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Agenda MODERN General Meetings November 9 & 10 Catania, Italy Version: 1.0. WP1: Giuliana Gangemi WP2: Andr é Juge WP3: Wilmar Heuvelman WP4: Davide Pandini WP5: Loris Vendrame Coordinator: Jan van Gerwen. Contents. Agenda Tuesday Agenda Wednesday WP2 meeting WP3 meeting WP4 meeting.
AgendaMODERN General Meetings November 9 & 10Catania, ItalyVersion: 1.0 WP1: Giuliana Gangemi WP2: André Juge WP3: Wilmar Heuvelman WP4: Davide Pandini WP5: Loris Vendrame Coordinator: Jan van Gerwen
Contents • Agenda Tuesday • Agenda Wednesday • WP2 meeting • WP3 meeting • WP4 meeting MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
Tuesday Nov. 9, 09:00 – 18.00 hours • 09:00 Kick off (JvG) – all (see next slide for dial-in details) • Welcome • House keeping and other practical information • Request to WP meetings: prepare for General Meeting tomorrow • Review Feedback • Exchange of results between WPs • Plan for remainder of the project • 10:00 WP1 (GG) – all • Address (as preparation for the meeting tomorrow): • Show link between all the separate tasks and the overall project goals • Show link between the various tasks contributing to the demonstrators • WP1 agenda • 10:30 Separate WP2 (AJ), WP3 (WH) and WP4 (DP) meetings (in parallel) • Address (as preparation for the meeting tomorrow): • Show link between all the separate tasks and the overall project goals • Show link between the various tasks contributing to the demonstrators • WP agenda • 12:00 Lunch • 13:30 Continued WP2, WP3 and WP4 meetings (in parallel) • 15:30 Coffee break • 16:00 Continued WP2, WP3 and WP4 meetings (in parallel) • 18:00 Closure MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
Tuesday Nov. 9, 09:00 – 10:30 Kick off Wednesday Nov. 10, 08:30 - 17:00 First room Audio Conference code Telephone-ONLY access: Dial-in numbers: TINA: 067 5000 or LOCAL COUNTRY number below / or United Kingdom Toll +44 (0) 208 1181096 2. Enter the conference code: 6785652# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the meeting, Click here [alternative to netmeeting if external participant] Need help? Contact tech support - available 24/7 + Support Email @ iumsupport@intercalleurope.com Need to present? Install full version (only necessary for presenter capabilities) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional conference dial-in numbers: (Can’t see the complete list? View all telephone numbers) Dial-in numbers: Austria: 0800005994 Vienna 019287547 Denmark: 80889200 Copenhagen 32711698 France: 0805102723 Paris 0170732720 Greece: 00800128144 Italy: 800987314 Milan 0236046238 Netherlands: 08000235088 Amsterdam 0207143537 Spain: 800300952 Madrid 914143676 Switzerland: 0800900331 Geneva 0225803227 Zurich 0445804034 United Kingdom: 08082380652 02081181096 08445790592 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
Wednesday Nov. 10, 08:30 - 17:00 • 08:30 MODERN Status (JvG) - all • Project management: consortium, progress, amendments and funding problems • Overview of deliverables and milestones status • First Year Review • Consolidated review report • Feedback from reviewers • Discussion: link between all the separate tasks and the overall project goals and link between the various tasks contributing to the demonstrators (Gantt chart) • Plan for remainder of the project • 10:00 Exchange of results between WPs (each 30 min.) • 10:00 WP1 (GG) • 10:30 WP2 (AJ) • 11:00 WP3 (WH) • 11:30 WP4 (DP) • 12:00 Lunch • 13.30 WP5 meeting (LV) – all • WP5 agenda (reviewers: structuring, goal and objectives of demonstrators; show capabilities and innovative aspects) • 16:00 Wrap up (JvG), Other issues, Q&A – all • 17:00 Closure MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
