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SOUTHERN UNITED HOCKEY CLUB COACHES KIT FOR RETAINING YOUTH GIRLS. INTRODUCTION. For most children, sport participation peaks at 10 years. As children grow into adolescence, participation declines. Young females are twice as likely to be inactive as young males.
INTRODUCTION • For most children, sport participation peaks at 10 years. • As children grow into adolescence, participation declines. • Young females are twice as likely to be inactive as young males.
Young female athletes that mature late have delayed fat deposits which favours athletic success and may result in continued participation in competitive sport. • There is also a decrease in anaerobic and absolute aerobic power in females 13-15. This occurs at puberty when there is an increase in body fat.
INFLUENCE ON GIRLS’ PARTICIPATION PERSONAL FACTORS ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS BIOLOGICAL Hereditary Age Obesity Fitness Level PSYCHOLOGICAL Motivation Perceived barriers Perceived competence Attitudes SOCIAL Peer group Family Culture Role models ENVIRONMENTAL Access Type of activity School Independent mobility
Womensport and Recreation Victoria research (2004) suggests a 50% drop out rate at the ages 10-14. Figure 1 Children’s participation in organised sport As girls mature earlier they are dropping out earlier. Source: ABS, Children’s Participation in Cultural and Leisure Activities, April 2003, p. 14.
SOCIAL STEREOTYPING • The social status of adolescent girls often depends on conformity to the feminine stereotype and the intensification of gender difference. That is, not being strong, physical and athletically talented. • For many women, dissatisfaction with body shape and appearance peaks during adolescence. It is a time that many teenage girls are often required to wear club sports uniforms that make them feel particularly self-conscious and can be a deterrent to participation.
Womensport and Recreation NSW suggest if girls are playing to be social and have fun, then relax the dress code and let them wear shorts and t-shirts, rather than girls being uncomfortable and embarrassed. • As Table 1 shows NSW have more females involved in club hockey than males and have over three times as many female club players than Victoria, therefore, we should be following their advice.
MOTIVATION • If you understand the reasons children participate in sport, you can enhance their motivation by structuring environments that better meet their needs. • It is for intrinsic reasons that girls are motivated to participate in sport. Winning is neither the only nor the most common reason for participation. Girls higher in self-esteem give reasons for their physical competence that were more internal, stable and personally controllable than did low self-esteem girls.
Competition and a focus on winning may act as extrinsic motivating forces to decrease intrinsic motivation. • Most athletes have multiple reasons for participation, not a single motive. Although most children withdraw because of interest in other activities, a significant minority discontinue for negative reasons. • Goal orientation tasks and technical information for skill improvement will enhance self-perceptions and motivated behaviour of girls.
GIRLS IN ORGANISED SPORT TOP 10 RESPONSES Why Girls Participate To have fun To stay in shape To get exercise To improve skills To do something they’re good at To learn new skills For the excitement of competition To play as part of a team To make new friends For the challenge of the competition Why Girls Withdraw Other interests Lack of fun Failure to learn or improve skills Lack of belonging Lack of thrills/excitement Lack of exercise & fitness No challenge/failure Competitive pressure Coach bias/discrimination Injury • Underlying Psychological Motive for Participation or Withdrawal • Perceived competence • Goal orientations • Stress response
The reason girls give for participation and dropping out are their surface level responses. • Underlying the reasons for sport withdrawal is the child’s need to feel worthy and competent.
PERCEIVED COMPETENCE • Girls who discontinue often have low perceived self-confidence, tend to focus on outcome goals and experience considerable stress. • Girls with low perceptions of their athletic abilities do not participate in sport, or they drop out, whereas girls with high perceptions of their competence participate and persist.
STRESS • Stress is an imbalance between the perceived demand of the situation and perceived ability of the individual to meet that demand, particularly under conditions in which failure to meet the demand has important consequences. • Focussing on personal improvement rather than absolute outcome assists young athletes affected by stress.
Barriers To Girls Participating • Poor self-image/self confidence • Lower participation in early childhood may also mean that girls have poorer motor skills that are precursors for sport. • Girls tend to underrate their ability to perform at sports and are less likely to view themselves as talented • Lack of encouragement, financial support, transport.
