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VILLAGE VISIT BRIEFING. Village Study Objectives. Assess the dynamics of the socio-economic –political situation in the village Understand and describe the problems faced by the rural people. Recognize the importance of the peoples’ participation in evolving the solution to their problems

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  2. Village Study Objectives • Assess the dynamics of the socio-economic –political situation in the village • Understand and describe the problems faced by the rural people. • Recognize the importance of the peoples’ participation in evolving the solution to their problems • Evaluate the spatial and temporal changes that have occurred in the village in terms of quality of life as a result of the Government and NGO interventions • Evaluate working of the various village level institutions both formal and informal in terms of participation and effectiveness • Study the physical environment of the village in relation to ecological imbalances and vulnerability to disasters • Think what difference you can make as member of your service

  3. METHODOLOGY You are required to use 3 Methodologies Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) Focus Group Interview (FGI) Individual Interview PLA exercises: Transect walk Preference Ranking Time line Venn Diagram Resource mapping Livelihood analysis • Secondary Data • Village map from google

  4. ACTION PLAN Contact • Village Pradhan • School Teacher • PRI Officials • Local Money Lender/ Banker • Village Shop Keeper/ PDS • Village Doctor/ ASHA worker • AnganwadiSevika • Retired employee • Elderly persons • Post office

  5. Action Plan Contact • Women SHG groups • Water user associations • Watershed associations • Gram Panchayath • School committee • Mothers committee • VanaSamrakshanaSamithi

  6. Expected out put • Each village visit group shall submit a village study report with contribution from each member • Each group shall make a Power Point presentation for 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes discussion • Each member of the group shall prepare an issue based individual report of 1000 words

  7. Individual Report Topics • Social development: Education, Health, Gender • Impact of the Poverty alleviation Programmes • Disaster Preparedness at village level • Natural resources Management • Functioning of village level institutions • Agriculture and irrigation • Influence of modern technology • Success stories

  8. District Group leaders • To plan for proper discussions at briefing and debriefing sessions • Have the list of Officer Trainees coming to the district and village wise allotment • Plan for sight seeing (if any)strictly under the guidance of the district administration • Be clear about all travel plans and necessary travel tickets - departure point from Institute to villages and back • Ensure timely availability of water and food and stay arrangements are safe. Be in contact with the village group leaders • Liaison with the Institute’s coordinator available in the district for any kind of support • Implement plan of action as per schedule • The expenditure on food, stay and transport shall be born by the Institute. • Contingency expenditure bills can be claimed from District coordinator

  9. Village Group Leaders • Ensure Ots Stay in the village • Coordinate with the Block and village authorities • Allocate topics to the group members after a group meeting • Ensure reaching in time for debriefing • Present the group view at debriefing: constructive and not fault finding • Ensure payment for food, water, cook • Contingency expenditure bills can be claimed from the District coordinator • Procure secondary data on village • Be in touch with the institute coordinator on safety and security issues

  10. DGL and VGL • District Group leaders are to collect • Memento • Village Visit Manual • 3 copies of List of OTs going to the district • Tickets (onward and return journey) with an extra copy • Coordinate local journeys at Hyderabad and Districts • Village group leaders are to collect • Medical kits • Travel plan • Advance • Stationary • Mosquito coils • All OTs • Important Ph.nos • Travel plan copies • List of Ots • Handout PPT

  11. Suggested Things to carry In addition to regular items • A Torch light, candles, match box • Personal / general medicines • Contact details of the coordinating officers • Mosquito repellant cream or coil • Sleeping bag • Towels • Warm clothing, beside regular clothing • Blankets, bed sheets, air pillow • Village Visit Manuals, circulated notes • Camera • Sketch pens, pencil, white papers, note book • Water bottle

  12. Itinery

  13. Itinery in the Districts • After reaching District halting point , Get ready and have breakfast • Go to the briefing venue • Attend briefing session • Depart to the villages before or after lunch basing on the arrangements made in the districts • Stay in the village for 5 days • Reach debriefing point on time and attend debriefing session • Have lunch and get ready for departure from districts • The sight seeing shall be only as per plan suggested by district administration

  14. Evaluation • Based on the village visit report and presentation the best group shall be awarded with DG’s Rolling Trophy • DG’ Medals-Gold, Silver and Bronze - for best village visit reports • The individual study reports would be assessed for 10 marks as part of DG’s assessment • All reports are to be submitted to Sri. Anil Kumar Associate course coordinator • Dates for submission of village visit reports, individual study reports and presentations is 15th November. Group presentations will be on 16th November, simultaneously in the main auditorium and Tungabhadra Conference Hall in two groups

  15. Village Visit Code • Be polite and Courteous: • No arguments / conflicts with anyone • You are not princes and princesses: Adjust with the facilities –don’t demand. At the most make a demand to the institute coordinator • You can ask questions during briefing from collector about District • Do not offend local sentiments • No assurances to Villagers: Remember the purpose of your visit • Local officers are not your subordinates-treat them with respect • This is not a tourism exercise-it is a official duty for village study • Do not accept any gifts • Provide extraordinary listening, respect their view point • Acknowledge all for their support for your learning • Not to project yourself as a responder but be one with them • Keep a record of work done on day to day basis

  16. Precautions • Drinking water care • Avoid swimming and bathing in local streams, rivers and ponds • Keep contact of local doctors • Aware of blood groups and allergies • Avoid controversial discussions • Sleeping area should be safe and secure • Be with the group

  17. THANK YOU AT THE VILLAGE • Be humble • Manage with the offered facilities • Don’t promise anything

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