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DOD CIO Updates

DOD CIO Updates. Mr. Ron Kelly, DoD CIO/IP. Net-Centric Information Sharing Persistent Collaboration Defense Information Enterprise Service-Oriented Focus + Convergence = Agility The Power of Team Information Advantage.

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DOD CIO Updates

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  1. DOD CIO Updates Mr. Ron Kelly, DoD CIO/IP

  2. Net-Centric Information Sharing Persistent Collaboration Defense Information Enterprise Service-Oriented Focus + Convergence = Agility The Power of Team Information Advantage CREATING AN INFORMATION ADVANTAGE FOR OUR PEOPLE AND MISSION PARTNERS

  3. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Rodney McCall SPECIAL ASSISTANT Bruce Brown (IPA) Computing & NetOps GEORGE WAUER NETOPS Tom Lam IPv6 Kris Strance INFORMATION SUPPORT PLANS Paul Szabados Bob Hayes Ed Zick COMPUTING INFRASTRUCTURE / GIG WAIVER BOARD Carl Consumano (VACANT – O5) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense forInformation Management, Integration, and Technology & Deputy Chief Information Officer MR. DAVID WENNERGREN VACANT – Principal Director Federal Information Sharing DEBBIE FILIPPI SPECIAL ASSISTANT Paul Grant* FEDERAL INFO SHARING INITIATIVE Janice Haith Maria Samuda INFORMATION SHARING STRATEGY / PLAN Tony Simon DIRECTORS CIO Management Services JOYCE FRANCE Information Policy & Integration (JOHN SHEA) IT Investments &Commercial Policy RAY BOYD Strategic Planning & Policy LLOYD THROWER Enterprise Architecture & Standards BRIAN WILCZYNSKI Special Assistant Paul Grant* DEPUTY/ RECORDS MGMT Ron Kelly TECHNICAL ADVISOR Clay Robinson DATA STRATEGY / COIS Oma Cox Fannie Callands (VACANT – O6) (April ’09) (VACANT – DTE) SERVICES STRATEGY / SOA Keith Dean J. Mike Moore PSA FOR NCES, MCEITS & CANES Dan Risacher IDENTITY MGMT. & ATTRIBUTE SERVICES Myra Powell (Mike Todd) Rudy Morrison DIE SERVICES TEAM COL. Andy Seward Marty Costellic Kathy Brande Len Tabacchi SPECIAL ASST TO THE VCJCS Marian Cherry (VACANT – O6 (May ’09) – rotational) PROGRAM ANALYSIS & SUPPORT (VACANT) Carol O’Neal-Robinson CIO GOVERNANCE/INFO QUALITY Ellen Law DOMAIN NAME & WEB POLICY Terry Davis PRIVACY IMPACT ASSESSMENT Gary Evans E-GOVERNMENT (OMB) Tina-Marie Buckman Jose Finn Sharon Hopkins RESOURCE MANAGEMENT / SECTION 508 Arleen Oliver Jermell Cook (VACANT) IT WORKFORCE / ACADEMIA OUTREACH Sandy Smith Ned Kieloch TITLE 40 / CCA OVERSIGHT Ed Wingfield Amelia Grazioso Rick Perron CPI / LSS INDUSTRY OUTREACH / CLEARINGHOUSE Tamie Lyles-Santiago Sam Kassem Ron Richardson ESI / IT ASSET MANAGEMENT Jim Clausen Robert Smith IT INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Joe Paiva Barbara McCain ACQUISITION SUPPORT Carolyn Clements COTS TECH REVIEW & MARKET RESEARCH Ken Nguyen STRATEGIC PLAN / PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Roger Thorstenson CIO FRAMEWORK Marilyn Kraus Roy Mabry INTERNET GOVERNANCE Les Bloom AGENCY & ASSOCIATION OUTREACH Jack Zavin DOD FEDERATED ENT. ARCH Alan Golombek Mike Wayson STANDARDS (DISR) Walt Okon DIEA 2.0 Terry Hagle *denotes dual-hatted Government Employees - APR 30 2008

  4. Focus Areas • Understanding/Communicating the CIO Imperative • Enterprise Alignment (Behaving Like An Enterprise) • Delivering Results • Charting the Course for the Future (16 April 2008 Brief)

  5. 2. Enterprise Alignment Net-Centric Information Sharing … Creating an Information Advantage • Implementing Enterprise Services (Joint Bases as early adopters) • Funding/Mandating use of Core Enterprise Services • Collaboration, DKO, Content Staging, Content Discovery • Enterprise Software Initiative (Net–Centric Enterprise Licensing) • Improved Enterprise Governance Structure • Data/Information Sharing Toolkit • Community of Interest (COI) Training • Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) Net-Centric Education • Net-Centric Data Strategy Implementation • NGEN Oversight Group • Integrated Intelligence Architecture (IIA) • Support for COIs: C2, Strike, UCore, Adaptive Planning, Spectrum, Training (P&R/JFCOM), IEDs • Information Sharing Implementation Plan • Controlled Unclassified Information (16 April 2008 Brief)

  6. 4. Charting the Course for the Future • Future of the Internet • Migration to a Service-Oriented World (SOA, NCES, CANES, MCEITS, FCS, etc.) • Web 2.0 for DoD • “Net Generation” Workforce • Wikis and Blogs • Open Source • Supporting Chief Management Officer (CMO) implementation • Breaking Down Barriers of Networks • Future of Identity Management (shared with DASD IIA) (16 April 2008 Brief)

  7. THE POWER OF INFORMATION… ACCESS. SHARE. COLLABORATE. LEAD THE DODENTERPRISE TO ACHIEVE AN INFORMATION ADVANTAGE FOR OUR PEOPLEAND MISSION PARTNERS. DAVID M. WENNERGREN Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Information Management, Integration, and Technology & DoD Deputy Chief Information Officer (703) 695-0871 david.wennergren@osd.mil

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