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Women Labour Problems

Women Labour Problems. Gender bias – unequal payment 2. Socio-cultural factor – India ideal example 3. Health factor – anaemia, pregnancy 4. Household management. Solutions. 1.Literacy rate 2.Women empowerment –better share in panchayats, municipal corporations

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Women Labour Problems

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Women Labour Problems • Gender bias – unequal payment • 2. Socio-cultural factor – India ideal example • 3. Health factor – anaemia, pregnancy • 4. Household management

  2. Solutions 1.Literacy rate 2.Women empowerment –better share in panchayats, municipal corporations 3.Better health facilities- free medical check- up 4.Newer schemes like Rozgar guarantee scheme 5.Example -Amul

  3. Child Labour Problems 1. Poverty – mainly caused due to large family size. 2. Family debts- repayment & bonded labour 3. General Indian attitude- caste & social order 4. Irrelevant & inaccessible education system 5. Ineffective legislation

  4. Solutions 1.Newer legislations like prohibition of Domestic labour act 2.Awareness programmes with the help of NGOs 3.Effective government policies like mid-day meal scheme 4. Monitoring agencies to evaluate the success level of govt. funded projects mainly for children 5. Consensus of children

  5. AGRICULTURAL LABOUR PROBLEMS 1.System of land tenure 2.Fragmentation of holdings 3.Irrigational problems 4.Low productivity 5.Lack of continuous employment 6.Diversification of rural occupation

  6. Solutions 1.Training programme for jobless workers 2.Newer projects like Rozgar guarantee scheme 3.Education 4.Stress on small scale industries & cottage industries

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