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GRI SSE Progress and Outlook

GRI SSE Progress and Outlook. Walter Boltz GRI SSE Co-Chair. XXI Madrid Forum 22nd and 23rd March 2012. TITRE. Geographical Scope of the GRI SSE. GRI SSE. Austria Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Greece Hungary Italy Poland Romania Slovakia Slovenia. XXI Madrid Forum. GRI SSE.

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GRI SSE Progress and Outlook

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  1. GRI SSEProgress and Outlook Walter Boltz GRI SSE Co-Chair XXI Madrid Forum 22nd and 23rd March 2012 TITRE

  2. Geographical Scope of the GRI SSE GRI SSE AustriaBulgariaCyprusCzech RepublicGreeceHungaryItalyPolandRomaniaSlovakiaSlovenia XXI Madrid Forum

  3. GRI SSE Progress and Ongoing work 2011-2014 Work Plan includes recommendations of XX. MF Further updates to reflect prioritization and new deliverables, based on stakeholder survey. Active participation in ACER GRI Coordination Group to report on progress Lack of involvement by some stakeholders and NRAs, high level of commitment from others Member state involvement should increase XXI Madrid Forum

  4. NB: Based on attendance of 5th/6th/7th/9th/10th/11th SG meetings – for illustration.

  5. Main Achievements (I) Succesful pilot project on early implementation of CAM: GATRAC platform Extension of GATRAC platform announced at December ’11 stakeholder group meeting GATRAC platform is already a cross-regional pilot project Day-ahead capacity auction pilot project introduced at AT/IT border following shipper consultation GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  6. Main Achievements (II) Studies on future market architecture scenarios launched CEGH on track to provide a cross-border connection to neighbouring market areas in cooperation with respective TSOs Sharing of experiences concerning infrastructure developments & SoS implementation in the region Survey on tansparency monitoring by NRAs started GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  7. Deliverables (I) GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum Increased harmonisation in the field of interoperability is particularly beneficial in GRI SSE region.

  8. Implementation of CBP 2003-001/01 Harmonisation of Units Red=milestone not implemented Yellow: partially implemented Green: fully implemented RO+BG+CY: No answers. (EASEE Gas Implementation Progress Review 2010) Pressure Energy Volume Gross Calorific Value

  9. Deliverables (II)

  10. Deliverables (III) GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  11. Deliverables (IV) GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  12. Deliverables (V)

  13. Deliverables (VI)

  14. Steps Forward Work on all deliverables is ongoing in 2012 with a focus on early implementation of CAM, with the further extension of the GATRAC platform, GTM implementation and infrastructure Full commitment from TSOs and stakeholders is required for early implementation pilots Strong cooperation needed between NRAs & between NRAs, TSOs and stakeholders to support implementation of pilot projects Sharing of best practices across regions will be promoted, especially on GATRAC platform. New opportunities for regional work due to policy developments (EIP) within existing priorities GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  15. Outlook and new deliverables: EIP Identification of potential PCI in the SSE region in 2012 Contact between GRI SSE and EC is established Stakeholders informed and invited to express interest Kick-off meeting to establish working group Identification of potential PCI by Q3 2012 Challenge due to geographical scope of regions: (GRI / GRIPS /EIP do not exactly coincide) GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  16. Outlook and new deliverables: Transparency Viewed mainly as an NRA responsibility Survey of NRA transparency monitoring activities in the region carried out NRAs asked to provide information on level of compliance with transparency requirements by TSOs Further investigations possible in a second step GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  17. Outlook and new deliverables: GTM Pilot project to identify possibilities for GTM implementation (market areas/trading regions) (1) One « macro level » study on possibilities for cross-border market integration in Europe Analysis of macroeconomic/welfare benefits of market integration – 2 case regions (2) One case study on identification of possible implementation steps of the measures proposed in the Gas Target Model Great potential for sharing outcome on a cross-regional level GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  18. Overview on the physical capacity utilization at IPs in Europe in 2011 ? PT ? ? ? DE • Physicalcapacityutilization (PCU) ismeasuredbycomparingactualphysicalflowswithdeclaredtechnicalcapacities (TC) on a dailyorhourlybasis. • The pierepresentsthepercentageof time of different PCU levels. • TC areusuallycalculatedforlongperiodsand do not considershorttermshorttermchanges in marketandnetworkconditions. • InterruptiblecapacitiesareonlyinterruptedatOberkappel. F CH LUX F H SL I

  19. Capacity utilization at Oberkappel • The actualutilizationofthe IP Oberkappelexceedsthedeclared TC formostofthe time. • An approximated TC hasbeendeterminedwhichis 90% ofthemonthlyaverageoftheallocatedcapacitiesduringcurtailmentperiods. • The TC of BOG isusually x% higherthantheapproximated TC.

  20. Preliminary conclusions • The actual utilization of the IPs in Europe is generally low, i.e. there are significant physical transmission capacities available at most Ips. • The NWE region seems to have significant excess capacities compared to today‘s utilization (2011). • The SWE region experienced unusually high utilization rates in 2011 at the IP in Larrau, most likely of the low temperatures during the winter 2011. • The SEE (around Austria) is relatively high loaded, but still significant capacities are available at many IPs. • The transmission requests (nominations) – although exceeding the calculated TCs - can be executed for most of the time. TSOs and regulators need to cooperate in the development of guidelines for TC calculation that are coherent with the expected utilization of the network. • The actually allocated capacity at Oberkappel was significantly below the TC declared by OGE. By investing in additional capacity in Germany only the capacity of the entire IP can be increased.

  21. Outlook and new deliverables: SoS Always considered a priority by stakeholders in the GRI SSE Sharing of preventive action plans and risk assessments, exchange of best practices Potential for sharing approach on a cross-regional level GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  22. Conclusions Governance structures to support work of lead regulators in their GRI Definition of pilot projects should be a bottom-up process from the regions with NRAs, TSOs and other stakeholders involved Involvement of Member states needs to be enhanced Commitment from all countries is necessary to achieve progress towards 2014 goals in the GRI SSE GRI SSE XXI Madrid Forum

  23. Thank you for your attention! Thank you for your attention www.acer.europa.eu

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