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Understanding the Vitality of Blood: Composition, Physiology, and Origins

Explore the intricate details of blood, a specialized connective tissue that carries essential elements throughout the body. Learn about its composition, functions, properties, and evolution from primitive sea water origins to its crucial role in maintaining health.

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Understanding the Vitality of Blood: Composition, Physiology, and Origins

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  1. BLOOD

  2. CONTENTS • Blood • Introduction • Composition of blood • E.S.R • Physiology of R.B.C, W.B.C, Platelets • A.B.O and Rh. Blood group • Lymphatic's & R.E. system • Body fluid compartment & Blood volume • Coagulation & haemostasis.

  3. BLOOD Blood may be define as a specialized connective tissue in which there is a liquid intercellular substance known as plasma & formed elements like RBC,WBC& platelets suspended in the plasma.

  4. INTRODUCTION Blood is a connective tissue in fluid form . It is considered as the fluid of life because it carries oxygen from lungs to all parts of the body & co2 from all parts of the body to the lungs. It is known as fluid of growth because it carries nutritive substances from the digestive system& hormones from endocrine glands to all the tissues. The blood is also called the fluid of health because it protects the body against the diseases & gets rid the waste products & unwanted substances by transporting them to the excretory organs like

  5. Kidney . ORIGIN Life evolved first in the sea water . The primitive unicellular animal took its oxygen & nutrition from ocean & excreted its waste products into it .But with the development of the multicellular forms , this simple arrangement of drainage & supply could no longer hold .The cellsin the deeper parts of the body could not came into free contact with surrounding sea water ,& could therefore suffer.

  6. To overcome this problem ,a system of intercommunicating developed through which the sea water easily flowed in & out & deeper cells could satisfy their needs. This system is known as open one. But this open circulatory system had many disadvantages& with the birth of the forms open system became a closed one. The sea water, which used to remain outside body became entrapped within the body .In the course of evolution, that enclosed marine water has undergone profound modification & has been transformed into blood. In its inorganic composition still maintains a close resemblance with sea water.

  7. PROPERTIES OF BLOOD • COLOUR: Blood is red in colour. Arterial blood is scarlet red because it contains more oxygen &venous blood is purple red because of more co2. • VOLUME: The average volume of blood in normal adult is 5L.In females it is less about 4.5L. • REACTION & pH : Blood is slightly alkaline & its pH is 7.4.

  8. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: It is 1.055-1.060. • VISCOCITY: Blood is 5 times more viscous than water. It is due to RBC & plasma proteins.

  9. COMPOSITION OF BLOOD Blood is a highly complex fluid which is composed of two parts :- • a liquid called the PLASMA, a watery liquid matrix that contains dissolved substances.

  10. FORMED ELEMENTS, which are cells &cells fragments. if a sample of blood is centrifuged in a small glass tube ,the cells sink to the bottom of the tube while the lighter weight plasma forms a layer on the top. • Blood IS ABOUT 45% formed elements& 55% plasma.

  11. PLASMA • Plasma is a clear ,straw coloured fluid portion of blood & represent 50% of the total blood volume .It contains 91% water & 9%solid . The solids comprises of : 1% inorganic & 8% organic molecules . • The major inorganic molecules are : • Na+,Cl-,HCO3- (mainly extra cellular ) • K+,Mg2+,Cu2+,PO4 ,proteins- (mainly intra cellular) • Ca2+(equal concentration on both side ) • Fe2+,Fe3+

  12. Of 8% total organic molecules • 7% are plasma proteins • 1% are other substance like Non-protein Nitrogenous (NPN) substance, sugar, fats, enzymes& hormones .

