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Temperature Conversions in Chemistry: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin

Explore the history of temperature scales, conversions between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin, and practical calculations for temperature management in this honors chemistry unit.

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Temperature Conversions in Chemistry: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin

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  1. Honors Chemistry Unit I - Power Point 8 Temperature Conversions Sections 1.7

  2. Anders Celsius 1701-1744 Lord Kelvin (William Thomson) 1824-1907 Temperature ScalesThree Systems for Measuring Temperature • Fahrenheit • Celsius • Kelvin Gabriel Fahrenheit 1686-1736

  3. The Three Major Temperature Scales Notice that 1 kelvin = 1 degree Celsius

  4. Converting Between Scales

  5. Calculations Using Temperature • Generally require temp’s in kelvins • T (K) = t (˚C) + 273.15 • Body temp = 37 ˚C + 273 = 310 K

  6. Temperature Conversions A person with hypothermia has a body temperature of 29.1°C. What is the body temperature in °F? °F = 9/5 (29.1°C) + 32 = 52.4 + 32 = 84.4°F

  7. Learning Check The normal temperature of a chickadee is 105.8°F. What is that temperature in °C? 1) 73.8 °C 2) 58.8 °C 3) 41.0 °C Answer: 41 °C

  8. Learning Check Pizza is baked at 235 °C . What is that in °F? 1) 455 °f 2) 350°C 3) 400°C Answer: 455 °F

  9. Exercise At what temperature does C = F?

  10. Solution • Since °C equals °F, they both should be the same value (designated as variable x). • Use one of the conversion equations such as: • Substitute in the value of x for both TC and TF. Solve for x.

  11. Solution

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