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Solvay Schools Alumni ASBL

Solvay Schools Alumni ASBL. MBA graduation – 05 Oct 2013. Who are we? Introduction. Alumni association of all graduates from Solvay ULB and Solvay VUB 19.000 alumni from 45 different programs in economics and management sciences Profile :.

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Solvay Schools Alumni ASBL

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  1. Solvay Schools Alumni ASBL MBA graduation – 05 Oct 2013

  2. Who are we?Introduction • Alumni association of all graduates from Solvay ULB and Solvay VUB • 19.000 alumni from 45 different programs in economics and management sciences • Profile: • decision-makers: >30% senior executives or company owners • > 10 % abroad in more than 60 countries worldwide • 75% FR - 15% NL - 10% EN • all sector of activities

  3. Who are we?Solvay Graduates in figures (2011) INGE-Handelsingenieur: Business engineers

  4. The organizationStructure • President: • Christian Jourquin (ICS’71) • Former CEO of Solvay • Board of Directors : • 31 members + 15 mandate holders (volunteers) • Office team • Event coordinator & Finance: Fabienne Becker • IT & e-communication: Michael van Zeebroeck

  5. The servicesOffice Team support • Coordinator – Fabienne Becker • 02/650.35.51 • fabienne@solvayschoolsalumni.net • IT & Communication– Michaël van Zeebroeck • 02/650.67.12 • michael@solvayschoolsalumni.net “To support alumni initiative, answer requests, organize events,…” Where? 21 avenue Franklin Roosevelt Second floor

  6. The servicesAlumni Directory • On line updated and every two year printed directory with professional and personal data of +/- 19.000 Alumni • Alphabetically • By promotion • By company • By country • Value 500€

  7. The serviceswebsite • Online alumni database • Event Calendar & registration • Jobs offers • Pictures • Testimonials • From Solvay PDF • … www.solvay-alumni.net

  8. The servicesE-Newsletter • Sent monthly to alumni & friends • Presents the agenda of all upcoming events with direct links to register on-line • Job offers • News from the SBS-EM • Alumni talk to Alumni • …

  9. The servicesFrom Solvay Magazine • Quarterly edition • News from the school and its alumni • Includes 4 dedicated alumni pages: • Edito & News • Alumni events & Agenda • Sent to all alumni in Belgium and to members abroad • PDF on our web site

  10. The servicesCareer and people development • Job sessions • A group of professional recruiters share their experiences and provide advice and guidance to alumni. • Coaching • Thematic sessions offered on a monthly basis • Free of charge for members

  11. The servicesAmbassadors network • Act as relay between the association and its members: • Per Class/Promotion • Per Country • Per company • Encouragehis classmates to update their contact details in the alumni database • Promote the activities and, if he/she wishes to, propose or organize more activities, for the alumni in general or his classmates or fellow countrymen/women in particular

  12. The EventsClubs • Thematic clubs • a guest speaker and 30 to > 120 attendees • 1 to 6 conferences a year per club

  13. The EventsHigh level conferences

  14. The EventsNew Year Reception • Annual get-together at the beginning of each year • Networking platform • > 300 attendees January 12nd 2012 @ Belgacom

  15. The eventsCongress Next Edition October 2014 • A “Big event” every 2 years, with world-famous speakers and 1.200 attendees

  16. Membership fees • All students have free access to the Solvay Schools Alumni events and services • All graduated students have free access until 31 Dec, year of their graduation i.e. graduated in June 2013 gives you access until Dec 2013. • Solvay Schools Alumni annual Membership Fee • The annual membership of 100€ covers the calendar year from 1/01 to 31/12. • Membership is free under 27 year and reduced to 50€ for alumni of 27 and 28 year, alumni living abroad and for alumni from 65 years. • If your pay on behalf of your company, and therefore need an invoice, the "Company Membership" is 150€.

  17. The organizationOur offer to our Alumni • Services • Office team to support alumni initiative and answer requests • Alumni directory of the 19,000 alumni • Website with alumni database and job offers • Monthly e-newsletter • Alumni magazine within school magazine “From Solvay” • Career and people development services • Ambassadors network • Events • yearly +/- 30 events in Belgium • on a regular base, chapter meetings in F, Lux, CH, GB, and E • Commercial advantages • discount on executive education courses at SBS-EM, • Top management & Trends conferences, • Echo/Tijd & Trends special conditions

  18. MBA at Solvay Brussels school MBA graduation – 05 Oct 2013

  19. Prof. H. Pirotte

  20. “Until business schools teach future accounts and leaders how deep the connections are between business, society, nature, and the world, corporations will continue to be run by hollow leaders who have no sense of ethics or responsibility. • Accounting for performances is likely to remain too narrowly focused to be helpful in todays’ demanding environment.” • (André, 2008), Organizational Behaviour

  21. credits: http://latimerappleby.com/

  22. Last thought • “Of four standard managerial activities, only networking had a statistically significant relationship with being successful” • (André, 2008), Organizational behaviour

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