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Welcome 5 th Grade Curriculum Night. Mrs. I. Alamia Mrs. A. Alvarez Mrs. M.E. Mora September 3, 2013. Classroom Rules/Expectations. Be prepared with homework and supplies Follow directions and work quietly Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Work and play safely
Welcome 5th GradeCurriculum Night Mrs. I. Alamia Mrs. A. Alvarez Mrs. M.E. Mora September 3, 2013
Classroom Rules/Expectations • Be prepared with homework and supplies • Follow directions and work quietly • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself • Work and play safely • Show respect with your words and actions
Consequences • Verbal warning • Loss of conduct point and/or • After school detention (3:30-4:15) • Parent conference • Referral to office • SEVERE DISRUPTION – Immediate referral.
Dress Code • No flip flops. • No spaghetti straps or midriff showing. • No camouflage outfits. • Shorts and skirts MUST be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. • Shirts need to be tucked in at all times. • A copy of the dress code can be found in Student/Parent Handbook & Online
Attendance and Tardies • State law permits only 8 absences per semester • A note within 3 days of your student returning from an illness is necessary or the absence is unexcused. • 3 tardies = 1 absence for Perfect Attendance Award in May. • STUDENTS WILL BE COUNTED TARDY AT 8:00 A.M. • Attendance – Pink card will be filled out by office (new this year)
Purpose of Homework • Encourage development of individual study habits, skills, and responsibilities • Reinforce, enrich, and extend learning by providing additional educational opportunities. • Provide a transition of required amounts of homework between elementary and intermediate grades, and between junior high and high school.
Daily Homework • There is a Saxon Math lesson and AR Reading every night. All other subjects may be nightly. • Homework should be approx. 90 minutes nightly, 4 nights a week depending on how your child uses their time in class. • There will be occasional projects assigned. • Each missing homework assignment results in the loss of a citizenship point and will be documented in planner.
Academic Planners • All homework and important messages will be written in the planner daily. • Please write any notes or questions in planner. We check them daily. • Your child loses a conduct point when their planner is not signed. • We are creating lifelong organizational skills with the planners.
Morning & Afternoon Procedures • Morning procedure is that every student will go to cafeteria – even if they are not eating breakfast. • Grade levels will be dismissed to classrooms one at a time starting at 7:40. • Pick up after school is on the North side of the building. • Additional morning drop off is by the cafeteria doors. Parents do not have to get out of cars. • Class begins promptly at 8:00 A.M. • Dismissal is at 3:30 P.M.
Cafeteria Procedures • State law prohibits children from sharing food in school cafeteria. • Parents may bring outside food/drink for their child only. No sodas are allowed. • The goal is to encourage healthy life skills for all Texas children. • There is a list of healthy snacks on the Sharyland ISD website. • Meals may be paid for on SISD website.
Accelerated Reading • Each child has an AR goal of 20 points for every grading period. • Our goal is for every student to be awarded a 100 point trophy. • Rewards will be given to those students attaining their AR goals in given grading period. • Please check with Mrs. Guzman to set up your email address to receive updates from every quiz taken.
Reading • Reading STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) test is April 2, 2014. • Reading STAAR test has approx. 46 questions. It is a timed test with only four hours allotted. It tests critical thinking skills such as: main idea, It is a timed test with only four hours allotted. summary, context clues, author’s purpose, point of view, sequencing, plot, inferencing, generalizations and much more. • Curriculum consists of basal reading and/or novel sets. Emphasis on vocabulary is included. Every day students will receive 60 minutes reading and 30 minutes STAAR instruction.
Spelling/Science Vocabulary • Spelling and Science vocabulary words are integrated into one list. • Lists will be in their planners on a weekly basis. The words can also be looked up on teacher webpage. • Science words will be kept in their spelling composition notebook and in their index cards. • Tests are given on Thursday over both Science vocabulary and spelling words assigned.
Composition/Grammar • Composition will vary weekly from narratives, poetry, autobiographies, biographies, research articles, observations of current events, etc. • Grammar grades will be taken via composition assignments and/or assigned text pages.
Saxon Math/STAAR Math • The STAAR Math test will be administered April 1, 2014 and consists of 50 problems It is a timed test with only four hours allotted. The questions on the test includes problem- solving, mathematical processes, number concepts, geometry, fractions, probability/statistics, and much more. • Our district curriculum is Saxon Math. Every day students will receive 60 minutes of Saxon Math and 30 minutes STAAR instruction.
Saxon Math • Must keep binders organized and complete. • There is a problem set for homework EVERY night. • Math grades will consist of quizzes and tests, strictly from Saxon. • Math 87 for next year for those who qualify.
Science • Science STAAR test April 23, 2014. It will consists of 44 questions. • Science will consist of science journal, science vocabulary, and hands on lab work. • A Science journal, folder and index vocabulary cards will be maintained by each student. • Living with Science is the Science Tech Lab.
Social Studies • United States history, civics, economy, and government are the essence of Social Studies. • There are daily readings and discussions. • Work is assigned to complement instruction. • Projects will be assigned in Social Studies.
IMPORTANT!!SSI (Student Success Initiative) • In 5th Grade, students are required to pass the STAAR test in Reading and Math. If they do not pass the first time they will have two other opportunities to do so. • Should your child not pass on the third attempt, there will be a strong possibility of retention.
Texas State Performance Standards Project • G/T project required from grades 2nd through 5th grade • Done in class/home. • Group assignment
Technology Project • Second and Fifth grade students are required by law to complete a technology project. • Fifth graders are required to complete a Power Point presentationat school.
Curriculum Based Assessments and “Rigor” • CBA will be administered once every semester for all academic areas. These grades will be part of the report card grade. • “Rigor” is a new required method of instruction which will raise the bar for both students and teachers by implementing higher expectations.
Friendly Reminders • Grades are posted weekly on Skyward. • You will receive a 3 week progress report to advise you of grades as well as a grading period report card. • Students may bring a water bottle for after P.E. • SPTSO membership and Volunteering-If you wish to volunteer, you must fill out a background check form available at the office. (It takes about 2 weeks to process.)