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Denotation, Connotation and Bandwagoning in Advertising

Denotation, Connotation and Bandwagoning in Advertising. Terry Hong & Michael Wong. Describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance. Advertising. Advertising is designed to:. Establish Product Superiority

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Denotation, Connotation and Bandwagoning in Advertising

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  1. Denotation, Connotation andBandwagoningin Advertising Terry Hong & Michael Wong

  2. Describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance Advertising

  3. Advertising is designed to: • Establish Product Superiority • Create a distinctive image for the product Ultimately to persuade the consumer to purchase the product.

  4. Denotation

  5. What is it? • “Literal, explicit meaning” • “Factual” • “Dictionary Definition” • Denotation of a word/image conveys information

  6. Types of Denotation (Images) According to philosopher C.S. Peirce (1839-1914): • Icon: Direct representation (e.g. Image of the car in car ad) • Index: representation by association (e.g. Group of friends laughing in disposable camera ad) • Symbol: representation by convention, (e.g. “Golden Arches” logo of McDonald’s) – Advertisers want their symbol to become indexical

  7. Use in advertisements, consider: Portraying/presenting the ad to the audience - How is the denotation of the images in the ad helping to achieve the aims of the advertisers? • What is the image of? Multiple? Pack shot? • What type of representation? • Camera angle? • Image type/effects? • Non-verbal messages? (Body language of the model?)

  8. Camera Effect: Sepia-Tone, Icon representation of band members but as babies (possible messages and connotations)Also Font:Antiquecursive fonts – attracts attention but not so much so to detract from imageSepia and cursive perhaps normal for the time, or perhaps suggesting nostalgia

  9. Camera Angle:Here the audience is put into a low viewpoint, looking up at the ad.Authority and Power given to Batman over audience. Text:“The Dark Knight”, could denote colour or the nature. Juxtaposition of dark and knight (traditional connotations). Slight word-play conveying info about the movie themes Colour:Black and Orange/Red Nighttime, contrast, helps it stand out

  10. Connotation

  11. What is it? • “Figurative, implicit meaning” • “Emotional & Imaginative Associations” • “Additional suggestive meanings” • Connotations of a word/image create connections • May depend on personal & cultural context, social mindsets of the time

  12. Use in Advertisements: • Transferring/Creating connotations for the product • Diverting/replacing connotations • “Short-circuiting” unwanted connotations Advertisers want to make their product evoke desirable connotations. A product may become associated with a life-style or a quality.

  13. Denotation: Jessica Alba using this skin make-upAlso consider, angle? Looking side-on, seductive? Index Connotation: J. A. associated with beauty, glamour and sex appeal, transfers connotations to product

  14. Denotation:Image of a waterfall next to pack shot of KOOL cigarettes (recognition)Trying to make the waterfall image indexical Connotation: Cigarettes -> hot, dry, cancer, disease Waterfalls + Green -> Natural, Clean, Refreshing “short circuit” – Cigarettes instead become associated with nature and cleanness

  15. Linking Denotation and Connotation e.g.: Cosmetics ad featuring a female model Denotation: Signifier – Image of female model Signified – Female model Connotation: Signifier – the signification of the female model Signified – Beauty, glamour, sex appeal

  16. Denotation and ConnotationExist Together Denotation: Hollywood – A location in LA, center of American film-making Cigarette – Rolled up dry tobacco leaves Connotation: • Glitz, Glamour, Celebrity, Dreams of Stardom • Death, Cancer, Dry, Sick, Illness

  17. Same Denotation, Different Connotations • Home • Both denote: “Dwelling Place” • House But Real Estate Ads like to use “Home” instead of “House” Because “Home” carries connotations of family, security, warmth, comfort & love

  18. Bandwagoning

  19. What is “bandwagoning”? • A wagon used for carrying a band? • Political jargon? • Is it positive or negative? • Examples

  20. The Bandwagon Effect • It is when people tend to do what others do, without considering what their actions entail. • This effect becomes more pronounced as more people adopt the same idea (also known as groupthink). • For example, PSY’sGangnam Style was affected; people danced to it because lots of others did as well.

  21. Bandwagoning in Advertising • Advertisers often “jump on a bandwagon” to appeal to social values, improving the product’s image. • These social values are often emerging or resurgent, because most people like being unique. • Statistics and superlatives are usually used to jump on a bandwagon.

  22. Example 1: Toothpaste • #1 toothpaste brand • Recommended by doctors • Use of superlatives such as “only” • Weasel words are used to impress without facing legal problems • “Triclosan” is a widely used and controversial substance

  23. Example 2: Guitar Hero • This advertisement appeals to the fans of the then-emerging musical video game genre • As it piggybacks on the massively successful Guitar Hero franchise, it has a huge audience and causes groupthink.

  24. Analysis Activity

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