“What our teachers must understand is that the very nature of information has changed. It’s changed in what it looks like, what we look at to view it, where we find it, what we can do with it, and how we communicate it. We live in a brand new, and dynamically rich information environment, and if we are going to reach our students in a way that is relevant to their world and their future (and ours), then we must teach them from this new information environment.” -David Warlick
NETWORK • Three servers: • Data • Print • Student Information, Grades, Lessons
System Requirements • 2% have the Windows 2000 operating system and Office 2000. • 98% have Windows XP Professional operating system installed and Office 2003.
Protection • Sonic Firewall/Spyware • Automatic installation of updates • Servers are protected with Norton Anti-Virus Corporate software • Installing the Microsoft Spyware software
Palm Reader: School has purchased books for the students to read online. • Documents to Go: Applications included in this software are Word, Excel, and Power Point.
Quizzler: Teachers create the quiz using Memo Pad. The quizzes are then beamed to the students. Students take the quiz, the handheld grades the quizzes and the teachers take the scores by looking at the students handheld.
Teemss2 Project:Sponsored by the Concord Consortium • www.concord.org • Successlink
Two Classrooms • 4th Grade • Numonics Smart Boards, DVD/VCR and sound. • “e-MINTS” teaching concept is integrated into the curriculum.
Elementary now has 3 rooms equipped with SMART Boards. One room, the TLC Lab (Technology Learning Center), houses a SMART Board, DVD/VCR player, wireless lab, wireless laser printer and has stereo sound. A digital camera and software on a stationary workstation is also available. This lab is also used for the High School Film Club.
Wireless Access • Elementary now has two wireless access points in which all grades can use the wireless carts housing 12 laptops in their individual classrooms.
Every elementary classroomhas at least one workstation devoted to the Accelerated and STAR Reader Application.
Tungsten C, T3 and TE’ s. • Many of the same applications. • Teemss2 Project in 6th grade • Peer Editing • Journal Writing
Middle School has a 27 workstation lab and black and white laser printer. • Newly installed classroom (English) with a SMART Board, DVD/VCR player and stereo sound. • MS Student Council purchased a digital camera and color printer. • 8th grade students produce a monthly newspaper using desk-top publishing software.
Wireless Access • Middle school also has two wireless access points in which all grades can use the wireless technology on the handhelds and available instructor laptops.
CAD Lab: • SMART Board • 10-Station wireless laptops equipped with 2006 AutoCad Software.
Mass Media Lab: • 8-Station wireless workstations equipped with Adobe Photoshop, In-Design, Office 2003 and Studio 8 (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash and Flash Paper. • Digital resources.
Yearbook Lab: • 4-Station wireless workstations equipped with Adobe Photoshop, In-Design, and Office 2003. • Digital resources.
Graphic Arts Lab: • 5-Station wireless laptops equipped with Adobe Photoshop, In-Design, Office 2003, and Studio 8 (Dreamweaver, Firework, Flash and Flash Paper). • Digital resources.
Business Lab: • 17-Station workstation lab.
HS LAB • 24-Station wireless laptops and cart. These laptops may be taken as a lab or as individual laptops to classrooms. • SMART Board, DVD/VCR player, and stereo sound.
All back walls of the classrooms and labs with SMART Boards installed were painted a dark color to help the SMART Board pop off the wall.
Two Classrooms: • SMART Boards, DVD/VCR player and sound newly installed in 2006.
The New Franklin R-I School District takes on the vision of preparing our students, staff, and parents to utilize and be comfortable implementing the tools of the digital age.