species of Pelargonium are considered important in: Market of ornamental plants Perfume industry

  4. Background Pelargonium Breeds

  5. Pelargonium breeders produce new flower colors, shapes and market quality plants via gene transfer Long-living plants Allergen-Free house plants

  6. Plant Manufacturers • Agrobacteriumtumefaciens • - Crown Gall Disease • - Important in gene transfer

  7. Regeneration of plants - In vitro regeneration system - Pelargonium zonaleexplant used as a starting materials. P. zonale – organogenesis - shoots Two new traits in P. zonale Long-life plants Male sterility Promoter used: pSAG12 – Senescence-specific gene promoter PsEND1 promoter – Anther specific promoter

  8. Plant senescence - Study of aging in plants - pSAG12 promoter fuses with ipt gene which has an ipt enzyme - Produce more cytokinin - Delayed Senescence

  9. Influence of pSAG12:ipt

  10. Male Sterile Plants Why are they important? eliminates pollen allergens Prevents gene flow of GM material and related plant species.

  11. Elimination of pollen allergens • Anther tissues are necessary • No pollen grains in ablated anthers • Barnase destroys cells for structural tissues

  12. RESULTS pSAG12::ipt transgenic plants Delayed leaf senscence Increased branching Smaller flowers Intense coloration Transgenic lines with PsEND1::barnase No pollen grains in anther structures

  13. References BioMed Central Limited (2012, August 29). No more sneezing: Allergen-free house plants. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 18, 2012, from http://www.sciencedaily.com­ /releases/2012/08/120831083315.htm BioMed Central Limited (31 August 2012). Production of engineered long-life and male sterile Pelargonium plants. [Research Article] Available at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/156 . [Last Accessed 18 November 2012]. Biomedcentral.com (2012) www.biomedcentral.com - Figure. [online] Available at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2229/12/156/figure/F5 [Accessed: 27 Nov 2012]. Maria Lis-Balchin, (2007). Geranium and Pelargonium: The Genera Geranium and Pelargonium. 1st ed. New York: Taylor & Francis. Mary Spink. Growing Pelargoniums. [ONLINE] Available at: : http://www.swanlandnurseries.co.uk/culturalnotes.asp. [Last Accessed 18 November 2012]. Scielo.cl (2007) Electronic Journal of Biotechnology - Influence of 2,4-D and BAP on callus growth and the subsequent regeneration of somatic embryos in long-term cultures of Pelargonium xdomesticum cv. Madame Layal. [online] Available at: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-34582007000100007 [Accessed: 18 Nov 2012].

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