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Knee Taping

Knee Taping. Acute Care Lab Krzyzanowicz -Spring ‘10. Anatomy. Femur Main upper leg bone (thigh bone) Tibia Main weight lower leg bone Medial malleolus comes off of this Mensici sit on the tibia Fibula Non-weight bearing bone on the lateral aspect of the leg

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Knee Taping

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Knee Taping Acute Care Lab Krzyzanowicz-Spring ‘10

  2. Anatomy • Femur • Main upper leg bone (thigh bone) • Tibia • Main weight lower leg bone • Medial malleolus comes off of this • Mensici sit on the tibia • Fibula • Non-weight bearing bone on the lateral aspect of the leg • Lateral malleolus comes off of this

  3. Anatomy

  4. Ligaments • Joint capsule • Protects the ligaments inside • Peanut shell protecting the peanut inside • Can sprain/injure the capsule • Cruciate Ligaments • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) • Limits anterior movement of the tibia as well as rotation • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) • Limits posterior movement of the tibia as well as rotation • Both inside the joint capsule

  5. Cruciate Ligaments ACL injury PCL injury

  6. Collateral Ligaments/Menisci • Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) • On the medial aspect of the knee • Prevents valgus force of the knee • Most often sprained ligament • Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) • On the lateral aspect of the knee • Prevents varus force of the knee • More difficult to sprain than MCL • Meniscus • Help provide cushion for the joint • Fairly common to injure

  7. Collateral Ligaments/Menisci Collateral ligaments Meniscus

  8. Collateral Ligament Taping • Standing, knee in about 30 degrees of flexion • Two anchors about mid-thigh • Two anchors about mid-calf • Create a fan (elastic tape) • Places one strip down center of joint • Places one strip from anterior leg, crossing joint • Places one strip from posterior leg, crossing joint • All pulling distal to proximal • Anchor after every strip • May need to repeat elastic tape strips, if not tight enough

  9. Collateral Ligament Taping

  10. Collateral Ligament Taping

  11. Knee Hyperextension • Standing-knee flexed to about 30 degrees • Two anchor strips mid-thigh • Two anchor strips mid-calf • Heel-lace pad in the poplitealfossa (prevents irritation) • Elastic strip down the middle of the knee • Elastic strip from lateral knee crossing the joint • Elastic strip from medial knee crossing the joint • Anchor strips after each piece of tape • Pull distal to proximal • May need to repeat elastic strips to prevent hyperextension

  12. Knee Hyperextension

  13. Knee Hyperextension

  14. McConnell Tape • Used to prevent excessive movement of the patella • Very expensive tape • First must determine which way the patella is moving • Chose the correct taping method to correct the problem

  15. McConnell Tape • Place cover roll over the patella • Places a piece of leukotape over mid-patella and pulls medially-to the femoral condyle • Places leukotape over lateral border of patella and pulls medially to medial femoral condyle • Corrects any rotations that may be occurring • Place leukotape over mid-patella and pull to opposite shoulder of the rotation • May not need to do this steps • Repeats any steps above if needed

  16. McConnell Tape

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