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New RPC Front-End Electronics for HADES. A. Gil a , D. Belver b , P. Cabanelas b , J. Díaz a , J.A. Garzón b , D. González-Díaz b , W. Koenig c , J.S. Lange c , J. Marín d , N. Montes b , P. Skott c , M. Traxler c
New RPC Front-End Electronics for HADES A. Gil a, D. Belver b, P. Cabanelas b, J. Díaz a, J.A. Garzón b, D. González-Díaz b, W. Koenig c, J.S. Lange c, J. Marín d, N. Montes b, P. Skott c, M. Traxler c a IFIC (Centro Mixto UV-CSIC) Valencia, 46071, Spain. b LabCAF, Dpto. de Física de Partículas, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, 15782, Spain. c GSI, Darmstadt,64291, Germany. d CIEMAT, Avd. Complutense 22, Madrid, 28040, Spain. 12th Workshop on Electronics for LHC and future Experiments 25-29 September 2006 Valencia (Spain)
HADES EXPERIMENT HADES is located at the SIS accelerator of GSI, Darmstadt (Germany) GSI FAIR HADES
HADES EXPERIMENT High Acceptance DiElectonSpectrometer • Detection of electron-positron pairs produced in relativistic hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions with the goal of studying vector meson properties in nuclear matter, both normal and hot and compressed. • Consists of several subdetectors providing tracking, triggering, particle identification and momentum reconstruction capabilities RPC detector
HADES EXPERIMENT Objective of the project: Upgrade of HADES replacing the low angle TOFino detector for the an RPC wall TOF: Time of Flight detector (100ps time resolution) TOFino: Low angle Time of Flight detector (350ps time resolution) RPC wall TOFino (cross section of HADES)
RPC wall • The RPC wall is distributed in 6 sectors, covering an active area of 7 squared-meters. (View from inside)
RPC wall RPC wall contains 1024 double-sided readout detectors (2048 channels) • 80 times larger granularity • Time resolutions of 70 ps • Rates up to 700 Hz/cm2 • collisions from C-C to Au-Au Double layer acceptance close to 100%
RPC cells RPC Gas Box & cells(LIP-Coimbra,P. Fonte et al.) • CHEAP MATERIALS: • Aluminium • Glass • SHIELDED CELLS: • Crosstalk < 1% • GAS MIXTURE: • Freon (85%) • SF6 (15%) • Isobutane (5%)
RPC signal • Rise time ~500ps • 5ns width • Amplitudes up to 200mV • Oscillations due to impedance mismatch between the detector (20Ω) and the electronics (50Ω) 100mV 100ns
FEE design considerations • A large bandwidth to deal with short rise times of RPC pulses (about 500ps rise time and 5ns width). • Low electronic jitter and noise for good time resolutions • Charge measurement for correction • Output signal for the trigger logic of HADES. Rate < 1kHz/cm2 RPC area x100cm2 =100kHz X31 channels = 3.1 MHz firing • Size restrictions two boards DB and MB • Built with commercially available components • Moderate power consumption to reduce heat. Detector active area Front End set up on the RPC sector
DAUGHTERBOARD • Generates a time-window signal which contains information about the: • Arrival time of the RPC signal (for TOF measurement) • Charge of the RPC signal • 6 Layer board • 4 channels/board • Micro Lemo inputs • Hi-freq Samtec connector 4 2 4.5cm 1 2 3 4 5cm
R Comparator Trigger Out. Σ4ch. Amplifier 2k2 MAX9601-2ch 500ps Propagation Delay In BFT92 Wideband PNP Transistor C Latch enable 4 ch. out GALI-S66 Monolithic (20dB, 2GHz) ToF-Threshold PECL- LVDS C MAX9601-2ch SN65LVDT100 OPA690 Wideband Op. Amplifier C SAMTEC 16 diff. pins ToT-Threshold Integrator DAUGHTERBOARD Amplifier stage → GALI-S66 Discriminator stage: - Dual MAX 9601 comparator with histeresis and latch enable (2 comparators/channel). PECL-LVDS TI SN65LVDT100 converter. BFT92 transistor for multiplicity trigger.
