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Recruiting Methods and Working With Families. 1. 1. RECRUITING METHODS. 2. 2. Developing a Recruitment Plan. Step 1 - Know Your Target Market a) Where is your targeted market located? Work, church, home, clubs, PTA, etc. b) What media reaches them? Radio, TV, newspaper, etc.
Recruiting Methods and Working With Families 1 1
Developing a Recruitment Plan Step 1 - Know Your Target Market a) Where is your targeted market located? Work, church, home, clubs, PTA, etc. b) What media reaches them? Radio, TV, newspaper, etc. c) Where do they go and when? Laundromats, gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, daycare, community events d) Who are your community partners? Social service agencies, lenders, rental agencies, realtors 3 3
Step Two – Analyze the Information • Review the data collected to determine where and how to reach most families • Step Three – Investigate • Contact organizations, employers, churches, radio stations, newspapers, etc. • b) Get the word out about your program! • c) What are your costs? Are there other FREE methods available? • Step Four – Plan and Make Decisions • Can you delegate tasks? • b) Do you have to do everything yourself? • c)What are your time frames and dates for objectives? • d) What does your marketing and advertising budget look like? • e) How can you make your program most effective? • f) Refer to “Recruitment Methods” for some ideas 4 4
Five elements of a good message: 1. Attract Attention – Create interest 2. Stress Advantages & Benefits of the Self-Help Housing Program 3. Prove What you Say is True 4. Persuade 5. Ask for Action Benefits of Self-Help Housing a) Means different things to different people b) Decide which aspects are important to your targeted market c) Incorporate these aspects into the message 5 5
Sample Chart of Potential Benefits Product – Stress Advantage Modern, convenient, well built Energy-efficient Quality materials Maintenance free Designed to meet your needs Modern appliances Price – Stress Value House payments based on ability to pay No down payment Save money Affordable financing Best financing in the country for new construction Self – Stress Improvements Sense of accomplishment Independence Improving yourself Doing better for yourself Security, Happiness. Better and safer environment for family Develop construction & maintenance skills 6 6
Benefits of the 502 Loan Program Effective interest rate below market rate Payment is based on income and adjusted annually Repayment period is 33 or 38 years No down payment is required Closing costs can be financed out of the loan Interest and mortgage payments are deferred during construction Moratorium - Suspends the borrower’s requirement of making monthly payments for up to a 2-year period do to hardship situations (lose job, medical illness, injury, etc.) 7 7
Recruitment Methods to Try Newspapers – Both daily and weekly, try free and paid advertising, featured article, ad positioning is critical, classified adds great in some areas, activities announcements Radio - paid ads, PSAs, talk shows, interviews Television - featured on the local news, local community forum programs or PSAs Flyers, Posters, Handouts - simple, easy to read, attractive flyers for public distribution in RD offices, stores, community bulletin boards, restaurant, etc. Brochures – can be the best marketing tool used, place in supermarkets, Laundromats, restaurants, waiting areas, public service facilities Direct Mailings - can be expensive, may be more rewarding, church mailings, waiting lists for subsidized rental housing, enlist assistance of social service agencies, housing authorities and local employers 8 8
Recruitment Methods to Try Community Meetings Trade Shows, Human Service Fairs, Mall Exhibits, Community Fairs - consider time and effort needed Organizations, Colleges, Trade Schools, Headstart, Migrant Education Centers Churches Local governments – referrals for families, land, grants Local employers - post brochures on their bulletin board, stuff employee paycheck envelopes, or set up a table in the break/lunch area Contact members of low-income - apartment complexes, housing authorities Host a tenants’ meeting 9 9
Recruitment Methods Tips 1. Try many options to determine what works best for you 2. Stay in contact with the local media 3. Try the classified ads! 4. Radio stations – morning program usually have a larger target listening area 5. TV – try to get a local featured interview. Public service announcements (PSA) are free – use them! 6. Paper distribution - Flyers, posters, handouts, brochures 7. Develop a list of key points 10 10
