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Reducing E-Discovery Cost  by Filtering Included Emails

Tsuen-Wan “Johnny” Ngan Symantec Research Labs. Reducing E-Discovery Cost  by Filtering Included Emails. The E-Discovery Problem. Email becomes core part of communications Storage is a pain Problem worsened by legislation like SOx

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Reducing E-Discovery Cost  by Filtering Included Emails

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  1. Tsuen-Wan “Johnny” Ngan Symantec Research Labs Reducing E-Discovery Cost by Filtering Included Emails

  2. The E-Discovery Problem • Email becomes core part of communications • Storage is a pain • Problem worsened by legislation like SOx • E-discovery: discovery of evidence from electronic data in civil litigation • Manually reviewed by lawyers • Time-consuming and expensive • Reduce this cost by reviewing fewer emails

  3. The E-Discovery Process Electronic Discovery Reference Model • Identification • Preservation • Collection • Processing • Review • Analysis • Production • Presentation

  4. The E-Discovery Process Electronic Discovery Reference Model • Identification • Preservation • Collection • Processing • Review • Analysis • Production • Presentation } Done once } Once per litigation

  5. The E-Discovery Process Electronic Discovery Reference Model • Identification • Preservation • Collection • Processing • Review • Analysis • Production • Presentation Volume decreases Relevance increases

  6. The E-Discovery Process Electronic Discovery Reference Model • Identification • Preservation • Collection • Processing • Review • Analysis • Production • Presentation

  7. How to Filter? • Must be careful to not remove valuable evidence • The last email in an email thread often contain the whole conversation • (More?) likely in corporate environment between executives • Other emails can be ignored without affecting accuracy • Grouping "similar" emails can also expedite review

  8. Basic Unit to Compare Emails • When is an email included? • The whole email in verbatim?  • All sentences in any order? • Paragraph is chosen as a midpoint • "Idea" is usually preserved  • Usually unmodified after quotation • Fewer of them for efficient comparisons

  9. System Overview • Target use in a live email achieve system • Emails arrive over time • Need to find inclusion in both directions • Include any other email? • Included by any other email? • Given an email: • Find candidate emails by finding shared paragraphs • Bottleneck: Some paragraphs are shared by many emails • "Hi" "Thanks" "John" Ads disclaimers

  10. Popular vs. Unpopular Paragraphs • Build two inverted indices • Unpopular paragraphs to emails • Popular paragraphs to emails  • For emails with unpopular paragraphs • Only use these unpopular paragraphs to find candidates • For emails with only popular paragraphs • Need to compare with many candidates • But this is extremely rare!

  11. Bloom Filters to Compare Subsets • A space-efficient data structure to test set membership • Extended to test for subsets • Fast way to filter false positives

  12. Experiment Result Highlights • Data Sets: • Enron email trace (517k emails at 961MB)‏ • Mailing list discussion groups (487k emails at 680MB)‏ • Duplicated emails are removed in advance • ~20% of emails can be filtered • Processing speed: 2 to 4MB/s on commodity hardware • Scale reasonably well • Last 1% is only 40 to 50% slower than the first 1%

  13. Summary • Observation: Emails usually contain unpopular paragraphs • Experiments shown a 20% reduction in emails • Huge cost saving for reviews • Computation time is fast enough for practical usage • Dividing popular and unpopular paragraphs is a special case • Could potentially divide into more levels • Benefit from finer granularity left as future work

  14. Thank You!

  15. Backup slides

  16. Email Threads • Cannot simply use thread ids to find all threads • They may not always available • They may not be compatible • Threads != Inclusion • Emails in the same thread may not include each other • Emails in different threads may include each other • Still need to do all comparisons

  17. Implementation Highlights • Remove email software generated text • Divide email into paragraphs • Hash alphanumerical characters in each paragraph • Remove formatting characters • Use Bloom filters for fast approximate subset test • Inverted index built (paragraph -> email)‏ • Popular paragraphs become bottleneck  • Handle popular/unpopular paragraphs differently

  18. Cannot Ignore Short Paragraphs • A short paragraph like "No" can carry important meaning • Ignoring them could lose important evidence

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