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Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics. First Sky Demonstration of Potential for Ground Layer Adaptive Optics Correction. Christoph Baranec, Michael Lloyd-Hart, John Codona, Mark Milton Steward Observatory, University of Arizona baranec@optics.arizona.edu.
Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics First Sky Demonstration of Potential for Ground Layer Adaptive Optics Correction Christoph Baranec, Michael Lloyd-Hart, John Codona, Mark Milton Steward Observatory, University of Arizona baranec@optics.arizona.edu Introduction to Ground Layer Adaptive Optics Data Analysis • Ground layer correction is the averaging of wavefront informaton of multiple stars in a field to get an estimate of the common ground layer turbulence • When applied, correction for the ground layer turbulence should give modest correction to wavefronts over a very wide field of view ( 10 – 20 arcminutes ) • This is particularly useful for wide field spectroscopy • Calculating Centroid offset vectors • Estimated zero offset by averaging sets of 25 frames and finding average position of spot • Corrected for distortion seen in raw camera data using linear distortion model • Found spot position by resampling image and convolving 2-D gaussian with the spot. Centroid was located at the maximum of output of this function • Centroid offset vector calculated by subtracting spot position from zero position Experiment Goals • Our goal in this experiment is to estimate the wavefront of a central star by averaging the wavefronts of other surrounding stars in a field • We found a collection of four stars in the northern hemisphere summer sky that would be appropriate for such an experiment • Visual Magnitudes ranging from 9.4 to 10.6 • Separations of stars from 56 to 76 arcseconds • Main obstacle is to design an appropriate camera to measure wavefronts Single subaperture ground layer correction • Ground layer correction of a single subaperture corresponding to a 31cm telescope (see above plot) • Did ground layer correction using only tip and tilt of a single subaperture • Used average centroid offset vectors of outside stars to correct central star’s centroid offset • RMS length of offset vector reduced by factor of 2.28 from 0.567 to 0.249 arcseconds • Can conclude aberrations due to atmosphere and not telescope wobble since points are evenly distributed around zero Reconstructed Wavefront Data Picture of stars taken from DSS2/J/POSSII • Computed Wavefront Reconstructor • Computed a wavefront reconstructor that would take centroid offset vectors and turn them into zernike polynomial coefficients • Limitations of Reconstructor: Since only 20 spots, can only sense about up to 20 zernike modes • Ground layer correction of all four stars using only centroid offset vectors • over ALL subapertures. Similar to above correction of one subaperture. • Ground layer correction shows modest correction for stars in field • Calculated RMS Zernike Coefficients of Reconstructed Wavefronts • After transforming offset vectors into zernike coefficients, created • ground layer correction by averaging coefficents of outer stars • Below are plots of RMS Zernike Coefficents over 101 frames of • data both with and without ground layer correction applied • Again, modest correction over all four stars in field Design and Implementation of Wavefront Sensor Camera • Multiple Guide Star Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor • Images multiple Shack-Hartmann spot patterns onto a single CCD camera • 2.5 arcminute field of view with minimum separation between stars of 30 arcseconds • Pupil broken up into 5x5 subapertures • Plate Scale on CCD 1.68 pixels/arcsecond Sky image with superimposed reconstructed phase maps from one frame of data Zernike Modes Zemax layout of camera design showing fields of target stars • Observations done at Steward Observatory’s 61" Kuiper Telescope • Primary Mirror Diameter: 1.54 m = 61 inches • f/13.5 Cassegrain focus • Plate Scale: 101 microns/arcsec • Useful Field of View: >435 arcsec diameter • Typical Seeing: 1-2" • Just north of Tucson, Arizona at Mt. Bigelow Above: The assembled wave front sensor camera attached to the cassegrain focus of the Kuiper Telescope. Right: Inside the dome at Steward Observatory’s 61” Kuiper Telescope Data Collection • 625 Frames of data taken in batches of 25 • 500 Backgrounds taken between batches of data, background remained constant over night • 2 seconds between exposures; temporally uncorrelated • Each frame had an exposure time of 31 ms • Data taken July 17th 2003 from 1 to 3am Example frame of collected data after background subtraction Future Experiments 2.5 arcminutes • Take the wavefront sensor camera to the 6.5m MMT Observatory at Mt. Hopkins to take more measurements • Will be able to use other local 48” telescope to simultaneously measure the Cn2 profile via SCIDAR • This will enable us to do full tomography experiments, not just measurements of integrated wavefronts