Market Research Eliminates trial and error in recruitment Know which methods worked best and are reaching target market Survey those who have responded to recruitment efforts Continuously review and revise strategies to keep activities alive Your goal should be to have “word of mouth” work for you Useful Guidelines Decide on the message – must be interesting to target market Select the media – message and intended audience usually drives which media to use Put it in writing – prepare a written release Mail to the right person and mail by the deadline 11 11
Intake and Screening First contact probably by phone; Ask questions and share information; Plan questions that abide by Fair Housing Laws; Gather the following information: Income, Employment, Credit, Marital Status, Housing, Citizenship, Family Size Give the following information: 1.Self-Help concept 2. Participant responsibilities 3. Homes will began and be completed at the same time 4. Examples of participant’s work 5. No downpayment 6. Monthly payments based on income, give range if known 7. Loan term 8. Be honest and clear 9. Maintain a waiting list 13 13
Pre-Construction Educational Meetings Topics of discussion Basic banking skills Maintaining good credit Selecting building lots and house plans Homeownership responsibilities and maintenance Property taxes and insurance Membership Agreement and teamwork Construction procedures and techniques 14 14
Pre-Construction Meeting 1 Introduction to Self-Help What is self-help housing? Who is the sponsoring agency' for the program? Where does the mortgage loan come from? Requirements for participation in the program How long does it take to build houses? The importance of family labor participation The cost of houses built by the self-help method Purpose This meeting introduces families to the program and answers their questions about how it operates. During this meeting it is important for the Group Worker to provide direct and honest answers to all the questions asked by family members. The Group Worker should be positive, friendly, and professional in order to give families confidence in their ability to build their own homes. Nevertheless, the Group Worker shouldn't understate the commitment required. Resources A pamphlet prepared by the self-help organization describing the self-help program. Also slide shows and other visual aids, if available. 15 15
Pre-Construction Meeting 2 502 Loan Process Suggested Topics RD's 502 Loan eligibility criteria The loan application and processing procedures Interest credit and how it works Mortgage payments Loan servicing by RD in the Local Office RD's expectations of the self-help participant & RD's foreclosure policy 16 16
Purpose This meeting provides families with an in-depth discussion of RD's Rural Housing Loan Program. You should invite the RD Local Specialist to attend this meeting to explain the loan program and answer questions that families will have about mortgage payments. This also gives the Local Specialist an opportunity to indicate that RD expects families to make a commitment to the program by attending group meetings, providing actual labor hours during construction and meeting their obligations after the house is completed by making mortgage payments on time and paying taxes and insurance. RD's participation in the preconstruction process is important to the success of the self-help program because it creates and contributes to a mutual understanding between the self-help organization, RD, and the participant families. Resources Graphs and other visual aids explaining the 502 loan program. In addition, the Group Worker can review the requirements for participation with the families. 17 17
Pre-Construction Meeting 3 Explanation of Lot Selection and House Plans Suggested Topics Availability of building lots Which house plan fits which lot Types of lots: regular, cul-de-sac Limitations according to family size Purpose This meeting begins the process leading toward the completion of the families' loan applications by introducing building lots and house plans. Resources Display photographs or drawings of the selected house plan(s) during this meeting. The Construction Supervisor can be introduced at this meeting to explain the house plans under consideration. Maps and subdivision plats (charts showing property boundaries) can also be shown. Encourage families to visit the subdivision and choose their lot of choice prior to the next meeting. (Programs which are building on scattered sites or building lots already owned by the families would emphasize the placement of the house on the building site rather than lot selection.) 18 18
