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Report of the Secretariat of ISO/TC 34/SC 3 “ Fruits and vegetables and their derived products ”. November 2016. Secretary : Dr. Servet Atayeter (TSE) Chairman : Prof. Dr. Nevzat Artık (Ankara University )
Report of theSecretariat of ISO/TC 34/SC 3“Fruitsandvegetablesandtheirderivedproducts” November 2016
Secretary: Dr. Servet Atayeter (TSE) • Chairman: Prof. Dr. Nevzat Artık (Ankara University) • Scopeof SC 3: Standardization in thefield of fruit, vegetableandtheirderivedproducts, in particular, terminology, sampling, productspecifications, requirementsforpackaging, storage, transportation,methods of testsandanalysis
Objectives TheSecretariatwillcontinuetopursuethefollowingobjectives: 1. Standardsdevelopedby SC3 should be usedworldwidebyfoodchainoperators of alltypesand of allsizes. 2. The SC 3 secretariatwillstrengthenthe link toCodexandotherLiaisons, ensuringthatwork done within SC 3 is alignedwiththeirdocuments. 3. Toolssurroundingthestandardandrelatedinformationshall be of easyaccesstoallpotentialusers. 4. InorderforSMEsanddevelopingcountriestoapplythestandards, practicalandinformativetoolsmust be elaborated as ISO documents. 5. Alltypes of stakeholdersfromallregionsareto be represented in thework of ISO/TC 34/SC 3 totheextentpossible. 6-Toprovidevalidatedmethodsandanalysisforfruit, vegetableandtheirderivedproducts 7-Tofacilitateinternationaltrade of fruitandvegetableproducts 8-Tosatisfyconsumers’ requirementsfromthepoint of view of humannutrition 9-Toprovideguidanceandcommonterminologyforthefruitandvegetableproducts 10-Toworktowardsthegoal of improvingfoodqualityandsafety 11-Todevelopment of standardsadoptedbyagro-foodindustriesworldwide in setting test methods, definingproductspecificationsandprovidingtechnicalstandardstoensurethatfoodproductsconformtoacceptablelevelsforhumanhealth in thefield of fruit, vegetableandtheirderivedproducts. Insummary, keyobjectivesare: accessibility, applicability, involvement, transparencyanddynamicresponseto market needs.
SC 3 wishesto be an effectivestructurewiththeaim of makinginformationaboutthestandardsandtheirapplicationaccessibletoallpotentialusers , especiallytoSME'sanddevelopingcountriesforstandards in itsfield. Thenumber of companies in thefoodchainusingstandardsforcertificationandguidance is rapidlyincreasing. Standardization in the field of food covers a broad context from primary production to consumption throughout Food Value Chain and Farming Process Stages and requires a strong cooperation among organizations working in the field of food.Scope of SC 3 links them. Standardspreparedundertheresponsibility of SC3 playveryimportant role in trade, customerprotectionandfoodsafety.
