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UNIT 1 SELF-EXPLORATION. SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE. KEY TO SUCCESS?. Do you know these people ? In what fields have these people been successful ? . a . Cahit Arf. Cahit Arf (1910 - 1997 ) He was a Turkish Matematician .
Do youknowthesepeople? Inwhatfieldshavethesepeoplebeensuccessful?
CahitArf(1910-1997) • He was aTurkishMatematician. • He is known for theArfinvariant of a qaudratic form incharacteristicintopology, the Hasse-Arftheoreminramificationtheory,Arfsemigroups, and Arfrings.
Mustafa Kemal Kurdaş (1920 -2011) He was aTurkisheconomist who served as TurkishMinister of Finance, the IMF’s adviser to Latin Americangovernments, president of the Middle East Technical Univfersity and deputy head of the Turkish Treasury
TürkanSaylan(1935 – 2009) • Shewas a Turkishmedicaldoctorindermatology,academic, writer, teacher and social activist. • She was famous for fighting leprosy. • Shewasalsoa champion of women’s rights and education for poor children in Turkey. • Shewasthefounder of a charitycalled «AssociationfortheSupport of ContemporaryLiving»(ÇağdaşYaşamıDesteklemeDerneği, ÇYDD).
Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun (born in 1947, Hong Kong) • Sheis the Director-General of the World HealthOrganization (WHO). • Chan was elected by the Executive Board of WHO, and was endorsed in a special meeting of the World Health Assembly on the following day. • Chan has previously served as Director of Healthin the Hong Kong Government(1994-2003), representative of the WHO Director-General for Pandemic Influenza and WHO Assistant Director-General for Communicable Diseases (2003-2006).
DilmaVanaRousseff (Born in 1947, Brazil) • Sheis a Brazilianpoliticianwho has been the 36thPresident of Brazilsince 1 January 2011. • She is the first woman to hold the office. • She was previously theChief of Staff to PresidentLuizInacioLula da Silvafrom 2005 to 2010.
FezaGürsey(1921 – 1992) • He was a Turkishmathematicianandphysicist. Among his most prominent contributions to theoreticalphysics,his works on the Chiral Model and on Su are most popular. • He graduated from Galatasaray High School in 1940, and received his degree in Mathematics – Physics from IstanbulUniversityin 1944. • He pursued a doctorate degree at the ImperialCollegeLondonin the United Kingdom. • He completed his work on Application of QaternionstoQuantum FieldTheoryin 1950. • After spending the period from 1950–1951 in postdoctoral research at CambridegeUniversity, he worked as an assistant at IstanbulUniversity.
Muhtar A. Kent (born in 1952) • He is a Turkish-Americanbusinessexecutive. • He is the Chairman and ChiefExecutiveOfficer(CEO) ofThe Coca-Cola Company. • He was appointed to the position of CEO of the Company in 2008 and became Chairman of the Board in 2009.