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Implementing It Does Matter

Implementing It Does Matter. Keith Dalton, M.A. Regional School Wellness Specialist. Learning Objectives. Review of bullying issues Discuss It Does Matter resources Examine RESA 2’s implementation, including tips for working with the media. Personal History.

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Implementing It Does Matter

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  1. ImplementingIt Does Matter Keith Dalton, M.A. Regional School Wellness Specialist

  2. Learning Objectives • Review of bullying issues • Discuss It Does Matter resources • Examine RESA 2’s implementation, including tips for working with the media.

  3. Personal History • Reporter and Copy Editor, 1992-1996, Bluefield Daily Telegraph • Health Promotion Specialist, 1996-1999, Mercer County Board of Health, with a focus on media and community relations • Public Information Specialist, 1999-2003, WV Tobacco Prevention Program • Public Relations Account Manager, 2003-2005, The Manahan Group • Tobacco/Wellness Specialist, 2005-2013, RESA 2

  4. Bullying Defined • Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior • Involves a real or perceived power imbalance • Behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time • Physical, emotional and oral or written (cyber)

  5. Why the new focus on bullying? • Increase in media coverage, specifically cyberbullying • Increase in parental and student sensitivity to bullying • Emphasis from U.S. Department of Education • Revision of state policies to reflect the new reality (Policy 4373) • New trends in bullying

  6. Sample News Articles … • “As Bullying Goes Digital, Parents Play Catch-Up.” New York Times, December 4, 2010. • “Kids Aren't Even Safe at Home Now Because of Social Networking.” The Sun, June 10, 2013. • “Impossibly Tragic Tween Suicide Blamed on Cyberbullying.” New York Magazine, May 23, 2013.

  7. Bottom Line • As our society grows increasingly dependent on new communication technologies, the new avenues in which bullying can occur threaten to outstrip the abilities of schools and parents to address the issue.

  8. Bullying in the School Setting • Disrupts learning environment • Creates emotional/social issues for victims and witnesses • Contributes to an overall negative school climate • Consumes administrative time and resources

  9. It Does Matter Online Content • Unveiled by the WVDE in October 2012. • Freely downloadable online content at itdoesmatterwv.com • Introductory packet to every school by November 1, 2012

  10. Online Content Continued

  11. Spotting Bullying • Explains Policy 4373 and gives responsibilities of counties and schools • State Code §18-2C-1 • Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act – does not prohibit bullying, but incidents may trigger anti-discrimination investigations • Cyberbullying Laws

  12. Anti-Bullying Rules • Provides bullying definition • What bullying is not: “Bullying is recurring and a deliberate abuse of power” • Examples of some things that are not bullying - not liking someone, single act of aggression, etc. • Section on cyberbullying

  13. What Is Being Done? • Provides parents with resource links to information on bullying • Provides tips on what parents and other adults can do to help children understand bullying • “Model kindness and respect”

  14. Tips for Students • Treat everyone with respect • Stand up for others • Protect yourself from cyberbullying • What to do if you are bullied • Get involved

  15. Are you a bully? • ”

  16. Outreach • Clings and posters • Sample PA announcements • Sample radio PSAs • T-shirt design, billboard design, newspaper ad design • Anti-bullying audio announcements from WVU athletes

  17. Sample Announcements “Stop and think before you say or do something that could hurt someone. It Does Matter what you do and say. Please start the conversation about anti-bullying. Visit www.itdoesmatterwv.com.” “If you think you have bullied someone in the past, apologize. Everyone feels better. It Does Matter what you do and say. Please start the conversation about anti-bullying. Visit www.itdoesmatterwv.com.”

  18. RESA 2 and Bullying • Six counties: Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, and Wayne • Formed bullying prevention task force in January 2011 after superintendents recognized need for review of policies and trends in bullying • Developed recommendations for addressing cyberbullying and other new trends that eventually became part of Policy 4373.

  19. RESA 2 and Bullying Continued • Re-convened task force when It Does Matter materials became available to implement RESA-wide. • Representatives from all six counties, including PRO officers, school psychologists, counselors, administrators, principals and teachers. • Desire was to create a long-term effort, not just “flash in the pan”

  20. Implementation • Realized a great opportunity existed with the outreach materials to “set the environment” • Worked to create a “kick-off day” that would launch other activities and initiatives • Researched curricula and peer-to-peer programs as well

  21. Kick-Off Day • Set the date of January 11, 2013 as the launch day for all counties • Extensive media outreach with follow-up activities • Each county picked a single “media contact school” to direct reporters and photographers to on that day, with extra It Does Matter signage and materials made available to those schools • Every school in the RESA encouraged to conduct some sort of anti-bullying activity on that day

  22. Get to Know the Media • Research who the local media are in your area • Newspapers, TV, Radio, Online • Try to determine the news director (TV and radio), assignment editor (newspaper), or education beat reporter; call these people before you need them • Put together a contact list of names, e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers • Consider whether your story is important enough to interest regional or statewide media outlets

  23. Know the Media’s Angle • If a reporter has an axe to grind, you’d better know it • Make sure you have permission from your supervisor to speak to the media

  24. Develop Your Message • Single Overriding Communication Objective (SOCO) • Pick your audience or audiences • Decide what your main message will be, and write it in one brief paragraph • List three talking points or statistics to support your argument • Practice, practice, practice • Bridging statements

  25. Media Materials • Media advisory • Media release • Material packet for event

  26. Media Advisory • This is a brief, one-page descriptor of your event: the who, what, when, where, and why • Should answer the question, “so what?” • Is sent to media contacts via e-mail or fax 3-5 days before event • Call the next day to ensure each contact received the advisory

  27. Media or Press Release • This is a somewhat longer version of the media advisory that recounts the who, what, when, where, and why and adds additional statistics, quotes or other relevant information • Should answer the question, “so what?” • Is sent to media contacts via e-mail or fax 1-2 days before event • Call to make sure they receive it

  28. Material Packet • Handed directly to media members who cover your story • Contains the press release and other relevant handouts; for example, It Does Matter packets had examples of school activities and PA announcements • Make sure a business card or contact information is inside the packet for follow-up questions

  29. Other Deliverables • Each school received a list of sample activities to conduct on the day of the event • A series of suggested follow-up activities from the It Does Matter guide was sent to all schools • Requests to forward media coverage or photos of events for documentation.

  30. Results • WV Metro News • Huntington Herald-Dispatch • Lincoln Journal • Point Pleasant Register • Wayne County News • Logan Banner • Williamson Daily News • WDHR Radio (Kentucky)

  31. Why No TV? The day of the event Sen. Rockefeller announced his retirement at a press conference, serving as a reminder that no plan is foolproof and your best efforts may fall victim to circumstance.

  32. Logan Middle School • As part of Kick-Off Day, students were encouraged to write their own radio public service announcements, which were then recorded for a local radio station • Ads were used during the WV State Basketball Tournament to publicize It Does Matter

  33. Next Steps • Working to implement WVU Extension Service bullying program in elementary schools • We Take A Stand peer-to-peer program for middle and high schools

  34. Questions? Keith Dalton Regional School Wellness Specialist RESA 2 2001 McCoy Road Huntington, WV 25701 304.529.6205 Ext. 28 kddalton@access.k12.wv.us

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