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Math Presentation

Math Presentation. By: [CLASSIFIED] (Not David). Introduction. This presentation is all about angles. In this presentation you shall learn about: definitions, proofs , postulates, theorems, and supplementary angles. Definitions. Angle: a pair of rays that share a common vertex.

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Math Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Math Presentation By: [CLASSIFIED] (Not David)

  2. Introduction • This presentation is all about angles. • In this presentation you shall learn about: definitions, proofs, postulates, theorems, and supplementary angles.

  3. Definitions • Angle: a pair of rays that share a common vertex. • Circle: a figure where all the points in the boundary are the same distance from the center. • Perpendicular line: a pair of lines where the point of intersection makes a right angle. • Parallel: a pair of lines that never intersect and are always the exact same distance from each other. • Line segment: a line with two endpoints.

  4. Theorems • Vertical angles are congruent. • Alternate interior angles are congruent. • Corresponding angles are congruent. • Points on a perpendicular bisector of a line segment are exactly those equidistant from the segments endpoint.

  5. Postulates • Angle measure postulate: you can match every angle with a number between 1 and 180. • Angle addition postulate • Linear-> supplementary, aka, a linear pair is the same thing as a supplementary angle


  7. Proof #1: Vertical angles are congruent 2 1 3 Reasons ------------------------------------------------------- Given Definition of linear pair Linear pair postulate Definition of supplementary angles Algebra Definition of congruent angles Statement -------------------------------------------------------- <1 @ <3 are vertical angles <1 and <3 from a linear pair <2 and <3 form a linear pair <1 and <2 are supplementary <2 and <3 form a linear pair m<1+m<2=180 M<2+m<2=180 M<1=m<3 <1≅<3

  8. Supplementary Angles • Supplementary angles, definition: either of two angles whose sum is 180 degrees. • Supplementary angle are an essential part of vertical angles • A supplementary angle

  9. Postulates about Supplementary Angles • Postulate 5: A linear angle is the exact same thing as a supplementary angle.

  10. History of Supplementary Angles • I could not find any information on the history of supplementary angles. My best guess for the history of supplemental angles is that there was a caveman named Thog-og who, when drawing a stick figure on the wall of his cave realized that the angle of the dude’s arm in the stick drawing connected to the body in a 180 angle. He decided to name it a supplementary angle • (Thog-og and his picture)

  11. Angles are everywhere • There are angles all over the place, they are in books and math and star trek ships •  wimpiness • (and angles)

  12. A Pop Quiz


  14. NOT REALLY!!! • Question 1: What is the total measure of a supplementary angle?: • 1. 18 • 2. 180 • 3. 180,000,000,000 • 4. over 9 thousand!!!!! • 5. none, they were all eaten by anacondoes That one is right

  15. Question 2: What is the name of the caveman who may or may not have thought of the supplementary angles?: • 1. Bob • 2. Joey • 3. Nicholas • 4. Darth Vader • 5. Thog-og the right one

  16. Question 3: What is the vertical angle theorem?: • 1. the vertex of a vertical angle is always in the middle • 2. Vertical angles are congruent • 3. pizza is good • 4. the sum of a verticale angle is 360 degrees • 5. vertical angles are annoying The most correct one

  17. Question 4: What is the sum of two supplementary angles: • 1. 0.18 • 2. 100000000000000000000000000000000x10^9000 • 3. pi • 4. 360 • 5. -∞ The right answer

  18. Question 5: what is the sum of a complementary angle: • 1. 1 • 2. 900 • 3. 90 • 4. a lot • 5. the square root of a pizza This one actually is correct This one should be correct

  19. Question 6: what is the difference between a complementary and a supplementary angle?: • 1. nothing, they are the exact same thing • 2. one so twice the size of the other • 3. one is half the size of the other • 4. one is more polite than the other • 5. one is more mathy than the other They are all correct

  20. Epic space battle! (and intermission)

  21. Now back to the quiz • Question 7: what is the postulate that states you can match every angle with a number between 1 and 180?: • 1. the measure of pie postulate • 2. the supplementary vitamin postulate • 3. the angle congruence postulate • 4. the radial congruence theorem • 5. the angle measure postulate The correct one

  22. Question 8: linear pair means the same thing as what?: • 1. complementary angles • 2. pizza • 3. supplementary angles • 4. a pair of lines • 5. an anacondo The correct one

  23. Conclusion (at last) • In conclusion, angles are actually quite fun to make presentations about. • I learned a lot and had a great time. • And I made an interesting presentation full of math. and lasers. • Thank for watching.

  24. Apple Banana The world The air Math Nerf.com An anacondo PowerPoint Microsoft office The class website Me Mrs. Smith My classmates AACL: My Mom My sister Colorado springs My lunch Leonardo Da Vinci Another anacondo the playground Lucasfilm Star trek online And of course… credits

  25. KITTIES!!!!!

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