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Announcing a Winter 09/10 Session Social Media Basics for Jewish Communal Professionals

For today’s class on blogging - call 712-451-6025 code 537695#. Announcing a Winter 09/10 Session Social Media Basics for Jewish Communal Professionals. http://natiivjewishwinter.eventbrite.com/ Send colleagues the code ‘natiivfallclass’ for $20 discount off any registration.

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Announcing a Winter 09/10 Session Social Media Basics for Jewish Communal Professionals

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  1. For today’s class on blogging - call 712-451-6025 code 537695# Announcing a Winter 09/10 SessionSocial Media Basics for Jewish Communal Professionals http://natiivjewishwinter.eventbrite.com/ Send colleagues the code ‘natiivfallclass’ for $20 discount off any registration.

  2. Social Media Basics for Jewish Communal Professionals Call 712-451-6025 code 537695# Week 4: Blogging Leah Jones, Natiiv Arts & Media

  3. Blogs What is it? What is it good for? Connecting with global community of Jews Personally connecting with communities big and small Provides perspective and context to a company Delivering insight into influential mindset Great for SEO • Frequently updated online journals, published in reverse chronological order • A blog is a platform for writing, not a style of writing • Popular platforms include • Wordpress, Typepad, Blogger • Posterous and Tumblr


  5. Header: Contains name of blog, tag line, logo. Compares to the masthead of a newspaper. RSS: Allows subscription by readers, more often on bottom. Recent Posts: Easy navigation to go directly to most recent content. About Pages: Gives reader information about who, what and why. Blogroll: List of blogs or other sites that you read regularlary are affiliated with. Linking does not mean 100% endorsement of their views. www.starsynagogue.org

  6. Contact me: links to email address or contact form About me: Another place to describe the blog for new readers Title, Date, Category: Compares to the headline of a newspaper article and helps people skim to find relevant content. Post: The main content of the blog. Essays, calendar info, announcements. Posted are seen in reverse chronological order. www.toolsforshuls.com

  7. Continuation of post. Share This or Add This: a “plug-in” for blogs that make it easy for readers to share on other social networks. Tags: Meta-data added to posts to make more searchable, keywords Comments: Readers can add comments to the post to continue the conversation, ask questions or add clarifications. Use Akismet or another spam blocker to keep spam comments down. Have a clear comment policy that allows for criticism, but not for hate speech. Make it clear what will be deleted. Consider comment moderation.


  9. Content • Who will write the blog? • What will the content be? • D’var Torah? • Calendar and events • Commentary on current events • Repurposed newsletter content • How often will new content be posted? • What about photos and video?

  10. Commenting & Moderation • Set a clear commenting policy that states hate-speech will not be tolerated • Use Akismet or similar spam-blocking plug-in with a CAPTCHA to keep out spammers • Engage in conversation if people comment • Don’t make comments your only measure of success Example from Seraphic Secret Seraphic Secret is private property, that's right, it's an extension of our home, and as such, Karen and I have instituted two Seraphic Rules and we ask commentors to act respectfully. 1. No profanity. 2. No Israel bashing. We debate, we discuss, we are respectful. You know what Israel bashing is. The world is full of it. Seraphic Secret is one of the few places in the world that will not tolerate this form of anti-Semitism. That's it. Break either of these rules and you will be banned.

  11. Analytics • Getclicky.com and Google Analytics provide a way to see what is getting attention, where people are coming from and how people are leaving the blog • Install the code in the footer of the blog to be able to track statistics

  12. Blogging & Social Media Policies • Existing code of conduct and ethics policies can be applied to social media • Who is allowed to comment or create content, what needs approval and how quickly will approval be given • http://mashable.com/2009/06/02/social-media-policy-musts/ • http://www.pr-squared.com/index.php/2009/07/corporate-social-media-policy-top-10-guidelines

  13. Great Guides & Resources • Nobody Cares What You Had For Lunch – Margaret Mason • Great tips for beginning and intermediate bloggers at www.bloggingbasics101.com • Put the blog at the center of a business with www.problogger.net • Non-profits and social media http://beth.typepad.com/

  14. Building an Audience • Include link to blog in email signatures, mention in newsletters and add to business cards • Read blogs that are related, leave thoughtful comments and use blog where asked for URL • Link out to other blogs and online resources as appropropriate • Participate in Haveil Havalim – The Jewish Blog Carnival • Create great content on a consistent basis


  16. Blogger – Blogspot.com

  17. Wordpress

  18. Typepad/Movable Type

  19. Blog-City WYSIWYG**What You See Is What You Get

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