  13. PLASMA PROTEINS • Normal values: 6.4-8.3gm% • Components:- • 55% Albumins-3-5gm%[average: 4.8gm%] • 38%Globulins-2-3gm%[average:2.3gm%] • 13%alpha-globulin:0.79-0.84gm% • 14%beta-globulin:0.78-0.81gm% • 11%gamma-globulin:0.66-0.70gm% • A/G Ratio,A/G::1.7:1 • 7%Fibrinogen:0.3gm% • Prothombin:40mg%

  14. NON PROTEIN NITROGENOUS SUBSTANCES • NORMAL : 28-40mg % • These are derivatives of food & in parts are the waste products of tissue catabolism . • These include • Urea: 20-40mg% • Uric acid: 2-4mg% • Creatine: 1-2mg% • Creatinine: 0.6-1.2mg% • Xanthine: traces • Hypoxanthine: traces

  15. Other substances • These include • Neutral fats • (triglycerides):30-150mg% • Phospholipids e.g. Lecithin , sphinogomyelin ,cephalinele :150-300mg% • Glucose(fasting):70-90mg% • Cholesterol:150-240mg%

  16. CELLS • The cellular elements of blood represents 45%of the total blood volume called Packed cell volume (PCV) or Haematocrit . It include: • Erythrocytes or RBC • Normal count : 5million /cu. mm (5x106 per cu. mm) • Leucocytes or WBC • Normal count: 4000-11000/cumm (4-11x103 per cu. mm) • Platelets or Thrombocytes • Normal count:1.5-4 lacs /cu. mm (0.15-0.4x106 per cu. mm)

  17. FUNCTIONS OF BLOOD • Nutritive Function ->It carries digestive food materials like glucose, amino acids, lipids,& vitamins absorbed from the tissue cells for utilization which helps in body growth &production of energy. • Respiratory function ->It carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues & carbon dioxide from tissue to lungs.

  18. Excretory function ->Waste products formed in the tissues during various metabolic activities are removed by blood & carried to the excretory organ like kidney, skin, liver etc for excretion. • Transport of hormones & enzymes ->The hormones which are secreted by ductless glands are released directly into the blood. The blood transports these hormones to their target organs/ tissues. Blood also transports enzymes.

  19. Regulation of acid base balance ->By its efficient buffering power & with the help to maintain a constant reaction of body. • Regulation of body temperature ->The water content of the blood posses three qualities which make it very suitable for this purpose . • Due to its high specific heat it can absorb a large amount of heat & there by prevent sudden change of body temperature.

  20. High conductivity-the thermal conductivity of water is higher than that of any other ordinary liquid. This helps quick distribution of heat. • High latent heat of evaporation- latent heat of evaporation of water is very high & since water is constantly evaporating from skin &lungs a large amount of heat is lost in this way.

  21. Maintenance of ion balance -> It maintain ion balance between the cells & the surrounding fluid. • Defensive action-> Bloodacts as a great defensive mechanism in two way- • The white cells due to their phagocytic properties engulf bacteria foreign particles. • It develop antibodies which combat toxic agents.

  22. By the property of coagulation it guards against haemorrhage • The plasma proteins of blood have various functions. • Regulation of blood pressure by change in volume & viscosity of blood.

  23. PLASMA PROETIN • VARIETIES -> • In normal individuals ,total amount of plasma protein varies from 6.5 to 7.5 & average is about 7.0% • It is made up of following varieties : • Serum albumin-4.7-5.7% • Serum globulin-1.3-2.5% • Fibrinogen-0.2-0.4%

  24. SERUM • Serum is the fluid part of blood after clotting. It contain only serum albumin & serum globulin. • When the blood is shed or collected in a container, the coagulation occurs. In this process , the fibrinogen is converted into fibrin & the blood cells are trapped in this fibrin forming the blood clot. After about 45 min a straw colored fluid oozes out of the blood clot. This fluid is called serum.

  25. The fibrinogen is absent in serum because, it is converted into fibrin during blood clotting. • Thus, SERUM = PLASMA - FIBRINOGEN • Chemistry -> • Serum albumin – It contains the major part of totalplasma proteins . • It is albumin in nature having a molecular weight , about 69,000.

  26. It is soluble in distilled water . • It is precipitated by full solution with ammonium sulphate . • Iseletric pH 4.7 . • Albumin molecule is an ellipsoid, made up of single polypeptide chain . • It is heat coagulable .

