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The NPR.Org Project

The NPR.Org Project. Anthony Bajonero. “ Just 115,000 Jobs added last month, Jobless rate dropped to 8.1%. People Choose: People are looking for jobs

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The NPR.Org Project

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  1. The NPR.Org Project Anthony Bajonero

  2. “Just 115,000 Jobs added last month, Jobless rate dropped to 8.1% • People Choose: People are looking for jobs • Incentives matter: Bureaucracies are going into action. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is collecting data to see how much the job rate are improving • choices matter: the choices that Obama is making “aren’t working” because “they aren’t creating enough jobs”. • every choice has a cost: the country may be going into an economic downturn worse than that of the Great Depressesion

  3. Suicide blast rips through Pakistan market • People choose:"revenge for killing of our people”-AhsanullahAhsan • Incentives matter: battling to control region” • Every choice has a cost: Taliban suicide bombing killing 20 people • Incentives matter: rarely take responsibility about the bombings and other attacks, instead, they blame it on the U.S. and Pakistan governments. • Benefit/cost analysis: civilian advise the Taliban, especially Ahsan, to make attacks more specific, killing only those who are targeted and not the common people.

  4. “Greenland’s ice melting more slowly than expected” • Environmental Policies: government takes some actions to help the environment and it is working • Every choice has a cost: governments decide to implement polices, an it is helping the sea levels rise at a slower pace of 20 feet every two years. • Benefic/cost analysis: Government knows that melting of ice affects millions of people living around the sea, so it puts policies to work • People choose: people find other ways to live and help conserve the environment at the same time.

  5. “Food trucks seek ‘the mystical spot’ • People choose: Decide to own food trucks and make that their job • Incentives matter: People tend to find parking in front of business and stores to get more customers • Markets work with competition: There are too many trucks trying to get the “perfect” spots to make business. • Too many policies and restrictions: local governments put too many rules about where not to park. • Scarcity: there is not enough parking for every truck to make money

  6. “Diplomats up efforts to avert the war between Sudans” • People choose: Sudan an South Sudan are fighting between each other • Every choice has a cost: Sudan and South Sudan are being threaten by UN sanctions if they do not stop fighting • Exchange benefits the trader: China buys most of its oil from them • Incentives matter: China signed negotiations because it important for it to make them stop fighting since it will affect the oil they get. • Benefit/cost analysis: Africa believes that if Sudan and South Sudan are forced to sign a peace treaty, they will be forced to stop.

  7. “What American women do for work” • Government policies: it has increase the number of jobs available for women. • People choose: women choose to be involved in job areas such as education and health services. • Every choice has a cost: Because many women go into these areas for work, the amount of women involved in manufacturing and media and telecommunications have not increased very much.

  8. “Energy drinks can take teeth on an irreversible acid trip” • Government Policy: doesn’t make policies that prohibit the youth from drinking energy drinks. • People choose: young adults choose to drink too many energy drinks in excess. • Every choice has a cost: energy drinks have too much acid and it damages the teeth. • Incentive matter: energy drink companies wont improve their drinks or reduce the amount of acid included because they are only concerned with making money.

  9. “Military leader reportedly inlov3d in shooting deaths of four in Arizona” • Government Policies: the government chooses to make anti-immigration laws such as the law AB1070 and label undocumented students as AB540. • Every choice has a cost: the governments policies motivate racisms and project such as the minutemen project. • Incentives matter: He advocates for more strict protection in the boarders. • People choose: Neo-Nazi chose to shoot at a few immigrants, including a two year old. • Every choice has a cost: he is locked up and facing charges

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