Pre-Construction Meeting 4 Selection of Lots and Options Suggested Topics Explanation of color scheme Review of items not allowed Review of house plans and building lots Selection of building lot and color options by each family Purpose To the participant families, this is probably the most important meeting they have yet to attend. Families will labor for many months to build their houses. The Group Worker must be extremely careful to ensure that each are pleased with their prospective home. An unhappy family member could disrupt the construction phase at a later date. Self-help housing is not a custom home building program. This means that self-help organizations must first decide the number of house plans to offer, the range of colors families can choose from and the kinds of fixtures and appliances families can choose for their homes. It is important for families to understand that the self-help organization has set limits which affect their range of choices. Families who are unable to accept these limitations should not participate in the self-help housing program. Self-help programs may choose to discuss these detailed topics separately with each family, instead of in a group setting, because of the many questions families usually have about these items. 19 19
Resources House plans, color charts for interior and exterior paints, floor tile and countertop samples, roofing samples, and other color options should be available during this meeting. Subdivision plats and maps should also be available for inspection by families. The Group Worker should use an option and color chart form to record the selections of each family. The items-not-allowed form should be reviewed in detail in order to prevent later misunderstandings between families and RD. Pre-Construction Meeting 5 Membership Agreement and Election of Officers Suggested Topics Review and explain the membership agreement Review and explain officers‘ duties Select a name for the association Elect officers 20 20
Purpose This meeting provides the structure necessary for the continued existence of the association. It begins the process of group formation by establishing a name for the association and by electing group leaders. In addition, it creates the official structure of the program by outlining in the membership agreement, the expectations and penalties for group members. Resources The membership agreement is the primary resource for this meeting. Each participant should be provided with a copy of it to read and study during the meeting. The officers' duties should be explained and reviewed in detail; a copy of the proper description should be given to the person elected for each position. In addition, the Group Worker can meet with the newly elected officers after the general meeting and distribute and explain the proposed agendas for future meetings. Self-help organizations may choose to discuss the suggested topics in two meetings, instead of one, because of the great number of topics and their importance. 21 21
Pre-Construction Meeting 6 Review of Loan Packages and Signing the Necessary Forms Suggested Topics Review each family's loan application, house plans and cost estimates, plot plans, and loan docket forms Signing RD’s documents, Scheduling the application submission interview Purpose Review the families’ loan application packages. Each family should review the documents in their loan package and sign the necessary forms. The Group Worker should make sure the house plans and lots are the same ones selected by the family the previous week. Cost estimates for the houses should be thoroughly reviewed. Each family should indicate a time when they will be able to have an interview with the RD Local Specialist. You should submit the signed applications to RD following this meeting. Resources The completed loan application packages, (the self-help organization keeps one copy for its files and the original is submitted to RD) should be reviewed by each family. The Group Worker, Construction Supervisor, and Project Director should all attend this meeting. Some programs invite the RD Local Specialist to attend this meeting and to interview the families at this time. This will depend on the willingness of the Local Specialist to attend group meetings. 22 22
Pre-Construction Meeting 7 Property Taxes and lnsurances Suggested Topics Property tax assessments in the local area Property tax exemptions Ways of planning and saving for tax payments RD property insurance requirements Types of insurance coverage available and their costs Definitions of insurance terms Making claims against insurance policies Other types of insurance Purpose This meeting is very important to families that have never owned a home. The failure to pay property taxes and property insurance premiums on a timely basis can result in the loss of the house. Group Workers should be sure that participant families understand the importance of making these payments. 23 23
