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Merchant of Venice . Act II Introductions and Questions. Scene 1: Meet the Prince of Morocco. Or Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Consider:. What characteristic does the Prince want Portia to ignore? What heroic feats does the Prince insist he can accomplish?
Merchant of Venice Act II Introductions and Questions
Consider: • What characteristic does the Prince want Portia to ignore? • What heroic feats does the Prince insist he can accomplish? • What is the Prince’s penalty if he chooses the wrong casket?
Scene 2, Lines 1-70 • Meet Lancelot, Shylock’s servant who imagines himself the hero of a morality play, caught between “the fiend” and his conscience:
Lancelot is the master of malapropisms • Using the wrong word in place of a word that sounds similar: • “I resemble that remark” • Lancelot says, “The Jew is the devil incarnation.” What does he mean? • He also says, “I will try confusions with him (his father) when he means conclusions or experiements. • Lancelot’s father, Gobbo, who is half-blind or “sandblind” also uses malapropisms.
Scene 2, Lines 71-end • More malapropisms: • “He hath a great infection” instead of affection • “Shall fructify unto you” insead of notify • “This is the very defect” rather than effect • Other Terms: • “Gramercy” means thank you • “Scarce cater-cousins” means hardly good friends. • Notice how Lancelot and Gobbo compete to tell the same story
Scenes 3 and 4 • Meet Shylock’s daughter, Jessica • Whom does she love? • Why does she want to run away from home? • Gratiano, Lorenzo, Salarino, and Solano plan to attend a Masque (entertainment with music, disguises, dancing, torches, etc.) Remember Romeo and Juliet?
Masque • Notice how masks reveal personality
Scene 5: Home Alone • While the cat’s away (Shylock), the mice (Jessica and Lorenzo) will play… • Notice Shylock’s dream
Scene 6 • Jessica elopes with Lorenzo after giving him her father’s treasure • This scene includes some romantic lines, so pay attention! • Notice the convention: Jessica is disguised as a boy!
Scene 7 • The Prince of Morocco will chose a casket! • Notice the inscription on each one. • Which one does the Prince choose?
Famous quotation • “All that glisters is not gold.” How have we changed the wording of this famous quotation? What does it mean?