Tuesday Nov. 9, 10:30 – 18:00 WP2 MeetingFirst room Audio Conference code Telephone-ONLY access: Dial-in numbers: TINA: 067 5000 or LOCAL COUNTRY number below / or United Kingdom Toll +44 (0) 208 1181096 2. Enter the conference code: 6785652# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the meeting, Click here [alternative to netmeeting if external participant] Need help? Contact tech support - available 24/7 + Support Email @ iumsupport@intercalleurope.com Need to present? Install full version (only necessary for presenter capabilities) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional conference dial-in numbers: (Can’t see the complete list? View all telephone numbers) Dial-in numbers: Austria: 0800005994 Vienna 019287547 Denmark: 80889200 Copenhagen 32711698 France: 0805102723 Paris 0170732720 Greece: 00800128144 Italy: 800987314 Milan 0236046238 Netherlands: 08000235088 Amsterdam 0207143537 Spain: 800300952 Madrid 914143676 Switzerland: 0800900331 Geneva 0225803227 Zurich 0445804034 United Kingdom: 08082380652 02081181096 08445790592 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
Agenda: Tuesday Nov. 9 WP2 meeting MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 10:30-11:00 Start WP2 meeting, Introduction Andre Juge (STF2) 11:00-11:30 Presentation T2.1, Valeria Cinnera (STI) 11:30-12:00 Presentation T2.2, A. Asenov or Gareth Roy (UNGL) 12:00-14:00 Lunch 13:30-14:00 Presentation T2.3, Hans Tuinhout (NXP) 14:00-15:30 Presentation T2.4, Jong Mun Park (AMS) 15:30-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-16:30 Presentation T2.5, Paolo Pavan (UNET-MI) 16:30-17:30 Discussion, work on Matrix, Gantt chart, relations other WP’s tasks and project goals 17:30-18:00 Wrap up: Feedback to general meeting Nov.10
WP2 meetingDomain overview per task and partner • PV aware tools and methods are of common interest; they are developped and applied to a wide spectrum of technologies (Project book rev2 v2.4.1). • Significant communalities of technology targets, except different ones for Process and Device simulation. MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
WP2 MeetingT2.X presentation MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 Short technical summary on progress, per activity What input is required for each sub task (may be self provided or abstract level) What is the output, how can it be used by others Clarify relation of activity with other Task/WP/activity/partner (may be potential) Define subtasks (2-3) with milestones per activity
Tuesday Nov. 9, 10:30 – 18:00 WP3 Meeting Second room Audio Conference code Telephone-ONLY access: Dial-in numbers: TINA: 067 5000 or LOCAL COUNTRY number below / or United Kingdom Toll +44 (0) 208 1181096 2. Enter the conference code: 2880404# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the meeting, Click here [alternative to netmeeting if external participant] Need help? Contact tech support - available 24/7 + Support Email @ iumsupport@intercalleurope.com Need to present? Install full version (only necessary for presenter capabilities) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional conference dial-in numbers: (Can’t see the complete list? View all telephone numbers) Dial-in numbers: Austria: 0800005994 Vienna 019287547 Denmark: 80889200 Copenhagen 32711698 France: 0805102723 Paris 0170732720 Greece: 00800128144 Italy: 800987314 Milan 0236046238 Netherlands: 08000235088 Amsterdam 0207143537 Spain: 800300952 Madrid 914143676 Switzerland: 0800900331 Geneva 0225803227 Zurich 0445804034 United Kingdom: 08082380652 02081181096 08445790592 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
Agenda: Tuesday Nov. 9 WP3 meeting MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 11 10:30-11:00 Start WP3 meeting, Introduction by Wilmar Heuvelman 11:00-11:30 Presentation T3.1, Michel Berkelaar 11:30-12:00 Presentation T3.2, Igor Loi 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:00 Presentation T3.3, Massimo Poncino (will dial in) 14:00-14:30 Presentation T3.4, Rick Janssen (will dial in) 14:30-15:30 Discussion, work on Matrix, Gantt chart, relations other WP’s tasks and project goals 15:30-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-17:00 Continued Discussion, wrap up 11
WP3 meetingDomain overview per task and partner MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 12 12
WP3 MeetingT3.X presentation MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 Short technical summary on progress, per activity What input is required for each sub task (may be self provided or abstract level) What is the output, how can it be used by others Clarify relation of activity with other Task/WP/activity/partner (may be potential) Define subtasks (2-3) with milestones per activity 13