Girls may think it is unladylike to play sport, social stereotyping • Not enough time with school, VCE, university or part-time job • No role models (from either SUHC or professional athletes • Peers and relationships become a priority • Other interests • Too competitive
GOAL ORIENTATION • Teach girls to evaluate their performances by their own standards of improvement rather than by competitive outcomes (winning or losing) to enhance self-perceived ability. • Teach girls that success means exceeding their own goals, not merely winning contests. • Emphasising individual goal setting, in which girls compare their athletic performances to their own standards (self-referenced standards), helps girls avoid focussing sole attention on the outcomes of competitions, therefore feeling more competent. • Enhance peer relationships by creating motivational climates that enhance task goals and foster cooperation.
A coach’s technical instruction, reinforcement, and encouragement of a player after a mistake, correlate with a player’s self-esteem, motivation and positive attitudes.
COACH’S TASK • To learn whether girls are withdrawing from Southern United Club, hockey or from sport participation altogether by performing exit interviews. • Conduct drills that require small groups of players to interact, which will maximise athlete involvement. • Reduce displays of social status (public picking of teams). • Time should be provided for children to be with their friends and for making new friends. A key factor of girls who engage and sustain physical activity was whether they had a same-sex friend with whom to participate. • Encourage positive peer reinforcement. Adopt a no tolerance level toward derogatory remarks, teasing and negative comments. Children under 10 years rely more on adult comments however, 10-14 year old children rely more on peer comparison and evaluation.
Examples of Innovative Practices Active Girls Breakfast Teenage girls joined top Australian sports women to foster a sense of belonging by listening to female athletes talk about their love of sport and personal fulfilment. Junior Girls Cricket Squad, Illawarra Academy of Sport, Australia www.activeaustralia.org/women/strategies_practice.pdf St. Kilda Lawn Bowls Club Engaging youth program – Damien Van Trier (03) 9819 6177 Royal Victorian Bowls Association
Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation – www.achper.org.auachper@achper.org.au (03) 9354 5311 An organisation that supports those working in HPE and Recreation Australian Sports Commission – www.ausport.gov.au/index.asp National policy on women and girls in sport, recreation and physical activity 1999-2002.ASC provides national leadership in facets of sport from the elite level through to the wider community. Center for Research on Girls and Women in Sport – crgws@tc.umn.edu Physical and Mental Health Dimension form an Interdisciplinary Approach. www.coled.umn.edu/KLS/crgws/pcpfs_es.html Hockey Australia – www.hockey.org.au Hockey Victoria – www.hockeyvictoria.org.auannette@hockeyvictoria.org.au Annette Hatherley, Development Manager. (03) 8379 4280 Governing bodies of hockey responsible for all aspects, including development. NSW Department of Sport and Recreation – www.dsr.nsw.gov.au An interesting look into what other states are achieving with their youth Office for Youth–www.youth.vic.gov.au Government body responsible for positive youth programs Planet Field Hockey – www.planetfieldhockey.com This website aims to connect field hockey worldwide. It discusses a wide range of issues as well as informing the reader about the progress of national teams.
Positive Coaching Alliance–pca@positivecoaching.org Developed to emphasise the need for youth coaches to be more positive with young athletes. It has a Coaching Behaviour Assessment System (CBAS). Sport and Recreation Victoria–www.sport.vic.gov.auVicHealth–www.vichealth.vic.gov.auVicSport–www.vicsport.asn.au Victorian Government sport sites that assist with the development of youth programs in physical activity. VicSport library has a range of articles and programs that can be borrowed. Victorian Institute of Sport – www.vis.org.au/psych.asp (03) 9425 0000 Dr. N. Blundell, Dr. H. Speed, and Mr. P. Farell are sport psychologists for the VIS. Victorian University Research Project – Dr. M. Craike. (03) 9919 5538 Current longitudinal research in retaining girls in activity. Women’s Sports Foundation – www.womensportsfoundation.org Womensport and Recreation Victoria - www.womensport.com.au (03) 9654 7545 info@womensport.com This organisation and website delivers information about women and sport from all states in Australia.