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APHIS Issues - Johne's Disease Michael A. Carter DVM MPH National Animal Health Programs USDA-APHIS-VS Riverdale, MD 301-734-4914 Michael.A.Carter@aphis.usda.gov.
APHIS Issues - Johne's Disease Michael A. Carter DVM MPH National Animal Health Programs USDA-APHIS-VS Riverdale, MD 301-734-4914 Michael.A.Carter@aphis.usda.gov This presentation is to be used for non-profit, educational purposes only and shall not be used for any other purpose. For further information, contact the APHIS/VS Presentations Library e-Librarian at 301-734-5750. Source: VSPL Doc ID 0209-EALKT
Uniform Program Standards for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program - Overview Purpose Standardize State programs (management plans and testing programs) Foundation for future program activities (animal movement, trade, indemnity, etc) Administration Designated Johne’s disease Coordinator State Johne’s disease Group Johne’s Certified Veterinarians Johne’s Certified Implementers Source: VSPL Doc ID 0209-EALKT
Uniform Program Standards for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program - Overview Role of DJC • Interpret laboratory tests results and classify animals and herds • Provide training for state animal health officials and certified veterinarians • Review risk assessments and herd management plans • Audit program to evaluate progress • Assist animal health officials and certified veterinarians and herd owners in developing management plans • Participate in State Johne’s disease group • Provide a quarterly report to the VS regional Johne’s disease epidemiologist and Johne’s VS National Animal Health Programs staff Source: VSPL Doc ID 0209-EALKT
Uniform Program Standards for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program - Overview Education Management - requires risk assessment and herd management plan Herd Classification-requires risk assessment, herd management plan and testing Test 30 animals that are second lactation or higher Test Negative Component Test Positive Component Optional Assessment Levels Source: VSPL Doc ID 0209-EALKT
Uniform Program Standards for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program – Optional Assessment Levels Level Number of Animals Tested Testing Results A 30 head or whole herd No animals test positive B Whole herd <5% of animals are test positive C Whole herd 5% to 15% of animals are test positive D Whole herd -OR- 30 head >15% of animals are test positive -OR- One or more animals are test positive on a partial herd test Higher Grade Level means more likely free of Johne's disease Whole herd test - all 2nd and higher lactation and bulls 2 yrs and older Source: VSPL Doc ID 0209-EALKT
3 1 2 4 Uniform Program Standards for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program – Standard Track- General Concept TEST ELISA Subset Culture Subset ELISA Subset ELISA 30 2+ lact. cows ? 85% 95% 98% 99% Herd Status Level Higher Status Level means more likely free of Johne's disease Source: VSPL Doc ID 0209-EALKT
3 2 4 Uniform Program Standards for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program – Fast Track- General Concept Statement of no disease for 5 years ELISA Subset Culture 30 samples ELISA Subset ? 95% 98% 99% Herd Status Level Higher Status Level means more likely free of Johne's disease Source: VSPL Doc ID 0209-EALKT
ELISA + Fecal Culture + - Culture appeal- necropsy or full thickness biopsy or six fecal cultures 30 to 45 days apart Uniform Program Standards for the Voluntary Bovine Johne’s Disease Control Program – Appeal Process Within 45 days Suspended pending appeal Animal is considered positive Animal is considered negative Within 30 days Source: VSPL Doc ID 0209-EALKT