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Team-Based Leadership

Team-Based Leadership. Source: Wayne Cordeiro, New Hope Church, Hawaii john.chandler@vbmb.org. 4 Leadership Aptitudes. Directing Strategic Team building Operational The goal of team-based leadership: Capitalize on strengths of each. Benefits of Team-based leadership .

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Team-Based Leadership

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  1. Team-Based Leadership Source: Wayne Cordeiro, New Hope Church, Hawaii john.chandler@vbmb.org

  2. 4 Leadership Aptitudes • Directing • Strategic • Team building • Operational • The goal of team-based leadership: • Capitalize on strengths of each

  3. Benefits of Team-based leadership • 1. Eliminates the “leader-as-superhero” model • 2. Fosters community • 3. Synergistic outcomes • 4. Increases innovation

  4. Common Obstacles to Team-based leadership • Control issues • Personal insecurity: am I expendable? • Lack of training • Church culture rewards solos • Absence of vision

  5. Building a Team Culture • Restore the primacy of relationships 2. Believe that the leaders are there 3. Develop the eyes of a dream-releaser • Believing in people early on • Stewarding authority • Maintain your individuality and unique assignment • Don’t borrow someone else’s model and m.o.

  6. Building Fractal Teams • Mathematical term of “a simple, infinitely self-replicating pattern” • Skin, brick, ferns • Organic, so fits with the NT model of the “body” of Christ

  7. Biblical Fractal: Jethro Now listen to me. I will give you counsel, and God be with you! You should represent the people before God, and you should bring their cases before God; [20] teach them the statutes and instructions and make known to them the way they are to go and the things they are to do. [21] You should also look for able men among all the people, men who fear God, are trustworthy, and hate dishonest gain; set such men over them as officers over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. Exodus 18:19-21

  8. Exoskeleton vs. Endoskeleton • Exoskeletons provide some protection but limited mobility • In an endoskeleton, the organic skeleton is living • It grows with the body • It gives freedom of movement

  9. 6 Steps to Building Fractals • Draw a circle. • Represents everything involved in the ministry • Your overseer role will be to serve (not control) all in the circle • A highly relational role • The greater the relational quotient, the thinner the policy manual

  10. 6 Steps to Building Fractals • 2. Draw crosshairs. • What’s the mission? • Why? • Target segment? • How does it agree with the ministry- mission of the church?

  11. 6 Steps to Building Fractals • 3. If I was to break the ministry into four quadrants, what four things need to happen? • What are the aspects of the ministry? • What are the spiritual tasks to be accomplished?

  12. 6 Steps to Building Fractals • 4. Ask, “What gifts would be needed for each of the four quadrants?” • Spiritual gifts, practical gifts, experiences • Not too exact; don’t think of names here

  13. 6 Steps to Building Fractals 5. Think of all of the names in the church, and imagine who would be best for each quadrant. • “Who would make a cool team member?”

  14. 6 Steps to Building Fractals • Ask! • Don’t wait on volunteers • If people are called, they will respond joyfully

  15. Reduplicating • If each quadrant is led by called, motivated people …. • If the overseer is serving and helping team members succeed … • … then each quadrant will sub-fractal with the same pattern!

  16. The Upshot … • When people see a church founded by fractal ministries, they see: • A body working together • An organic, growing church • A low-control, high-investment, passionate environment • And a place where they might fit!

  17. Team-Based Leadership Dr. John P. Chandler The Ray and Ann Spence Network for Congregational Leadership www.rasnet.org Copy right John P. Chandler, 2001

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