Resources Generally, the officers of the self-help association invite the local tax assessor and several insurance agents from the community to address members of the group, explaining these subjects in detail. The Group Worker should also be prepared to answer questions about these topics. Often the Group Worker will have reviewed definitions of the terms at the previous meeting so that the association will be familiar with the "trade vocabulary" before this meeting. It is also important that local business people and government figures attend this meeting to interact with the association and meet members of the group. Pre-Construction Meeting 8 Credit Buying and Budgeting Suggested Topics Credit vocabulary and the cost of credit Credit sources Maintaining good credit ratings Purchasing new furniture How to plan the use of money, budgeting for mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance Saving to buy new things for the house 24 24
Purpose There are two reasons for holding this discussion on credit and budgeting during the pre-construction phase. First, most families want to furnish their new house with new furniture. This often leads to higher debt loads than they can handle when added to ownership costs and can result in the eventual loss of their house. Second, low-income families tend to pay more for credit than middle-income families because they do not understand the true cost of credit buying and borrowing. The self-help organization can help them to stretch their incomes by teaching them how to buy wisely. Resources Visual aids for use in presenting this material. The Extension Service and other organizations such as credit unions and cooperatives have consumer information available upon request. Offices of Consumer Affairs in many states can also provide information for use in this meeting. 25 25
Pre-Construction Meeting 9 Introduction to Construction Procedures Suggested Topics Plot plans and blueprints Common construction terms and vocabulary Construction materials The use of hand tools Safety on the job site General phases of house construction Purpose This meeting introduces participant families to the construction phase. It should be directed by the Construction Supervisor who will be working with the families during construction. It is important that a feeling of confidence and trust develop between the Construction Supervisor and group members. Resources Enlarged plot plans and blueprints, model houses, model foundations and landscaped lots, hand tools, first aid kits, and samples of common construction materials. 26 26
Pre-Construction Meeting 10 Demonstration of Construction Techniques Suggested Topics Use of power tools and equipment, building materials and construction schedule RD’s construction inspections, RD's expectations of families Handling materials, Job site cleanliness and safety Family labor records Purpose Many self-help organizations like to give family members the opportunity to use certain hand tools and equipment during this meeting. This may be accomplished by cutting and nailing together tool boxes or by applying roofing to a section of plywood. The Construction Supervisor should demonstrate the use of dangerous power tools and instruct families on tool safety. The recording of labor hours and family labor participation should be emphasized at this meeting. Some self-help organizations recommend that topics directly relating to construction such as the use of tools, for example, are better conducted on-site rather than in an office. Regardless of the meeting place, the construction meeting is a very important one to hold and should precede actual construction by participant families. Resources Samples of power tools, building materials and other materials as needed. 27 27
Pre-Construction Meeting 11 Final Construction Preparations Suggested Topics Purchase of materials and cost control Family labor schedules, Preparation of building sites by families Preparation of tools and materials, Preparation of identification signs Plans for initial construction activities Purpose During this meeting the Construction Supervisor should plan for the first days of construction activity. This includes scheduling the clearing of building sites, setting temporary electrical poles, and other necessary tasks. In addition, each family will be required to complete a labor schedule indicating the times they will be available to work on the houses under construction. Resources Labor schedule forms, sample purchase orders, delivery slips, invoices and family checks, and materials needed for the preparation of lot identification signs (if they are made at this time). 28 28