RPC signal ToF xG RPC signal ƒ ToT Voltage (50mV/div) Integrated signal RC integrator 2ns (to avoid tail) RPC arrival time ToT Amplified RPC signal Output signal width~charge Time (20ns/div)
MOTHERBOARD • Main tasks: • Supply stable voltage to the Daughterboard +5V,-5V,+3.3V • Conentrates the time-window signals from 8 Daughterboard to 1 connector (then twisted pair cable to the TDC board). • Combines the 32 trigger signals coming out from the Daughterboard to provide only 1 multiplicity signal. • Allocates DACs for the threshold voltages of the comparators on the Daugherboard • Minor tasks: Test signals multiplexing, LVDS repeaters,interface for DACs programming, etc 6cm 40cm
MOTHERBOARD 1) Supply stable voltage to the Daughterboard • Ripple filtering DC-DC converter Motherboard +5V -5V +3.3V Different decades C Ferrite bead Uses the plugged vias technique to: reduce ESR and ESL layout effects in filter capacitors and PCB dimensions
MOTHERBOARD 2)Conentrates the time-window signals from 8 Daughterboard to 1 connector (then twisted pair cable to the TDC board). Interface: Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Also used for: • DACs programming • Test signals delivery Advantages: • Low power consumption • High noise inmunity Diferential impedance matching lines and termination resistors (100Ω) to reduce signal reflections/distorsions
MOTHERBOARD 3) Combines the 32 trigger signals coming out from the Daughterboard to provide only 1 multiplicity signal. Low level trigger: • Two-stage circuit • Summing OPAMs • OPA690 • High slew rate • High output swing • -100mV contribution per channel
TDC board DOCSCLK Motherboard DAC1 DAC2 DAC8 MOTHERBOARD 4) Allocates DACs for the threshold voltages of the comparators on the Daugherboard • DACs Thresholds • 8 DACs/Motherboard • 8 Channels/DAC • LTC2620 • 12 bits resolution • Low noise • Low power consumption • Daisy-chained • SPI programming
ELECTRONIC CHAIN Daughterboard Motherboard Daughterboard 4 channels Motherboard8 Daughterboards Time Readout Board (TRB) 4 Motherboards DC-DC converter 2 MB. RPC TRB DC-DC converter
TRB Time Readout Board: • Custom TDC-Readout-Board • Muli-purpose 128-channel • Requires 1 channel for timing • Based on the HPTDC ASIC developed at CERN GSI (M. Traxler et al.)
DC-DC converter • Input: +48V • Output: +5V,-5V&+3.3V • 2xDATEL 5V (12A)modules. 100mVpp ripple@20MHz • POLA 3.3V 40mVpp ripple @20MHz • Extra filtering at the input and output: 25mVpp ripple @20MHz GSI (M. Traxler et al.)
RESULTS Full chain: Detector+FEE+TRB ToFThr=15mV ToTThr=-20mV <0.5W/channel Crosstalk<1% Jitter: 50ps Output width vs charge correlation for gamma illumination using 60Co source Beam results 1GeV C-C collisions
IMPROVEMENTS • DAUGHTERBOARD • Only one comparator • 30% less consumption per channel • Expected to improve the output width vs. charge correlation Charge comparator removed
IMPROVEMENTS • MOTHERBOARD • Ripple filtering improvement • DACs readback to check that the data has correctly received • Trigger system will be redesigned because the actual OPAMs produce big overshootlower slow rate
SUMMARY • The actual FEE fits HADES requirements. 2 Motherboards with 64 channels has been evaluated under: - pulse generator - gamma source - under beam • Still some improvements commented have to be done, as well as some long term stability tests. Noise/crosstalk measurements should be done in more detail. • Next step will be to cover 2 sectors of the actual detector in February 2007
Acknowledgments • Hector Alvarez (LabCAF-Universidad de S. Compostela) • Alberto Blanco (LIP-Coimbra) • Paulo Fonte (LIP-Coimbra) • Gerhard May (GSI) • Martin Zapata (LabCAF-Universidad de S. Compostela)