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Topic 3: Floods Reporting Directive 2007/60/EC

Topic 3: Floods Reporting Directive 2007/60/EC Violeta Vinceviciene WFD Team-WISE, DG ENV.D.2. Reporting requirements and draft time table Needs from IT- side and next steps. Contents. Deadlines of the directive 2007/60/EC. List of reporting sheets for FD.

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Topic 3: Floods Reporting Directive 2007/60/EC

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  1. Topic 3: Floods Reporting Directive 2007/60/EC Violeta Vinceviciene WFD Team-WISE, DG ENV.D.2

  2. Reporting requirements and draft time table • Needs from IT- side and next steps Contents

  3. Deadlines of the directive2007/60/EC

  4. List of reporting sheets for FD • Competent authorities and Units of Management • Preliminary flood risk assessment (PFRA) and Identification of Areas – Art.4-5 • Flood Risk Maps and Flood Hazard Maps – Art.6 • Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) – Art.7 • Deadline availability of transitional measures* - Art.13 - on : - Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment & Identif.of areas - Flood Risk Maps and Flood Hazard Maps - Flood Risk Manag.Plans * i.e. by when assessments, existing maps, and plans will be ready

  5. Specifics of Art.13 vs Art.4,5,6,7 • Art.13: • deadline 22/12/2010 to inform about ‘free-format’ available / already existing measures on Art.4,5,6,7 in MS • COM is planning to ask to provide this information in ‘free format’ and EC is planning to assess this information by 2011 as regards its « equivalency » with Art.4,5,6,7 • However, even if reporting this ‘free format’ information under Art.13, MS will need to report according to reporting deadlines of Art.3,4,5,6,7, the specific information required in addition by the reporting sheets (regarding methodology etc). The 22/12/2009 shall therefore be seen and an itnerim step. • Art.4, 5, 6, 7: • deadlines 2012, 2014, 2016 respectively • reporting sheets followed by IT formats will be developed accordingly

  6. 2. 3.FRM&FHM 3. Art.6 4. Art.13 4.FRMP Art.7 Art.7 Art.13 Structure of reporting sheets: 22/03/2012 2. PFRA&IoA Art.4-5 5. Transit.meas. Free format 22/12/2010 Art.13 Art.13 Agreed format: 22/03/2012, 22/03/2014, 22/03/2016 22/03/2014 22/03/2016

  7. Preliminary draft timetable

  8. Needs for WISEds & link to INSPIRE for Floods WISE ds for Floods: 06/2010-06/2011 Agreed & implemented IT formats WISE ds and INSPIRE

  9. Draft workflow for FD in WISE • Reporting sheets • Reporting formats for tabular & textual data • Guidance geographical data (GIS Guidance, add floods chapter, Art.6 – agreed format and Art.13 – free format)  needs link with INSPIRE and WISE ds development for Floods • Develop IT templates for geographical reporting and/or information exchange/availability • QA/QC rules and tools • Testing • Release of IT formats and guidance doc’s for reporting process Key principles for FD reporting • Reduce the efforts by the Member States • Use information available anyway at national and European level • Allow different speeds

  10. Next steps • To agree with WDs on reporting sheets = contents for reporting on Floods directive by Nov’2009 and May’2010 • To explore on data &information existing formats in some selected/volunteered countries according the contents of reporting sheets agreed  what should be the impact on WISE ds development • Need of matrix of deadlines and topics linking Floods reporting and INSPIRE outcomes & impact for Floods  task sheet for WRc contract • How to link WISEds for floods and INSPIRE? Some needs are, e.g. • Define and create relevant metadata registry at national level (INSPIRE requirement) • Develop network services for data exchange , including data discovery, view (is visualisation) and download services (INSPIRE requirement) • Check and test interoperability (INSPIRE requirement) • etc • Identify which floods reference data sets to be created: UoM/CA, some floods maps (tbd) • Identify which WISE reference datasets and background layers could be used:

  11. Questions? Remarks? • Let’s start a discussion and/or exchange of views drafting a road map on IT matters for including Floods Directive into WISE and linking with INSPIRE … and of course…Many thanks for your contribution

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