Pre-Construction Meeting 12 Loan Closing Procedures Suggested Topics The role of title companies, Escrow accounts, Closing statement Fees paid by the family,Introduction to the checking account, Purchase of property insurance policy,Appointments for loan closing Purpose This meeting explains exactly what will happen during loan dosing. If possible, an attorney or a representative of the title company should be invited to speak to the group about this procedure. It is important that families understand the loan closing procedures and documents that they will be signing. The Group Worker should make sure that the property insurance policies are purchased prior to loan closing and should plan to accompany the families to loan closing. In addition, the Group Worker should introduce the families' supervised checking accounts which will be established for payment of bills during the construction phase. Families should be told about the supervised nature of the account, how checks are written and signed, and how the books for each family's loan balance are kept. Resources Sample loan closing documents, a list of the fees to be paid by families, information concerning the purchase of property, insurance policies, sample checks, sample invoices, and sample family spreadsheets. 29 29
Construction Meeting 1 Landscaping Suggested Topics Use of 502 loan for landscaping Choice of shrubs, trees, flowers, etc. Advice on maintaining yards and plants Use of local resources for landscaping Purpose The Group Worker and the Construction Supervisor should prepare information about landscaping techniques suitable for the local area. Often the Extension Service can provide all the necessary information and attend the meeting as a resource. Resources Landscaping plans (provided by the Extension Service), a representative from the Extension Service and a slide presentation or other visual aids of good landscaping ideas. 30
Construction Meeting 2 Home Maintenance and Preparation for Occupancy Suggested Topics The importance of home maintenance and repair RD's maintenance requirements Methods of maintenance Preparation for occupancy Review of mortgage payments, taxes, and insurance RD’s final inspection procedures Purpose This meeting should be used by the Group Worker and Construction Supervisor to prepare families for occupancy of their completed homes. The meeting should be held in advance of construction completion in order to avoid a situation where families want to move into their homes before attending this meeting. A RD representative may want to attend in order to explain monthly payment procedures and other obligations of participant families. Resources Self-help organizations should prepare a maintenance booklet for distribution to families prior to occupying their homes. He contents should include information regarding the maintenance of their houses. Manufacturers of floor tile, countertops, ranges, etc., will often provide bulk materials concerning their products, upon request. 31
MATERIAL SELECTION PACKET FAMILY Name: Phone (Home): Lot. #: Block : Model: Phone (Work): Address: CABINETS AND COUNTERTOPS: Dishwasher Opening: Yes No Microwave Oven: Yes No (Cabinet installer will provide correct cabinet opening) Note: You must notify the electrician for proper installation of wiring. KITCHEN CABINETS Model1487 Only- Hall valet will be the same as the Kitchen cabinets. Base: Number: Color: Countertop: Number: Color: Knobs: Doors. Drawers: Family Initial: Date: BATHROOMS CABINETS Base: Number: Color: Vanity Top: Number: Color: Knobs: Doors: Drawers: Family Initial: Date: 32
ROOF SHINGLES Number: Color: Family Initial: Date: CERAMIC WALL TILE TILE FOR USE IN SHOWER TUB AREA ONLY Number: Color: Family Initial: Date: Two Story Homes Only- VINYL SIDING Number: Color: Family Initial: Date: FLOOR COVERINGS NOTE- IF YOU WANT VINYL THROUGHOUT THE HOME YOU MUST SIGN A WAVER BEFORE INSTALLATION. VINYL: NOTE - Standard installation includes kitchen, baths, hallway and entries. Vinyl can not be installed on staircase. Number: Color: Family Initial: Date: CARPET: Number: Color: Family Initial: Date: 33
PLUMBING FIXTURES Kitchen sink is a stainless steel 50/50, extra deep, double basin sink. BATHROOMS (Tub, Sink, and Toilet) White Only Note: Window frames are white and come with screens. All bathroom windows will be opaque (frosted). KITCHEN APPLIANCES: (Refrigerator, Range, and Range Hood) If you decide to purchase a microwave oven please note that a range hood must still be ordered and installed for final inspections. White: Bisque: Black: Family Initial: Date: CEILING FANS: Only- Energy Star Fan: Family Initial: Date: PAINT INTERIOR: Check One CEILING/PRIMER: Ceiling White Flat Only: INTERIOR WALLS: Number: Color: BATHROOMS: Semi Gloss: Satin Finish: Scrubmaster Flat: Family Initials: Date: 34
INTERIOR TRIM: (Baseboards, Doors, and Bi-folds) Number: Color: Semi Gloss Family Initial: Date: HANDRAILS: (Two Story Homes Only) All grip 435 Number: Color : Family Initials: Date: EXTERIOR PAINT: Body: Number: Color: Trim: Number: Color: Door: Number: Color: White____ or No Paint_____ Family Initial: Date: PORCH CEILING White__________ Or No Paint_____________ Family Initial: Date: NO CHANGES CAN BE MADE AFTER ORDER HAS BEEN PLACED. Thank you for your cooperation. FAMILY SIGNATURES: DATE: 35