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Unit 1 Globalization Gl obalization : refers to the dependent and inter-dependent relationships among places on earth, specifically in terms of Canada, its history and its relationships to other nations. How has globalization affected us : 1. Through human mobility and migration?
Unit 1 Globalization Globalization : refers to the dependent and inter-dependent relationships among places on earth, specifically in terms of Canada, its history and its relationships to other nations. How has globalization affected us : 1. Through human mobility and migration? 2. Give reasons why this mobility has happened? Examples? 1. Economic 2. Technological 3. Political / Military 4. Social 5. Historical
3.a) What is the indigenous people’s view on how / where they originated? b) Why is this view not studied or given historical weight, in your opinion? C) Can / should oral history be given credit as a source of history?Explain. 4. a) What is Clovis and why the significance of the Clovis discovery? b) What is a paradigm bias? c) What two discoveries challenged the Clovis model and why was the historical/archaeological world so skeptical of these new theories?
5. What is linguistics, why is it important to historical study and give 2 reasons that linguistic diversity could challenge Clovis? 6. Summarize each of the three ( 3) theories of how North and South America were peopled and why these theories might be plausible. 7. Which one or combination of theories seems most logical to you and why?
Questions on Chapter 1 pages 1. Common view: The belief that the America's were settled by people crossing a land bridge connecting through the Bering Strait ( between Alaska and Russia) about 20,000 - 15,000 BP ** BP means before the present, therefore 20,000 BP means simply 20,000 years ago. 2. - Peanuts - Asian variety of chickens in South America - Suspension bridges and blow guns from both sides of the Pacific Ocean. - Genetic markers ( DNA) that seem to link South American people and Polynesian people. - Large linguistic differences between Western Hemisphere tribes. 3. The indigenous people believe they have originated here on this continent. They do not believe they have come from somewhere else.
4. Clovis : New Mexico, 1935. Spear points were discovered that dated from 11,500 -11,000 years ago ( BP). They were used as evidence as to why large mammals became extinct. The discovery was used as the basis and measuring stick for all further discoveries and theories about settlement in North America. b) A paradigm bias is when a belief has been established and all other evidence discovered after is either used to support the original belief or it discards and discredits information that does not agree with the original theory. Ex. - The Clovis spear points were/ are widely excepted evidence of when tribes existed in N.America and all other evidence was supposed to support that belief. c) The 2 discoveries were the Monte Verde site in South America ( 1970's) and the Cactus Hills site in Richmond, Virginia dating back to 16000 BP. Because the Bering Strait settlement theory had been accepted by many, it was difficult to get experts to change their minds. Many had a big stake in maintaining the current belief because their careers and reputations depended on it and many believed that the theory was ciorrect, just the dates were off.
5. Linguistics : is the study of language, the development of language and the structure of language. - Linguistics is important to historical study because it helps explain connections between different groups / tribes, how language evolves over time and how it helps explain culture. 2 reasons why linguistic diversity challenges the Clovis Model: 1. According to linguistic principles, language diversification takes a great deal of time. The more diversity, the more time that has passed. But the Clovis model only has settlement beginning at 15,000 -20,000 BP. 2. The sheer number of different linguistic groups. Canada has three distinct groups of language ( not counting sub groups) and the rest of North America and South America have even more.