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COLLABORATION WITH INDUSTRY PARTNERS. Jitka Pancířová. Collaboration with Industry. Next steps in Go Green in Dialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Fresenius Medical Care Project A campaign to achieve more sustainability in dialysis care Project Co- ordinators : Jürgen Kastl, Jitka Pancířová.

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  2. CollaborationwithIndustry Nextsteps in Go Green in Dialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & FreseniusMedical Care Project A campaign to achieve more sustainability in dialysis care Project Co-ordinators: Jürgen Kastl, Jitka Pancířová

  3. CollaborationwithIndustry Guidelines on Vascular Access Cannulation and Care Joint EDTNA/ERCA & FreseniusMedicalCare’sproject to achieveenhancedmultidisciplinaryrenal team practice in HD and produce VA guidelines. Jean Pierre van Waeleghem Jitka Pancířová Maria Teresa Parisotto

  4. CollaborationwithIndustry Project carried out in cooperation with Takeda: IV Iron Resource and Utilization in Patients with Iron Deficiency Anaemia in CKD • Survey in:United Kingdom, Italy, Spain • Leaflet with summary of results • Lesley Bennett • Karen Jenkins

  5. CollaborationwithIndustry • 6th Fresenius Middle East Renal Education Programmewas held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates John Sedgewick, FacultyChair

  6. CollaborationwithIndustry • New project: Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Shire Pharmaceuticals survey of Renal Dieticians Project Objectives • To understand attitudes and policy regarding dietary management and phosphate-binder prescribing • Locally, nationally, internationally and regionally • To disseminate the findings of the survey both among its participants and the wider renal care community • Participants will remain anonymous

  7. CollaborationwithIndustry IQD (IndividualizedQuality-assuredDialysis) A Guide to ImplementingRenal Best PracticeinHaemodialysis Joint EDTNA/ERCA & Gambro Projectto definemultidisciplinary clinical guide for HD Project Team Members

  8. IndustryEndorsement • ExistingAwards • Peritoneal Dialysis EducationProgramme • FreseniusMedical Care (Middle East & Africa) • Competence in Practice Programme • Diaverum Renal Services Group • PEP = Phosphate-Unit-Programme • Genzyme GmbH (Germany) • New Award • Dialysis Nurse Development Programme • B.Braun Avitum

  9. Collaborationwith EKHA Maintained our current partnership withEuropean Kidney Health Alliance(EKHA) Jitka Pancířová (EDTNA/ERCA Executive Director & Professor Norbert Lameire, EKHA Chairman)

  10. New collaboration Closerlinkswithrenal/non-renalinternationalAssociationestablished EDTNA/ERCA signedan collaborative agreementwithEfCCNa and HENNA forwriting the Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) – Guide to Clinical Practice PanoagotiaTsougia (HENNA) RósaThorsteinsdóttir- EfCCNa

  11. Project with ENRCA AnEuropean Network ofRenal Care Association (ENRCA) project Challenges & OpportunitiesforRenal Care AcrossEurope– A surveyofNationalPresidentsofRenal Health Care Associations“ Maria SaraivaAlessandra Zampieron

  12. New publications Continued handbooks‘ “A Guide to Clinical Practice”strategy 3 new handbookslaunchedatthe 41st EDTNA/ERCA International Conference, Strasbourg, France 2012

  13. New publications Environmental Guidelines for Dialysis translated to the following languages • Czech – FME, Jitka Pancířová • Italian - Alessandra Zampieron • Spanish - Maria CruzCasal • Russian - Edita Noruisiene • French - FME • Portuguese – Maria Saraiva

  14. Sponsors Diamondsponsors Silver sponsor Bronze sponsors Othersponsors Under the patronageof Ville et Communauté urbaine de Strasbourg

  15. CorporateMembers

  16. CorporateEducationSessions S 04 CES Fresenius Medical Care - NephroCare Connecting the patient to life: Central Venous Catheter complications can and must be managed Sunday, 16 September, 09:00-10:30 S 07 CES Gambro IQD – (Individualized Quality-assured Dialysis) - A Guideto ImplementingRenalBestPracticein HDSunday, 16 September, 11:00-12:30 S 12 CES Baxter Things youalwayswanted to know about dialysis but were afraidto ask Sunday, 16 September, 14:00-15:30 S 19 CES Shire Balancing phosphate and protein intake in patients undergoingdialysis Monday, 17 September, 09:00-10:30 S 22 CES Fresenius Medical Care - RenalPharma The future of drug management in haemodialysis Monday, 17 September, 11:00-12:30 S 27 CES Diaverum Pain, anxiety, bleeding, bumps and lumps! Improving the patients AV fistula experience Monday, 17 September, 14:00-15:30

  17. Exhibitors Note: List of exhibitors valid as of 5September2012.

  18. Thankyouforyour support!

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