PARTICIPATION ParticipatingCountries : 23 P-Members Albania (DPS) (Correspondentmember), Armenia(SARM), Azerbaijan (AZSTAND), Botswana (BOBS),China (SAC),DominicanRepublic (INDOCAL) (Correspondentmember), India (BIS),Iran, IslamicRepublic of (ISIRI),Jamaica (BSJ),Korea, Republic of (KATS),Mozambique (INNOQ) (Correspondentmember),Namibia (NSI),Nigeria (SON), Pakistan (PSQCA), Philippines (BPS), Portugal (IPQ),Romania (ASRO),RussianFederation (GOST R),Rwanda (RBS),Serbia (ISS),Sri Lanka (SLSI),Tanzania, United Rep. of (TBS),Turkey (TSE)
ObservingCountries: 49 O-Members Argentina (IRAM),Belgium (NBN),Bhutan (BSB)(Correspondentmember),BosniaandHerzegovina (BAS),Bulgaria (BDS),Cambodia (ISC) (Correspondentmember), Chile (INN),Colombia (ICONTEC), Croatia (HZN), Cuba (NC) ,Cyprus (CYS) ,CzechRepublic (UNMZ),Côted'Ivoire (CODINORM),Ecuador (INEN), Egypt (EOS),Estonia (EVS),Ethiopia (ESA), France (AFNOR),Georgia (GEOSTM) (Correspondentmember), Hong Kong (ITCHKSAR) (Correspondentmember),Hungary (MSZT), Indonesia(BSN),Ireland (NSAI),Italy (UNI),Japan (JISC),Kenya (KEBS) ,Korea, DemocraticPeople'sRepublic of (CSK),Lithuania (LST),Malta (MCCAA), Mexico (DGN),Mongolia (MASM),Montenegro (ISME) (Correspondentmember),Morocco (IMANOR) ,Myanmar (MSTRD) Correspondentmember),Norway (SN) ,Poland (PKN), SaudiArabia (SASO) , Slovakia (SOSMT), Slovenia (SIST), Spain (AENOR),Switzerland (SNV) ,Tajikistan (TJKSTN) (Correspondentmember),Tanzania, United Republic of (TBS) ,Thailand (TISI) ,TrinidadandTobago (TTBS),Ukraine (DTR),United Kingdom (BSI),Uruguay (UNIT),Viet Nam (STAMEQ) ,Zimbabwe (SAZ)
Organizations in Liaison: AOAC (Association of AnalyticalChemists), CAC (CodexAlimentariusCommission), IFU (InternationalFederation of FruitJuiceProducers), OECD (OrganizationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment), OIV (InternationalVineandWine Office), UNECE (United NationsCommissionforEurope),WCO (WorldCustomsOrganization)
Number of Published ISO StandardsUndertheDirectResponsibility of the SC 3 Secretariat • 118 ISO Standards • Standardsaremainly on methods of testsandanalysisfor determination of naturalcompounds, physicalandbiochemicalproperties, determination of additives, contaminantsandimpurities
Thestrategy, thefuture • Toworktowardsthegoal of improvingfoodqualityandsafety • Development of standardsadoptedbyagro-foodindustriesworldwide in setting test methods, definingproductspecificationsandprovidingtechnicalstandardstoensurethatfoodproductsconformtoacceptablelevelsforhumanhealth in thefield of fruit, vegetableandtheirderivedproducts.
Projectscurrentlyunderway in ISO/TC 34/SC 3 Caper- Specificationand test methodsISO/NP 20982, ISO/TC 34/SC 3 N 676 (TSE) Corneliancherry- Specificationand test methodsISO/NP 20984, ISO/TC 34/SC 3 N 677 (TSE) Artichoke- Specificationand test methodsISO/NP 20980,ISO/TC 34/SC 3 N 674(TSE) Asparagus- Specificationand test methodsISO/NP 20981, ISO/TC 34/SC 3 N 675 (TSE) Test methodforquantitativeanalysis of pesticideresidues in applesandpearsusingChromatography (LC/MS) ISO/NP 20986, Ballot results : Doc. ISO/TC 34/SC 3 N 635 Test methodforquantitativeanalysis of pesticideresidues in applesandpearsusingChromatography (GC/MS) ISO/NP 20985, Ballot results : Doc. ISO/TC 34/SC 3 N 634
TheStrategicBusiness Plan (ISO/TC34/SC 3N 670) has beenpreparedandcirculatedamongmembersfortheircommentsby 31 July 2016.
“One of the challenges of our age is the production and delivery of safe food” by Dr Martha Petro – Turza, Former Secretary of ISO/TC 34
Secretary Dr. Servet ATAYETER Turkish Standards Institution (TSE) Necatibey Cad. No:112, 06100 Bakanlıklar/ANKARA-TURKEY Tel:+90 312 4166200 Fax:+90 312 4166611 satayeter@tse.org.tr
ChairmanProf.Dr. Nevzat ARTIKAnkara University- Department of Food Engineering 06110 Dışkapı/ANKARA-TURKEYTel:+90 312 203 33 00 Fax:+90 312 31787 11artik6226@hotmail.com