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Dear Mr Thomson, I have opened a file on our new client , Mr Hendricks . The file contains the intake memo , fee agreement and retainer agreement . Please sign these . I need to mail them to Mr. Hendricks directly , along with our standard form letter .
DearMr Thomson, I haveopened a file onour new client, MrHendricks. The file containstheintake memo, feeagreementand retaineragreement. Pleasesignthese. I needto mail themto Mr. Hendricksdirectly, alongwithour standard formletter. I am alsosending a demandpackageand copies of allthecorrespondenceso far. I haveopened a pre-litigation folder and made up an agenda. Thisistoensurewehaveeverythingweneedon time, includingmedical records and thepolicereport.
-Retaineragreement -agenda -formletter -demandpackage 1 A contractbetween a lawyer and a clientforretention and payment of services________ 2 A set of documentsthat a lawyerobtainsfromothercompaniestohelpwith a case____________ 3 A letterthatisprintedmany times and senttomanydifferentpeople 4 A list of thingsthatneedto be done in a certainorder
1 Medical records/ policereport -Did Ashley contactthe hospital forthe __________? -Ms Reed hadtowrite a ____________ afterher car wasstolen 2 intake memo/feeagreement -Whenthe new clientarrives, the legal assistantmust complete the_____________. -Mr Jackson needstoseethe _________ so he knowshowmuchtheservicescost. 3 litigation/correspondence -Keepall __________, such as letters and emails, in a folder -Therehavealreadybeentwo ___________ cases withthiscompany
After a person has had a car, motorcycle or truck accident in California or been injured on a bicycle or as a pedestrian after being hit by an auto or other motor vehicle, the attorney for the victim of such an accident puts together a demand package to send to the insurance company.
What is a demand package? A demand package includes a demand letter and attachments of all of the documentation to prove an accident victim’s case. • The demand letter is where the attorney discusses the facts of the accident, the conclusions of the police officer in any police report, evaluates liability and any comparative negligence and discusses the property damage to the vehicles and the photographs of the vehicle damage and the car repairs.
A retainer agreement is a work for hire contract. It falls between a one-time contract and full-time employment. Its distinguishing feature is that the employer pays in advance for work to be specified later. Additional contracts regarding the performance of this work may also apply.
An Intake memo is a questionnaire or set of notes that a lawyer writes for a new client. • Documenting the interview is usually accomplished by preparing an intake memo, an end product of the interview. The intake memo is comprised of the notes taken during the interview. It serves several purposes: • (1) It documents the interview; and. 2) It prevents any future misunderstanding about the information f