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From Pipetron to LER: history of a brilliant idea and goal of this workshop

From Pipetron to LER: history of a brilliant idea and goal of this workshop. Lucio Rossi CERN CARE-HHH workshop on LER CERN -11 October 2006. When this started…. …when I met Peter Limon…. This paper reported how US HEP was emerging from SSC collapse.

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From Pipetron to LER: history of a brilliant idea and goal of this workshop

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  1. From Pipetron to LER:history of a brilliant idea and goal of this workshop Lucio Rossi CERN CARE-HHH workshop on LER CERN -11 October 2006

  2. When this started… L. Rossi – LER workshop

  3. …when I met Peter Limon… • This paper reported how US HEP was emerging from SSC collapse. • A “RLHC” was discussed at the ‘96 Snowmass meeting, opening a cycle that was closed in the 2001 Snowmass meeting where VLHC was put in second priority wrt ILC L. Rossi – LER workshop

  4. … Peter presented a new type of magnet • Invented by Bill Foster • 50 TeV beam with 1.8 T in a 650 km long tunnel L. Rossi – LER workshop

  5. A parameter table and a few key issue were provided L. Rossi – LER workshop

  6. From VLHC … back to LHC • VLHC study were stopped in 2001 • However the ongoing pipetron magnet demonstrator was allowed to continue in Fermilab (2 m long magnet with ancillaries) • Talks about using it as LHC injector started as early as 2001-02 among Bill, Peter and myself. The most sensible proposal was to drill a hole in the detectors to solve the problem of the bypass… • End 2002 - beginning 2003 all these ideas for the LHC found a frame… L. Rossi – LER workshop

  7. European Steering Group for Accelerator R&D L. Rossi – LER workshop

  8. CARE Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe The objective of CARE is to carry Accelerator Research by integrating the European resources Submitted on April 15th , at 11:35 L. Rossi – LER workshop

  9. 65% ~5M€ 90% 3.6M€ 30% ~.7M€ 30% ~0.3M€ 30% ~0.45M€ 90% 3.6M€ 25% ~1M€ CARE is recommended for funding at the maximum level of 15.2 M€ (i.e. 52% of initial request) in the Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) Result of the evaluation process CARE ranked at the 14th position out of 154 project (5th rank of the 58 IA) CARE is accepted Web site: http://esgard.lal.in2p3.fr Userid: esgard , password: hep L. Rossi – LER workshop

  10. Scope of the WP1 From L. Rossi Feb.'04 • 5 critical study and R&D tasks identified based on present state-of-the-art in magnet and accelerator technology : • AMT-1 - Stability and Quench Limit of LHC at Ultimate Field and for LHC Upgrades (L+E) • AMT-2 - Pulsed Magnets (for an SPS Upgrade) (L+E) • AMT-3 - Magnets for a LE Ring in the LHC Tunnel (E) • AMT-4 - High Field Magnet Design (L+E) • AMT-5 - Optimisation of the overall Cost of the Magnet System for a High Energy-High Intensity Hadron Collider • Task on synchrotron radiation handling dropped L. Rossi – LER workshop

  11. And SPS to LHC transfer line? From L. Rossi Feb.'04 • Two accelerators will shut down, presumably, after LHC commissioning: • HERA and TeVatron: can we made the best use of their magnets? Especially the good B>5 T HERA magnets!! • Do they adapt? (Fermilab’s are shorter) KHM has looked at : extremely difficult P. Limon is supposed to assess feasibility and cost L. Rossi – LER workshop

  12. This money and energy for what ? - VII: INJ for LHC2 • Pipetron! The cheap Sc magnet for 2 T • Iron excited by a transmission line of HTS (LN!!!) From L. Rossi Feb.'04 L. Rossi – LER workshop

  13. Pipetron - Cont. 2 • Invented in Fermilab by W. Foster around 1995-96 • Strong push to arrive to a model then put aside by the lab after the decision of 2001 to postpone VLHC. • Test of a 1 m long model in 2004 • Cable might be done in MbB2 !! As well. From L. Rossi Feb.'04 Courtesy ofH. Piekarz (Fermilab) L. Rossi – LER workshop

  14. LEP LHC Merci a M. Muttoni L. Rossi – LER workshop

  15. Space LEP New Low Energy ring L. Rossi – LER workshop

  16. What we have learnt so far • This project was born because a new magnet design was available and somebody was trying to use it. • Although this might become an enabling technology, the real problem proved to be not in the ring magnets but elsewhere • Magnets are feasible but what about the collider feasibility? L. Rossi – LER workshop

  17. Rational for an LHC injector • The LHC main dipoles have sizable (dynamic) multipoles at the injection field. • The LHC spends 20 mins at the injection plateau while being filled by the SPS • Bunch intensity and emittance are limited by these • These limitations can be taken out by injecting at a higher energy (x 2) and in a shorter time (< 1s) • An injector ring would also allow for RF gymnastics like bunch coalescing to overcome the intensity limitations of the injector chain L. Rossi – LER workshop

  18. Hot Questions • Feasibility of the various schemes near the detector • Bypass tunnel • LHC detector beam pipe • Through detectors (is this really unacceptable?) • Safety and reliability • Any show stopper (impedance?, lattice?, space available in the ring?) • Low magnet cost. Does this really translate in a low cost ring? L. Rossi – LER workshop

  19. Main Goal • To assess if it is technically worth to explore the idea more deeply. • To assess if it might contribute significantly to the LHC luminosity, (preparing the ground for an LHC energy upgrade is good but is more far into the future • Today the comparison with competing schemes (SPS upgrade) is premature: The LER has to prove it is useful and possible before trying to prove that is better than… L. Rossi – LER workshop

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