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SDZ Construction: Grenade Launcher (MK19)

SDZ Construction: Grenade Launcher (MK19). Inter-service Resident Range Safety Course (Intermediate). The MK19 is a 40mm machine gun. Its firing rate is over 350 grenades per minute. . The MK19 was deployed in Southwest Asia during Operation Desert Storm and devastated enemy infantry. .

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SDZ Construction: Grenade Launcher (MK19)

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  1. SDZ Construction:Grenade Launcher (MK19) Inter-service Resident Range Safety Course (Intermediate)

  2. The MK19 is a 40mm machine gun. Its firing rate is over 350 grenades per minute. August 2003

  3. The MK19 was deployed in Southwest Asia during Operation Desert Storm and devastated enemy infantry. August 2003

  4. Legend for the MK19 (Batwing) August 2003

  5. Constructing an SDZ for the MK19 • Construct an SDZ for the MK19 Grenade Launcher firing the M383 HE cartridge. • Map Scale: 1:12,500. • Dimensions of the SDZ for this weapon system are given in DA-PAM 385-63, Chapter 7, Table 7-1. • First, plot the firing point, baseline, target, and gun target line. August 2003

  6. Plot the firing point and the baseline. • Plot the target. • Draw the gun target line. August 2003

  7. Distance X • From Table 7-1, find the measurement for Distance X (earth). • Distance X = 2095m (ˆ2100m) • Annotate Distance X on the legend. August 2003

  8. Distance X 10° 10° • At the firing point, measure 10° to the right and left of the gun target line. • Draw tic marks. August 2003

  9. Distance X 10° 10° • From the firing point, draw straight lines through the tic marks out through Distance X. August 2003

  10. Distance X 10° 10° • From the firing point, scribe an arc from the left and right limits of the Dispersion Area. Use Distance X as the radius. August 2003

  11. Dispersion Area Distance X 10° 10° • This completes the Dispersion Area. August 2003

  12. Distance X Dispersion Area Distance Y • Using Table 7-1, find the measurement for Distance Y. 1250m • Distance Y = • Annotate Distance Y on the legend. August 2003

  13. Distance X Distance Y P P Dispersion Area • Place tic marks at Distance Y on both the right and left lateral limits of the Dispersion Area. • From the Table 7-1, determine Angle P. • Angle P = 23° August 2003

  14. Distance X Distance Y P P 23° 23° Dispersion Area • At the firing point, measure 23° from the left and right limits of the Dispersion Area. • Draw tic marks as shown. August 2003

  15. Distance X Distance Y P P 23° 23° Dispersion Area • Draw a straight line from the firing point through the tic marks just drawn. August 2003

  16. Q Q Distance X Distance Y 15° 15° P P 23° 23° Dispersion Area • From the table, find Angle Q. • Angle Q = 15° • At Distance Y, measure 15° from the left and right limits of the Dispersion Area for Angle Q. August 2003

  17. Q Q Distance X Distance Y 15° 15° P P 23° 23° Dispersion Area • Draw tic marks as shown. • Draw a straight line from the tic mark at Distance Y through the tic marks just drawn. August 2003

  18. Q Q Distance X Distance Y 15° 15° P P 23° 23° Dispersion Area • Using Table 7-1, find the measurement for Distance W. • Distance W = 167m (ˆ170m) • From both the right, lightly draw lines perpendicular to the lateral limits of the Dispersion Area. August 2003

  19. Q Q Distance X Distance Y 15° 15° P P 23° 23° Dispersion Area • Place tic marks on the lines just drawn at the measurement of Distance W. • Draw a straight line through the tic marks. August 2003

  20. Dispersion Area Q Q Distance X Distance Y P P • This completes the Ricochet Area. August 2003

  21. Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • This completes the Ricochet Area. • Annotate the Ricochet Area (Distance W) on the legend. • Erase any unnecessary lines. August 2003

  22. Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • This completes the Ricochet Area. • Annotate the Ricochet Area (Distance W) on the legend. • Erase any unnecessary lines. August 2003

  23. Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • From Table 7-1, find the measurement for Area A. • Area A = 310m • Lightly draw lines perpendicular to the limits of the Ricochet and Dispersion Areas. August 2003

  24. Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • Draw tic marks at the measurement for Area A. • To establish the boundary of Areas A draw straight lines through the tic marks just drawn, through Distance X at the top and the base line at the bottom. August 2003

  25. Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • From Table 7-1, find the measurement for Area B. • Area B = 310 meters August 2003

  26. Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • Lightly draw a line extending the gun target line. • Verify that the measurement for Distance X is correct and then draw a tic mark at the measurement of Area B. August 2003

  27. Area B Area A Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • From the firing point, scribe an arc through the tic mark from the left to the right limits of Area A. • This completes Areas A and B. • Annotate Areas A and B on the legend. August 2003

  28. Area B Area A Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • Make a notation of the minimum engagement range (310m from the firing point). Do not engage targets any closer to the firing point than this! • To complete the SDZ, erase any unnecessary lines. August 2003

  29. Area B Area A Dispersion Area Distance X Distance Y Ricochet Area • Make a notation of the minimum engagement range (310m from the firing point). Do not engage targets any closer to the firing point than this! • To complete the SDZ, erase any unnecessary lines. August 2003

  30. Legend for the MK19 (Batwing) August 2003

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