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Beowulf Status

Beowulf Status. Ownership Hreidar January 2006. Hreidar 89 nodes Prof. M. Troyer 32 nodes Prof. R. Aebersold 16 nodes Prof. J. Stelling 7 nodes Prof. H. Oettinger 32 nodes: ID central part Total of 176 nodes (352 processors). Ownership Gonzales January 2006.

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Beowulf Status

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beowulf Status 30.1.06 :: Andreas Dudler

  2. Ownership Hreidar January 2006 Hreidar • 89 nodes Prof. M. Troyer • 32 nodes Prof. R. Aebersold • 16 nodes Prof. J. Stelling • 7 nodes Prof. H. Oettinger • 32 nodes: ID central part Total of 176 nodes (352 processors) 30.1.06 :: Andreas Dudler, Informatikdienste

  3. Ownership Gonzales January 2006 Gonzales (up an running since April 2005) • 38 nodes Prof. R. Hiptmair • 12 nodes D-INFK (Prof. Koumoutsakos) • 16 nodes Prof. S. Lilly • 16 nodes Prof. M. Troyer • 16 nodes Prof. M. Carollo • 62 nodes central ID In installation: • 96 nodes Prof. Tackley • 32 nodes central ID Total of 288 nodes (576 processors) 30.1.06 :: Andreas Dudler, Informatikdienste

  4. Gonzales and Hreidar : Facts January 2006 Processors • 464 nodes (928 processors) • Total cost: 3.3 Mio CHF • 90% overall usage • Additional +/- 200 nodes in 2006 Facility Management • Power and heat are the biggest challenges Operations • Mixed model of “owned” and central part works pretty good • We would like to keep operations as flexible as possible Success Story • Do we want to publish our results and experiences 30.1.06 :: Andreas Dudler, Informatikdienste

  5. Hreidar Usage 30.1.06 :: Andreas Dudler, Informatikdienste

  6. Gonzales Usage 30.1.06 :: Andreas Dudler, Informatikdienste

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