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NOAA-NGA Synergy for Geospatial Advancements

Review of collaboration between NOAA and NGA for nautical charts, geodetic missions, and Arctic activities. Recommendations for data coordination and geoid development discussed at the Federal Advisory Committee Meeting in 2015.

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NOAA-NGA Synergy for Geospatial Advancements

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  1. NOAA – NGA Synergy NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel Federal Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, September 17, 2015 Approved for public release, 15-665 Stephen Malys Senior Scientist for Geodesy and GeophysicsNational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

  2. Approved for public release, 15-665 Longstanding Broad Working Relationship • Nautical Charts • Complementary Geodetic missions Recent Arctic Activities and Interests Summary of Recommendations Outline

  3. Approved for public release, 15-665 NGA and NOAA have a long standing collaboration on Nautical Charts NOAA’s ROI: U.S. coasts and territory coasts NGA’s ROI: international waters NGA uses NOAA publications for reference NGA and NOAA charts maintain uniformity • Similar symbology standards • Both use the NOAA compass rose application Recommendation for NGA is to migrate to ENC format as Navy resources permit Complementary Nautical Charts NGA SNC1 NOAA SNC3 DNC Portal2 Compass Rose4 U.S. Chart No. 16 Sailing Directions5 Coast Pilot7

  4. NGA and NOAA coordinate their input to International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) NGA and NOAA support: • IHO Data Centre for Digital Bathymetry (DCDB) • GEBCO • Crowdsourcing effort • International standard development • Recommend that NGA and NOAA jointly deal with policy issues that arise from crowdsourcing in international waters Data are used for many applications • Interagency Coordination: “Map once, use many times”* Approved for public release, 15-665 Coordination and Cooperation onInternational Hydrographic Issues GEBCO 2014 grid8 IBCAO10 Trackline Surveys9

  5. Approved for public release, 15-665 National Centers for Environmental Information • World Magnetic Model, 5-year update cycle and ‘Enhanced Magnetic Model’ National Geodetic Survey • Corbin, VA test facility - LIDAR and other technology assessments • Coordination on the Global Terrestrial Reference Frame • NGS Plans for updates to NAD83, NAVD88 in 2022 • Geocentric Reference Frame Including Velocities, Plate motion • Improved interoperability with GPS Operational Ref Frame (WGS 84) and foreign GNSS • Joint (NGA & NGS) Geodetic Coordination on UN International Committee on GNSS (ICG) NOAA-NGA Common Geospatial Interests (1)

  6. Approved for public release, 15-665 2010 National Research Council Study*: ‘The ITRF must be both accurate and accessible at the 1-millimeter level, with a stability of 0.1 millimeters per year.’ Goals for a Future ITRF ITRF Goal (1mm) WGS 84 Today (1cm) 22mm ~1 inch 19mm ITRF 2008 (~5-8mm) • To get better (by 2030?), measurement and modeling of geocenter motion becomes necessary • Some examples of surface mass transport causing geocenter motion • Snow and water changes over continents • Melting glaciers, ground water changes • Annual hemispheric water mass exchange in oceans • N. hemisphere has more mass in N. winter) • Polar ice sheet variations *Precise Geodetic Infrastructure, National Requirements for a Shared Resource, National Research Council of the National Academies, The National Academy Press, 2010

  7. Approved for public release, 15-665 Common Interests in the Geoid as a Vertical Reference Surface EGM2008 USGG2012 over Alaska 14 USGG2012 Alaska Geoid

  8. Approved for public release, 15-665 NGS developing a Geopotential (geoid-based) vertical datum Collection and processing new Airborne Gravity data • Project: GRAV-D • Area of highest interest for NGA: • Alaska, uncovered arctic areas • Supports improved reference surface for DEMs Recommendation: Jointly study possible benefits from an improved geoid over and around Alaska • Reference surface for regional Dynamic Ocean Topography • Reference surface for land elevations (DEMs) NOAA-NGA Common Geospatial Interests (2)

  9. Approved for public release, 15-665 Arctic Gravity Project Milestone in 2008

  10. Ref 2 Sept POTUS remarks on NGA & NSF collaboration

  11. UNCLASSIFIED For the GLACIER Conference, NOAA presented Hydrographic Risk and NGA supported with new maps and access to NGA data holdings * * * • *Indicates NOAA Source Information 12Map:www.NGA.mil: Arctic Support

  12. Approved for public release, 15-665 Review coastal information in the Arctic Ocean Prioritize bathymetry collection in the Arctic and Southern Oceans Consider the possibility of broader scope of crowdsourced (VGI) data • Leverage the NOAA data accumulation system currently used for crowdsourced bathymetry to acquire geophysical data • Supports southern ocean measurements & modeling improvements Better understand NOAA’s mission in Antarctica Additional Polar Issues NIC Sea Ice11

  13. Approved for public release, 15-665 GPS Enables countless Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) applications The NGS CORS network can provide a nationwide Near-Real-Time capability to detect signal interference Feasibility already demonstrated (2010) Can be extended to Multi-GNSS Can be extended to other regions Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) Recommendation: Implement GPS interference detection using CORS

  14. Approved for public release, 15-665 Continue close engagement on the international governance front for Safety of Navigation and broader ocean data issues. • Continue to encourage broader access to data based on the U.S. Open Data Policy • Expand support for the bathymetric data crowdsourcing effort and for satellite-derived bathymetry of coastal regions Increase bathymetric surveys in the in the polar regions Improve geophysical data collection in the Southern Ocean • Examine VGI and NOAA role Jointly study possible benefits from an improved geoid over and around Alaska Advance the development of the CORS network as a GPS interference detection system Summary of Recommendations

  15. 1Panama Canal DNC: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0090/5072/products/nga_chart_21604.jpg?v=1319900132 2Panama canal website screen grab: http://www.nauticalchartsonline.com/charts/NGA/Central-South-America 3NOAA ENC for Key West/Gulf Coast: PDF http://www.charts.noaa.gov/PDFs/11006.pdf 4NOAA compass rose: http://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/mcd/learnnc_rose.html 5NGA Sailing direction: http://msi.nga.mil/MSISiteContent/StaticFiles/Images/SDLIMITS.jpg 6U.S. Chart No.1: http://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/mcd/chart1/ChartNo1.pdf 7NOAA Coast Pilot: http://www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/nsd/coastpilot_w.php?book=1 8GEBCO World Map: Weatherall P, KM Marks, M Jakobsson, T Schmitt, S Tani, JE Arndt, M Rovere, D Chayes, V Ferrinim, R Wigley (2015). A New Digital Bathymetric Model of the World’s Oceans, Accepted doi: 10.1002/2015EA000107 9Single-Beam (Trackline) Bathymetric Surveys: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/iho/#uses 10International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO): http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/iho/#uses 11Sea Ice Charts: http://www.natice.noaa.gov/Main_Products.htm 12Map:www.NGA.mil: Arctic Supporthttp://nga.maps.arcgis.com/apps/PublicGallery/index.html?appid=dc06e1570de14885bb6c7adbaa5bfec5 13CORS Map Source: Map source: http://www.gps.gov/cgsic/meetings/2014/sella.pdf 14 USGG 2012 Alaska Geoid http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/GEOID/USGG2012/USGG2012_AK.shtml Additional Information

  16. “CONUS” Guam / Northern Marianas Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico / Virgin Islands American Samoa Expected GRAV-D airborne gravity coverage by 2022 GRAV-D Planned Coverage March 5, 2015

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