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Guidelines for Environmental Educational Outdoor Program. AFTER THE FIELD TRIP. Reflection Do a self assessment (Report about: Duration, Risk assessment, Participation, Outcomes) Follow up Motivate students to undertake action regarding the natural area they have visited.
Guidelines for Environmental Educational Outdoor Program AFTER THE FIELD TRIP • Reflection • Do a self assessment (Report about: Duration, Risk assessment, Participation, Outcomes) • Follow up • Motivate students to undertake action regarding the natural area they have visited. • Link the field trip with students every day life with activities to apply at school and at home (you can include the family and community). • It is good to • Have a group memento (photos, album with feelings etc). • Give a certificate of attendance to the participants. • Provide further information to the student about the topic of the program. • Discuss with students about the program and possible future programs. • One Step Further • After the evaluation and reflection you can make improvements and reform the program. • You can find lots of information and material online for: Risk assessment, Evaluation, Reflection or any other aspect you feel you need more explanation. Suggested Activities • Ice-breakers • Brainstorming • Presentation (ppt, video, etc. – adjusted to different ages) • Games (educational, self-reflection, kinetic, teambuilding, to induce positive shock) • Experiments • Field research (observation, measurements, gathering data) • Activities using ICT • Discussion • Artistic activities (sketches, charades, puppets, sculptures with natural or recycled materials) • Creating writing • Create communication bridges between different groups of students (environmental messages in a written or artistic way) Action 4.3: Training and Networking Exploring and exchanging knowledge, regarding alternative environmental education methods in the field @ 2013
BEFORE THE FIELD TRIP DURING THE FIELD TRIP MUST DO • Set a clear aim and objectives of the program. • Ensure that the program is at the appropriate level for the participants and their expertise. • Make sure that the program includes all elements of ESD -Education for Sustainable Development (Knowledge, Skills, Sensitization, Citizenship). • Design and include a varietyof methods to use e.g. games, orientation, activities and worksheets. • Set the appropriate duration for each activity. • Prepare an evaluation form. • Prepare the worksheets: Keep them clear and simple. • Make sure to have the suitable equipment for the implementation of the program. • Activity guidelines should be available to all staff. • If the program is run by more than one person ensure proper coordination. • Be familiar with the area and make preparatory visit if needed!!! (access for disabled people, water, WC etc). • Do a risk assessment. • Prepare the area (e.g. cleaning). • Have an alternative plan ready in case of any unexpected situation. • Send to the participants the safety rules, the essentials checklist and the behaviour code. • Prepare and keep updated a First Aid-Kit. • Ensure you have the appropriate adults to students ratio. • Get a record of the group, be informed of allergies, dietary preferences, kinetic abilities, etc. • Prepare the necessary documents (e.g. permissions, letters, insurances, etc). Have all these documents with you, when in the field. • Explore the groups’ expectations in advance. • Make sure you include lunch breaks, ice breakers and free time to ENJOY NATURE!!! One day before Check the weather Check the equipment Confirm with the teacher Recommended • Explore the links to the curriculum. • Develop an information kit for the teacher e.g. for the characteristics of the field, biodiversity, societal information, legends etc • Communicate the program to participants in advance to better prepare themselves. • Opt for a small group size in order to minimize the impact to the area. • Ensure that at least one person has first aid training. • MUST DO • Ensure the behavior code is enforced at all time. • Make some students in charge and responsible in a democratic and inclusive way. • Make equal groups according to students capacities and skills. • Encourage children to teach each other and disseminate information. • Promote cooperation rather than competition between students to create a friendly atmosphere. • Ensure good time management. • “Quality over quantity”, one quality activity is better than several poor quality activities. • Always give some time at the end to summarize and express emotions. • Be a good example to follow, get them involved and enthusiastic. • Harvest a positive attitude towards the environment. • At the end of the field trip make sure that • All students are gathered back and have all their belongings. • The area is as it was before the visit (haven’t left any litter at the area, everything is left in the original place etc). • All the equipment is gathered. • You have the evaluation form from the students and teachers if applicable. REMEMBER!! No matter how well prepared you are unexpected challenges will occur... Stay calm and be flexible!