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Understanding Electromagnetic Spectrum for Life: Order, Ionizing Effects, and Uses

Explore the Electromagnetic Spectrum and its impact on life. Learn the order of waves, effects of ionizing radiation, and various uses. Discover dangers and benefits of exposure.

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Understanding Electromagnetic Spectrum for Life: Order, Ionizing Effects, and Uses

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  1. Radiation and Life Revision for January 2011

  2. Electromagnetic Spectrum This is the name for the family of waves that all behave like visible light. Learn • the order • which are ionising • some effects on life • some uses

  3. Electromagnetic Spectrum Learn the Order A D I O R M I V U X G I C R O W A V E N F R A R E D I S I B L E L T R A V I O L E T R A Y A M M A

  4. Robbie Makes It Vibrate...

  5. ... Using X-rated Goods confidential X rated

  6. Electromagnetic Spectrum Robbie makes it vibrate using x-rated goods O B B I E R M I V U X G A K E S T I B R A T E S I N G R A T E D O O D S

  7. Electromagnetic Spectrum again... O B B I E R M I V U X G A K E S T I B R A T E S I N G R A T E D O O D S

  8. Electromagnetic Spectrum last time for Robbie... O B B I E R M I V U X G A K E S T I B R A T E S I N G R A T E D O O D S

  9. Electromagnetic Spectrum Which are ionising A D I O R M I V U X G I C R O W A V E N F R A R E D I S I B L E L T R A V I O L E T R A Y A M M A ionising

  10. Electromagnetic Spectrum Ionising – so what? Ionising radiation • High energy photons • Can break molecules • Can damage DNA • Can cause cancer U X G L T R A V I O L E T R A Y A M M A ionising

  11. Animation of breaking molecules?

  12. Uses of radiations Emitted by TV remote control ??? radio microwave Emitted by mobile phone when sending a text ??? infra-red visible Emitted by sun-bed in a tanning studio ??? ultra-violet Used in hospitals to check for broken bones X-ray gamma

  13. Cause, Correlation, Factor, Outcome (a) Which two people have taken actions that will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

  14. Cause, Correlation, Factor, Outcome (b) Which one person mentions a correlation between a factor and an outcome?

  15. Cause, Correlation, Factor, Outcome (c) Which two people have identified possible consequences of global warming?

  16. Risk and Benefit

  17. Uses of radiations Used to heat foods quickly radio microwave Used to make toast and grill foods infra-red visible Used to show up security markings ??? ultra-violet Used to treat cancers ??? X-ray ??? gamma

  18. Risks and Benefits Which two people are taking action to reduce the risks from exposure to ultraviolet?

  19. Risks and Benefits Who is talking about the dangers from exposure to ultraviolet? (It could be more than one.)

  20. Risks and Benefits Who is talking about the benefits from exposure to ultraviolet? (It could be more than one.)

  21. Uses of radiations Emitted by TV remote control gamma ??? X-ray Used to grill foods and make toast ultra-violet ??? visible ??? Emitted by sun-bed in a tanning studio ??? infra-red Used by humans to see with their eyes microwave ??? radio

  22. Risks and Benefits The article suggests there is a risk to using a mobile phone. Which two students seem unaware of any risks?

  23. Risks and Benefits Which two students have done things that lead to a lower risk?

  24. Risks and Benefits

  25. Uses of radiations Human eyes can detect this ??? radio microwave Emitted by any warm object ??? infra-red visible Used to see inside bags in airport security ??? ultra-violet Used in broadbast TV signals X-ray ??? gamma

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