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Conclusions Jour Fixe 2nd of March. EFET, Operators Supported by Regulators, TRAC-X and APX. CONCLUSIONS. Two specific products; bundled int. cap. on the primary market by TSOs; bundled firm cap. on the sec. market by shippers; Transfer of rights within 3 to 4 hrs;
Conclusions Jour Fixe 2nd of March EFET, Operators Supported by Regulators, TRAC-X and APX.
CONCLUSIONS • Two specific products; • bundled int. cap. on the primary market by TSOs; • bundled firm cap. on the sec. market by shippers; • Transfer of rights within 3 to 4 hrs; • No changes in current nomination procedures; • TSOs are to propose a specification deadline • TSOs will write down specifications of various interruptible products in place on the specific TSO networks, including a recommendation on how to bundle theseproducts;
Conclusions • Platform performs bundling entry and exit capacity; • Type of relocation: • TSOs will write out the current types of reloaction of products/rights/payments on their network; • EFET will write out their preferred reloaction of products/rights/payments for the auction • Markets for prim. int. and sec. firm run and finish in parallel; • Firm secondary: cleared price auction with a zero reserve price; • EFET will consult its members on their willingness to and conditions under which they will offer capacity; • Operators will provide regulators with a list of legal bottlenecks for the realization of the EFET wishlist for the interruptible primary capacity product • Concerning the reserve price for the primary interruptible product: starting point is existing legislation on primary tariffs; • Supply on the secondary market should be on a voluntary basis; • Revenues from the interruptible market will go to the TSO; • Revenues from the secondary market will go to the selling shippers; • EFET will take the lead in making the first draft of a standard contract for transactions on the secondary market; • No additional IPs will be added to the pilot; OSZ and Ellund as focus • Meeting hosted by BNetzA in three weeks to discuss ‘homework’; • EFET will provide the TSOs with a transparency wishlist for the interruptible primary product
DTE recap, based on conclusion sheets • Considerable progress made: work ‘Bonn’ used as start • Product design clarity improved • Detailed homework defined for next Jour Fixe organised by BNetzA • Based on homework in 3 weeks more concrete progress on pilot start date could be expected • Homework sorted on ‘roles’: • EFET • EFET will consult its members on their willingness to and conditions under which they will offer capacity; • EFET will take the lead in making the first draft of a standard contract for transactions on the secondary market; • EFET will provide the TSOs with a transparency wishlist for the interruptible primary product • Operators • TSOs are to propose a specification deadline (based on an invetarisation of internal IT system); • Operators will provide regulators with a list of legal bottlenecks for the realization of the EFET wishlist for the interruptible primary capacity product • TSOs will write down specifications of various interruptible products in place on the specific TSO networks, including a recommendation on how to bundle these products; • Regulators • Regulators will communicate and monitor progress on ‘homework; • BNetzA will plan and host the next meeting.