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General Meeting

General Meeting. January 31, 2010 6:30pm in South Kedzie 105 Item of the Month: Candy. Ice Breaker. Categories: Can you roll your tongue? Everyone is different and important in their own way!. Scholarships. NSCS Scholarships Academy Abroad Scholarship – February 28 th

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General Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. General Meeting January 31, 2010 6:30pm in South Kedzie 105 Item of the Month: Candy

  2. Ice Breaker • Categories: • Can you roll your tongue? • Everyone is different and important in their own way!

  3. Scholarships • NSCS Scholarships • Academy Abroad Scholarship – February 28th • National Leadership Council Award • First Place : $1,000 • Second : $500 • Third : $500 • Scholarship Workshop • Scholarship Monkey

  4. Scholarships MSU • Office of Financial Aid • http://finaid.msu.edu/searches.asp • Alumni • http://supportforstudents.msu.edu/alumni_applying.html • Scholarship Search • http://scholendow2.ais.msu.edu/Student/ScholSearch.asp

  5. Upcoming Events • Integrity Week • February 7-11 • Meeting on February 8th at 6:30pm location NatSci 326 • Topic: Relationships • Facebook: Make your status “__________ stands for Integrity” and tag NSCS in it for a Social point! OR write on the NSCS wall What integrity means to you?

  6. R.U.S.H. • Help us get new members to join NSCS! • Tell your friends! Anyone can apply! • Self-Nomination Form • Week of February 14th • Paint the Rock • Tabling event 2/14 • 5 – 7 in the Union • Tabling event 2/21 • 10 - 2 in the Union

  7. March to College • March to College committee meeting • February 2 at 7pm in the Union Lobby • March to College Day • Wednesday March 23, 8-11a • On Campus • Holt Junior High School • Sign up to help plan • Sign up in the moning

  8. RELAY FOR LIFE April 15th – 16th Ralph Young Track Superheroes Theme

  9. What’s Relay for Life? • The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives everyone in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. • Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Because cancer never sleeps, Relays are overnight events up to 24 hours in length.

  10. How Relay Got Started • Relay began in 1985 when Dr. Gordy Klatt, a colorectal surgeon in Tacoma, Washington, ran and walked around a track for 24 hours to raise money for the American Cancer Society. • Since then, Relay has grown from a single man’s passion to fight cancer into the world’s largest movement to end the disease. Each year, more than 3.5 million people in 5,000 communities in the United States, along with additional communities in 19 other countries, gather to take part in this global phenomenon and raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer. • Thanks to Relay participants, we are creating a world with more birthdays a world where cancer can’t claim another year of anyone’s life.

  11. Why We Relay • Celebrate • Remember • Fight Back

  12. How To Sign Up • Go to www.msu.edu/~sfcmsu • Click “Sign Up” • You’ll be redirected to a new page • Once again, click “Sign Up” • Click “Join a Team” • Search for the “National Society of Collegiate Scholars”

  13. How to Fundraise • ASK! • Feet • Luminaria • Send E-Cards through the RFL website • Advertise on Facebook

  14. Please see me for questions or if you’re interested in being on the NSCS Relay Committee

  15. Points • Just a Reminder… • 3 Meetings • 4 Community Service • 2 Fundraising • 1 March to College Day/Integrity Event/RUSH • Fundraising: March 31 at Cosi – Advisor Appreciation Dinner (more details to come) • Seniors please sign up if you are graduating in May • Most active Member for the fall…. • Caitlin Kirby!!!

  16. Next Meeting • February General Meeting/Integrity Week • February 8 at 6:30p NatSci 326 • See you there!

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