Tuesday Nov. 9, 10:30 – 18:00 WP4 MeetingThird room Audio Conference code Telephone-ONLY access: Dial-in numbers: TINA: 067 5000 or LOCAL COUNTRY number below / or United Kingdom Toll +44 (0) 208 1181096 2. Enter the conference code: 1880679# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the meeting, Click here [alternative to netmeeting if external participant] Need help? Contact tech support - available 24/7 + Support Email @ iumsupport@intercalleurope.com Need to present? Install full version (only necessary for presenter capabilities) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional conference dial-in numbers: (Can’t see the complete list? View all telephone numbers) Dial-in numbers: Austria: 0800005994 Vienna 019287547 Denmark: 80889200 Copenhagen 32711698 France: 0805102723 Paris 0170732720 Greece: 00800128144 Italy: 800987314 Milan 0236046238 Netherlands: 08000235088 Amsterdam 0207143537 Spain: 800300952 Madrid 914143676 Switzerland: 0800900331 Geneva 0225803227 Zurich 0445804034 United Kingdom: 08082380652 02081181096 08445790592 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
Agenda: Tuesday Nov. 9th WP4 Meeting MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 15 • 10:30-10.40 Start WP4 meeting: Introduction by Davide PANDINI • 10.40-11:00 Presentation T4.1 Edith BEIGNE (dial in) • Deliverable D4.1.1 Partners: LETI, UPC • 11:00-11:40 Presentation T4.2 Jordi CORTADELLA (dial in) • Deliverable D4.2.2 Partners: TMPO, LETI, TKL • Deliverable D4.2.3 Partners: ELX, POLI, ST I • 11.40-12.00 Presentation T4.3 Stratos POLITIS (dial in) • Deliverable D4.3.2 Partners: NMX • 12:00-14:00 Lunch • 14.00-14.20 Presemtation T4.3 Stratos POLITIS (dial in) • Deliverable D4.3.3 Partners: ISD • 14:20-15.00 Presentation T4.4 Roberto CANEGALLO • Deliverable D4.4.1 Partners: UPC, TMPO • Deliverable D4.4.2 Partners: ST I, UNBO • 15:00-15:20 Presentation T4.5 Philippe MILLET • Deliverable D4.5.1 Partners: THL, LIRM • 15:20-15:30 Coffee break • 15:30-17:00 Discussion, work on Matrix, Gantt chart, relations other WP’s tasks and project goals 15
WP4 MeetingDomain Overview per Task and Partner MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 16
WP4 MeetingTechnology Overview per Task and Partner MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 17
WP5 MeetingWednesday Nov. 10 WP5 meeting 13.30-16.00 T5.X presentation MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 18 Short technical summary on progress, per activity Clarify relation of activity and links with the “mother” Task/WP/activity/partner (see the project relationship in next slides, direct links with “mother WPs have already been added in the last reports/review wrt the original full proposal to improve efficiency and cycle time) What is the output, the scope of the demonstrators, innovative aspects and perspectives (see reviewers’ comments in next slides) and address answer to reviewers’ comments Define a Gantt chart for demonstrator scheduling (e.g for silicon demonstrator: layout, mask request, silicon out [add technology node], testing: this will help to clarify committment w.r.t .deadlines and ‘external’ constraints: available runs of masks and lots.) 18
First Year Review Overall recommendation WP5 JvG: see Techn. Annex page 20 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 19
WP5: Relationship between workpackages MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 20
Agenda: Wednesday Nov. 10 WP5 meeting 13.30-16.00 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 21 13:30-13:40 Start WP3 meeting, Introduction by L. Vendrame 13:40-14:00 Presentation T5.1, moderator Ehrenfried Seebacher 14:00-14:50 Presentation T5.2, moderator Michael Fulde 14:50-15:00 Coffee break 15:00-15:20 Presentation T5.3, moderator … 15:20-16.00 Discussion, work on Matrix, Gantt chart, relations other WP’s tasks and project goals 16:00-17:00 PLENARY Wrap up (JvG), Other issues, Q&A – all and closure 21
MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010