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Unit 4 Speech or Language Impairments

Unit 4 Speech or Language Impairments. Prepared by: Cicilia Evi GradDiplSc ., M. Psi. Definition. Speech impairments  when the sender’s speech impairs the communication  articulation, fluency, voice (pitch or loudness)

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Unit 4 Speech or Language Impairments

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  1. Unit 4Speech or Language Impairments Prepared by: CiciliaEviGradDiplSc., M. Psi

  2. Definition • Speech impairments  when the sender’s speech impairs the communication  articulation, fluency, voice (pitch or loudness) • Language impairments  when the sender can’t employ the signs, symbols or rules that govern the form, content and use of language • Speech/language pathologist  professional who diagnoses and treats speech/language impairments

  3. Speech Impairments • Articulation disorder  when the process of producing speech sounds is flawed, and resulting in incorrect speech sounds  related to age, culture and environment • Fluency problems  involve hesitations or repetition of parts of words that interrupt the flow of speech • Voice problems  abnormal spoken language production

  4. Language Impairments • Form  the rules system used in all language (oral, written and sign) • Content  intent and meaning of spoken or written statements • Use  beware with the use of language in different settings and social context

  5. Challenges • Affect interaction with others in every setting • Affect success in school, social situations and employment • Feeling  embarrass, guilty, frustration, anger • Long term  overly aggressive, denying their disability, projecting their conditions to their listeners • Socially withdrawn, avoid situation where they have to talk, isolated, avoid certain words

  6. Characteristics • Table 4.3  p. 128 • Table 4.4  p. 131 • Classroom Management  p. 129 • Case Brandon  p. 134

  7. Causes • Speech Impairments  brain damage, malfunction of respiratory or speech mechanism, malformation of the articulators • Stuttering  unable to pinpoint on a single cause  related to stress, especially when situation is very complex or unpredictable • Voice problems  symptomatic of medical problems, undue abuse of the voice

  8. Causes (2) • Language Impairments  genetic conditions, hearing impairments, illness, injury, and the existence of coexisting disabilities like autism (Plante & Beeson, 2008)

  9. Prevalence • Figure 4.6, p. 135  decline by 3rd grade  why?

  10. Communication Process • Communication  process of exchanging knowledge, ideas, opinions and feelings through the use of verbal/non verbal language • Communication symbols  voice, letters of the alphabet, or gestures used to send message • Communication signals  a variety of nonverbal cues that announce some immediate event, person, action or emotion

  11. Prevention • Early Identification  at age 2 • Prereferral  by general education classroom teacher, with the help of special educators • What SLPs can do  p. 138 • Identification  p. 139 • Evaluation  p. 140

  12. Early Intervention • Home-based intervention with parents  scores higher • Tactics for effective preschool programs  • Language-rich environments • Integrated into every lesson throughout the day  read effective instruction p. 142

  13. Language-rich environment

  14. In General Education Curriculum • Key elements for effective learning in the classroom  p. 143 • The need of explicit instruction • Hard to understand metaphor or analogies • Fajarmerekah • Senjatamakantuan • Tangannyasehalus sutra • Language-sensitive classrooms  p. 145

  15. How to Help? • Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)  p. 146 • Technology • Communication boards • Speech synthesizers • Graphic organizers

  16. Psychologists? • During transition process • Partnerships with Families and Communities

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