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KICK-OFF MEETING May 10-11, 2010. Reporting and deliverables Payments EC Controls Project visibility and dissemination. Project management / EC.
Reporting and deliverables Payments EC Controls Project visibility and dissemination Project management / EC
Deliverables identified in Description of Work of the Grant Agreement: to be submitted according to the timetable specified in the Deliverables list (pp. 23-25 of DoW). Reporting towards EC – Deliverables
Major aim of reporting: show EC that their subsidies are well used! Contractual reporting, within 60 days of the end of each reporting period (including the last reporting period). CARBONES has 3 reporting periods of 1 year each (beginning on April 1st, 2010) Activity reports Financial reports Different from internal project reporting (internal project reporting required every 6 month) Reporting towards EC – Reports
The periodic report comprises: An overview, including a publishable summary, of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of milestones and deliverables identified in the Description of Work; An explanation of the use of the resources; A Financial Statement (Form C) from each beneficiary + summary financial report for all beneficiaries together; Financial statements should be accompanied by certificates (Form D), when appropriate. Original copies signed to be sent by surface mail to Coordinator who sends them to EC Reporting towards EC – Reports
Submission of reports • The only way of submission is through SESAM • Register in ECAS (Commission’s Authentication Service):https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/ecas/index.jsp • Once access granted, log in and submit documents via SESAM • What information should be submitted: • Deliverables • Publications • Patents (if relevant) • Periodic and final reports • Additional information on SESAM see:http://webgate.ec.europa.eu/sesam/index.do
Requested by Coordinator - Every 6 month: Task leaders submit their activity report to their WP leader within 10 days after the end of period WP leaders submit their activity report to the Coordinator within 20 days after the end of period Coordinator submits the consolidated activity report to EC within 30 days after the end of period (when applicable) Internal reporting
EC pays the Coordinator, who pays all Partners (bank account dedicated to the CARBONES project) Coordinator pays Partners not later than 30 days after receipt of funds from EC EC gives a first payment within 45 days after signature of grant agreement. This is the only pre-payment of the whole project The other payments are due after the end of each reporting period EC has 105 days after receiving the report to assess it and give the corresponding payment Payments
Financial Statements (FORM C) are submitted via FORCE FORCE is a web based tool to edit and submit Forms C Use your ECAS registration to enter FORCE(https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/ecas/index.jsp) Further information see:ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/presentation-force_en.pdf Submission of financial statements: FORCE
Worth remembering - EC keeps: 10% (retention rate) until acceptation of final report 5% for a guarantee fund (these 5% will be paid at the end of the project, if successful) The CARBONES bank account is an interest-bearing account as provided for by EC. Interests generated must be declared and are subtracted from the amount paid by the Commission Financial reports: EC uses them to check that 70% of the previous payment has actually been used (condition for the next payment) Subsidy may be reduced or suspended if work programme late, partially met, not or badly executed… Payments
Approval of reports After reception of the reports the REA may: • Approvethe reports and deliverables: REA disburses the corresponding payments within 105 days of their receipt unless the time-limit, the payment or the project has been suspended; • Suspend the time limitif reports/deliverables have not been supplied, are incomplete, unclear or raise doubts concerning the eligibility of costs claimed. • Suspend the paymentat any time for the amount intended for the beneficiary(ies) concerned:for details see Article II.5 of Annex II (General conditions) to the grant agreement; • Rejectthe reports and deliverables by giving an appropriate justification and, if appropriate, start the procedure for termination of the GA.
Final payment once EC has approved final report and accounts If final budget exceeds forecasted budget: no extra payment by EC. Only the maximum amount of subsidy provided for in the Grant Agreement shall be paid If final budget lower than forecasted budget: EC applies the maximum subsidy rate (%) to the final budget EC can call money back if total payments received by the project exceeds the final amount due by EC Payments Remember: EC contribution = costs justified by partners & accepted by EC * funding rate (within the maximum budget forecasted)
Audits undertaken by EC: ANY TIME during the project and within 5 years AFTER the end of the project Remember to keep ALL proofs of the expenses you’ve engaged (incl. transport tickets, transport invoices, attendees lists, work contracts, payrolls,…) for 5 years after the end of the project Certifications on final statements: compulsory from 375 Keuros of subsidy (only 2 partners will have to provide them) Commission's Research DGs have adopted a new and reinforced audit strategy. As a result the number of audits and participants audited will increase significantly. More information at:http://cordis.europa.eu/audit-certification/home_en.html Controls by EC
Independent experts are appointed as reviewers to: give external advice to the REA on the project for the period concerned assist the REA by recommending any reorientation that may be required Controls by EC
The aim of EC is to support research at large… Publicity is therefore a claim of EC (if not respected, EC may partly retain subsidies, or even ask for reimbursement) CARBONES website + workshops = main elements of project dissemination Logos of the EU and the project + mention that the project is supported by the EU are compulsory in all publication or communication ( : original logos only) Project visibility and dissemination
All publications shall include the following statement: “The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme ([FP7/2007-2013]) under grant agreement n°24316” Remember every publication must be submitted 45 days before to the Coordinator and all Partners concerned (see Consortium Agreement) During and after the project, the coordinator shall provide references and an abstract of all scientific publications relating to foreground at the latest two months following publication Project visibility and dissemination
Carbones Consortium Agreement Carbones Grant Agreement FORCE users’ manual and 3 SESAM users’ manuals EU Financial guidelines, EU Reporting guidelines Templates: Time recording sheet Activity report (internal) Documents provided in the USB key 10-11/05/2010 17
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