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Preparing Math Teachers as Instructional Coaches of Urban Classrooms at Small (Gates) High Schools & Schools in Need of Improvement. Henry Kranendonk kranendhx@milwaukee.k12.wi.us Mathematics Curriculum Specialist Milwaukee Public Schools
Preparing Math Teachers as Instructional Coaches of Urban Classrooms at Small (Gates) High Schools & Schools in Need of Improvement Henry Kranendonk kranendhx@milwaukee.k12.wi.us Mathematics Curriculum SpecialistMilwaukee Public Schools Henry S. Kepner, Jr. kepner@uwm.eduDepartment of Curriculum & Instruction and Department of Mathematical SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee National Council of Supervisors of MathematicsAnnual Meeting, Atlanta, GA March 20, 2007
Mentoring “new” staff –the unfunded mandate • Acting as a sponsor • Encouraging self-reliance • Encouraging true collegiality • Encouraging reflection on practice • Provide timely, appropriate feedback
Sharing Reflecting Supporting Mentoring is NOT Evaluating Substituting Mentoring is:
To consult To collaborate To Coach Mentoring Roles:
Consult: share vital information • Procedural expectations • Building/district policy, materials, access to resources • Craft of teaching: establishing classroom routines, instructional strategies, assessments
Share the “Why” of actions, options: • Think aloud about your own…. “Why’s”, “What’s” and “How’s” • Offer a menu • Produce an idea bank • Conduct a model lesson (label critical attributes) • Review tapes of teaching • Reference, highlight current research
Collaborate: co-develop the information pool. • Shared analysis • Problem solving • Decision-making and • Reflection
Collaboration Activity Examine a 9th grade constructed response assessment. Teacher and coach: Describe what misconceptions and mistakes your students would bring to this assessment Teacher and coach: Describe what you expect your students will do to develop this assessment - and why! Teacher and coach: Describe what a student must develop to be considered proficient with this activity.
(5) Teacher and coach: Design a “meets expectation” / “does not meet expectation” rubric to the Task Features (6) Analyze each student’s work to assessment (7) Provide feedback (8) Summarize
Reciprocal nature – support mutual learning, growth, respect. • Brainstorm with colleague: • Reasons, • ideas, • solutions, • Intervention • Co-plan • Co-teach
Coaching Goal: to empower a colleague’s expertise in: • Planning, • Reflecting on practice, and • Instructional decision-making – • Focused on student learning of mathematics.
Coaching responsibilites: • Maintain a nonjudgmental stance • Inquire about “What’s” and “Why’s” • Focus on successes towards colleague’s goal • Focus on colleague’s concerns. (Be prepared to focus on whatever the colleague raises as an area of concern.) • Reflect on goals.
References • Burns, Marilyn, Silbey, Robyn. (2000) So you have to teach math? Sound advice for K-6. teachers. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications. ISBN: 0-941355-29-2. • Costa, A., Garmstorn, R. (2002) Cognitive Coaching: A foundation for Renaissance Schools. 2nd Edition Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers. ISBN: 0-926842-37-4 • DePaul, Amy. (1998?) Survival Guide for New Teachers: How new teachers can work effectively with veteran teachers, parents, principals, and teacher educators. US Dept. of Education. Office of Educational Research and Improvement. www.ed.gov • Grant, Scott Nelson, et.al. (2003) Lenses on Learning.Dale Seymour Publications. • Huinker, D., Freckmann, J. (2004) Focusing Conversations to Promote Teacher Thinking. TCM. • Lipton, L., Wellman, B. (2003) Mentoring Matters : A Practical Guideto Learning-Focused Relationships. Sherman, CT : Mira Via. • NCTM. Lester (2003) Teaching Mathematics through Problem Solving, Prekindergarten-Grade 6.
References Continued • NCTM. Schoen (2003) Teaching Mathematics through Problem Solving. Grades 6-12 • NCTM. Navigations collection. • NCTM. (2004) Empowering the Beginning Teacher of Mathematics in : • Chappell, M., Schielack, J., & Zagorski, S. Elementary School ; • Chappell, M. & Pateracki. Middle School ; • Chappell, M., Choppin, J., & Salls, J. High School. • National Research Council (2001). Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. J. Kilpatrick, J. Swafford, and B. Findell (Eds.). Mathematics Learning Study Committee, Center for Education, Division • Stein, Mary Kay, Smith, M., Henningsen, M. & Silver, E. (2000) Implementing Standards-based Mathematics Instruction. NY: Teachers College Press and NCTM. • West, L.& Staub, F. (2003) Content-Focused Coaching : Transforming Mathematics Lessons. Heinemann.