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Day Ahead Auctions pilot 14 th of September 2007 Jour Fixe The Hague Conclusions and homework

Chair DTe. Day Ahead Auctions pilot 14 th of September 2007 Jour Fixe The Hague Conclusions and homework. Conclusions of the Jour Fixe, 14/9/07 Secondary Firm (1). Legal framework Legislation

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Day Ahead Auctions pilot 14 th of September 2007 Jour Fixe The Hague Conclusions and homework

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  1. Chair DTe Day Ahead Auctions pilot 14th of September 2007Jour FixeThe HagueConclusions and homework

  2. Conclusions of the Jour Fixe, 14/9/07 Secondary Firm (1) • Legal framework • Legislation • Legal paper (incl. latest update by BNetzA for JF 14.09.07) to be forwarded to the RCC (by 25.09) and eventually to the Gas Forum. • Additional comments to be sent to Cecile Gommans, DTe prior to 19th sept. • Cecile will contact CREG about the status of and input by market players at the Fluxys contract • Summary of letter from APX to the DG TREN and DG COMP will be distributed before Monday 17th sept. • Reaction to this summary to APX before the 20th of Sept. Aim is to have response from EC before 24th of October. • EFET will send letter to Cecile on their view that a cross-border price-cap on bundled products is illegal • Contractual work • EFET develops and publishes blueprint for standard (Dutch) agreement by 5th Oct 2007. • Meeting is to take place between EFET and GTS in the next two weeks. • Meeting is to take place between EFET (platform operators) and TSOs on 15th or 19th of Oct. - hosted by Volker Schippers, EGT. • Key-aim is to answer if the EFET proposal (see 1st bullet) fit the German and (Danish) framework of the pilot • Aim is also to identify the differences and similarities in the Transmission Conditions of the different TSOs.

  3. Conclusions of the Jour Fixe, 14/9/07 Secondary Firm (2) • Technical interface • Meeting on 11th Oct 2007 between platform operators and TSOs – hosted by BEB in Hannover. • Aim is to initiate standardisation of protocols and interfaces. On the basis of meeting a tentative timeschedule for standardisation will be presented before 24th Oct 2007. • Central Counterparty Party (CCP) vs. Blackboard? • Quick win for now: both solutions (with or without CCP) will remain optional. • April 2008, based on results of the pilot and any new legal information, Day Ahead group to make a recommendation. Decision remains with the market. • Way forward for secondary • We now try ‘to let the child walk by itself’ on secondary market. • To facilitate regulators summarise all conclusions and work done in consolidated paper before the 24th of October. • If required, in telco on 22 October and/or JF of 16.11.07 in Hague update • An evaluation moment in April of 2008 (when the pilots are running).

  4. Conclusions of the Jour Fixe, 14/9/07 Primary Interruptible (1) • See slides of Operators attached and Information requirement by EFET. • TSOs committed to presenting a description for alternative for full bundling of X-border interruptible products. • An interim update possible in telco on 22.10.07 • To be distributed to the group by 9.11.07 • To be presented in next JF 16.11.07, Hague • DTe is to inform the lead-regulator of Transparency (and Primary market) on the discussions on interruption information today. • As input for the 19th of Sept. workshop in London on transparency • The request of the group is ‘guidance on general requirements for transparency for interruptible products’ for the region • All operators stated that they comply with EU legal requirements • Best practice was presented by GTS. This presentation of information was deemed as ‘very good’ by EFET. • See http://www.gastransportservices.com/shippers/transport/570060/ • See also on requirement the attached sheet by EFET.

  5. Conclusions of the Jour Fixe, 14/9/07 Primary Interruptible(2) • Then after the 19th of September, RCC (25.09) should take a decision which work on interruption information is taken on in Transparency and which work can be done in Day Ahead pilot or Primary markets (e.g. pilot-wise). • An interim update possible in telco on 22.10.07 • If any work decided, then to be distributed to the group by 9.11.07 and to be presented in next JF 16.11.07, Hague • EFET and Enabler group to present their findings on relation between interruptible and firm products as concerning ‘paying double for the same capacity’ (this is postponed homework presentation from 14.09.07) • An interim update possible in telco on 22.10.07 • Then to be distributed to the group by 9.11.07 and to be presented in next JF 16.11.07, Hague

  6. Conclusions of the Jour Fixe, 14/9/07 Primary Interruptible(3) • As next step to more information and bundling of X-border interruptible day ahead product: • TSO’s to update an overall plan for going forward on building a platform for interruptible product (so no investment asked, just a more detailed plan then we had in Bonn) • To include condition precedent that such a platform is needed by market. An interim status on this request in telco on 22.10.07, subject to the progress made on this work. • To be distributed to the group by 9.11.07 • To be presented in next JF 16.11.07, Hague

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