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Entry Task

Entry Task. As you enter, please take a moment to place a blue dot on the continuum on the wall that represents your perception of the following: Consider each of our learning targets today…please indicate your level of understanding…you will need 4 dots! 1=Unsatisfactory 2=Basic

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Entry Task

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Entry Task As you enter, please take a moment to place a bluedot on the continuum on the wall that represents your perception of the following: Consider each of our learning targets today…please indicate your level of understanding…you will need 4 dots! 1=Unsatisfactory 2=Basic 3=Proficient 4= Distinguished

  2. ESD 113Regional Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project January 17, 2013

  3. Learning Targets • Name 2 reasons for shifts in evaluation practices. • Define the new criteria for teacher and principal evaluation. • Summarize the implications of moving to a four-tiered system for determining the final summative evaluation of teachers and principals. • Share the next steps of my district with other members of our educational community. At the end of today I will be able to…

  4. Supports

  5. Our Purpose • Support and district teams toward implementation of revised teacher and principal evaluation

  6. Big Ideas • The LAW, Rules and Guidelines • Role of Frameworks • Evidence beyond observations • Student Growth • Formative and summative feedback • Implementation

  7. Sessions Topics at a Glance

  8. Day at a glance

  9. Curriculum Assessment Instruction Leadership Systems of Intervention/Care Organizational Culture

  10. Curriculum Assessment WASL MSP HSPE EOC EALRs GLEs PEs Materials Alignment Common Core Instruction Certification Systems of Intervention/Care Leadership RTI Drop Out Prevention Certification Organizational Culture

  11. What are some thoughts, questions or concerns you have about the new evaluation system?

  12. Characteristics of effective teams • Clarity regarding purpose • Clarity regarding roles • Established supportive norms • Use of protocols

  13. Norms • Engage with peers and content • Demonstrate active listening • Share openly, honestly and respectfully • Have fun

  14. Our Purpose • Support and district teams toward implementation of revised teacher and principal evaluation

  15. District Leadership • How are bringing this information back? • What is your communication plan? • How are you training your folks? • Who did you bring with you? • Why did you choose these people? • How are you collecting information AND • How are you responding to it?

  16. Facts and Myths • Step 1- On your own • Step 2- With support of RCW • Step 3- As a team… What surprises emerged? What are the implications for your team’s work?

  17. And break…

  18. Ok, just follow directions…

  19. Gary Kipp Executive Director AWSPhttp://tpep-wa.org/trainingpd/cffs/ • E2SSB6696- new criteria, 4 tiered, growth model • ESSB5895 accountability • Principal criteria developed by AWSP – • “What responsibilities do principals have that lead to increased learning?” • Teacher criteria in 6696 • “What teacher actions will result in increased learning?” • Teacher and Principal criteria created separately • Connected through 5 themes

  20. Digging into the new criteria • Brain storm: What does effective instruction look like from a teacher’s perspective and from a student’s perspective? • Brain storm: What does effective leadership look like from a teacher’s perspective and a principal’s perspective? Yellow- Teacher Other- Principal

  21. Give one get one… • As a table team • Share and come to consensus on your brainstormed lists Teacher Principal

  22. TPEP Criteria Themes

  23. Sort • Now looking at the criteria (teacher then principal) • Sort your post-it notes into the categories of the state’s criteria

  24. Reflect • Which criteria did you ‘cover’ the most? • Which criteria did you not cover well? • Which of the criteria can be observed (in a planned session)? • Which criteria would require more evidence than observation? What are the implications for your team’s work?

  25. Framework For Teaching • Refers to the 3 instructional frameworks • Clear definition of teaching that reflects good teaching • Aspects of a teacher’s responsibilities • Based on research- validated • Comprehensive and Coherent • Universal application

  26. What are the 4 tiers? 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Basic 3. Proficient 4. Distinguished

  27. Digging even deeper • Criterion 2 • Review frameworks (yes all three) • How does each of these define the criterion? • What is the overarching similarity? • What are the differences? What are the implications for your team’s work?

  28. New Vocabulary • Instructional Framework • Definitions • Criterion/Criteria • Levels of Performance/ Scales • Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, Distinguished • Critical Attributes • Student Growth

  29. 5 Themes of Implementation

  30. Gotsta move from GOTCHA!

  31. Time to plan

  32. Homework Prior to February 19th: • Breath in an out (repeat if necessary). • Implement your 30 day plan. • Gather your team (virtually or otherwise) and reflect on your learning experience and needed support for next steps.

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