  27. Serum Globulin -> • Its molecular weight varies from 9000-1300000 . • It is insoluble in distilled water, but soluble in salt solution . • It is coagulable at about 70% . • By means of electrophoresis serum globulin has been separated into three fractions –

  28. alpha 1 &alpha 2 globulins – molecular weight ranges from 41000 to 200000 bioelectric pH 5.1 • Alpha 1 globulin consist of two fractions – • One fraction combines with bilirubin • Other fraction helps in carriage of lipids, steroids and glycoprotein's. • Isoelectric pH 5.6 • Beta globulins are – • Beta –lipoprotein which helps in the carriage of lipids , steroids and carotene

  29. Globulin which helps in the transport of ion • Gamma globulin – molecular weight ranging from 150000 to 190000 • Isoelectric pH 6.0 • Antibodies belong to this class • Beta globulin –molecular weight ranging from 900000 to 1300000

  30. FIBRINOGEN -> • It is globulin in nature, molecular weight 34000. • Isoeletric pH 5.8 • It is coagulated at about 56 C • It is distinguished from other plasma proteins by its property of clotting , during which fibrinogen is converted in to fibrin .

  31. Origin of plasma proteins-> • In embryo- • The primitive plasma & the plasma proteins are produced either by secretion or actual solution of the mesenchymal cells. • The albumin fraction is the first to be formed.

  32. In Adults-> • In adults it is produced in liver i.e. fibrinogen ,prothrombin & albumin. • Regarding globulin ,sources are- • From the disintegrated blood cells • from the tissue cells in general . • From the reticulo-endothelial system • From lymphoid nodules.

  33. Rate of regulation of plasmaproteins-> After depletion of plasma proteins ,such as by severe haemorrhage or after blood donation ,the plasma proteins come to the normal level in about 14 days. Fibrinogen is regenerated first ,then comes globulin &last of all serum albumin.

  34. Functions of plasma proteins : • Essential for blood clotting – Fibrinogen &prothrombin are essential for coagulation of blood & take part in this process in the following way -

  35. Maintain colloidal osmotic pressure of blood & aid in regulating the distribution of fluid between blood & tissue- • The total colloidal osmotic pressure varies from 25 -30mm of Hg& albumin is responsible for 80% of it. • Albumin having the smallest & the most symmetrical molecules exerts the maximum osmotic pressure. • Helps in maintaining systemic arterial

  36. blood pressure constant-Viscosity of blood maintain peripheral resistance & thereby, the arterial blood pressure i.e. resistance of blood flow is directly proportional to viscosity of blood. • Provides stability to blood- Due to presence of globulin & fibrinogen. If blood loses its stability, it will lead to ROULEAUX formation of RBC . • Helps co2 carriage by forming carbamino proteins

  37. Concerned with ESR- The plasma proteins exert a great influence upon the suspension stability of blood. This is chiefly depend upon fibrinogen, less on globulin &least on albumin. • Transport function-Plasma proteins combine loosely with many agents eg- hormones, drugs, metals, iron &copper. • Immune function-The antibodies being gamma globulin in nature make up a small fraction of the globulins of plasma for defense against infection.

  38. Acts as a proteins reserve-Plasma proteins serve as store house of proteins from which the tissue can draw during starvation or in adequate protein diet. • For trephones-The leucocytes prepare substances from the plasma proteins called trephones, which are necessary for the nourishment of tissues cells grow in culture.

  39. Substance in blood plasma

  40. VARIATION IN PLASMA PROTEIN LEVEL Plasma proteins Conditions when increases Conditions when decreases • Hyperproteinemia : • Dehydration • hemolysis • acute infections like acute hepatitis or acute nephritis • Respiratory distress syndrome • Excess of glucocorticoids • Leukemia • Rheumatoid arthritis • alcoholism • Hypoproteinemia : • Diarrhea • Hemorrhage • Burns • Pregnancy • Malnutrition • Prolonged starvation • Cirrhosis of liver • Chronic infection like hepatitis of chronic nephritis Total proteins

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