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Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 214 September 2014. HOT PICKS. for September. Mr. O’Neill Mrs. Furlan EC Extra Yarn Xalur
Founders’ Library and Educational Resource Center Monthly New Materials Bulletin N° 214 September 2014
HOT PICKS for September Mr. O’Neill Mrs. Furlan EC Extra Yarn Xalur Elementary Doodlebug Las luces de septiembre Middle School The Ear, The Eye and the Arm Carazamba High School The 5th Wave Los Hermanos Karamazov
Early Childhood EXTRA YARN BY MAC BARNETT With a supply of yarn that never runs out, Annabelle knits for everyone and everything in town until an evil archduke decides he wants the yarn for himself. XALUR : LA NIÑA QUE PINTABA ESTRELLAS Xalur es una niña que pinta, con sus lápices de colores, las estrellas en el cielo que el brujo Lambert había escondido. Un cuento con personajes maravillosos de la naturaleza quienes logran borrar con su sabiduría todo el egoísmo.
Elementary DOODLEBUG: A NOVEL IN DOODLES BY KAREN YOUNG A novel in doodles that chronicles Doreen "Dodo" Bussey's move with her family from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Dodo doodles about moving, feeling that her trouble at her last school is behind the move, being the new kid in school, and making new friends. LAS LUCES DE SEPTIEMBRE POR CARLOS RUIZ ZAFÓN Un misterioso fabricante de juguetes vive recluido en una gigantesca mansión poblada de seres mecánicos y sombras del pasado... Un enigma en torno a extrañas luces que brillan entre la niebla que rodea el islote del faro. Una criatura de pesadilla que se oculta en lo más profundo del bosque... Estos y otros elementos tejen la trama del misterio que unirá a Irene e Ismael para siempre durante un mágico verano en Bahía Azul.
Middle School THE EAR, THE EYE AND THE ARM BY NANCY FARMER In 2194, General Matsika's three children are kidnapped and put to work in a plastic mine, while three mutant detectives use their special powers to search for them. CARAZAMBA POR VIRGILIO RODRIGUEZ MACAL "Esta es la historia que trataré de contar, nada más que relatar, sin ahondar en la profundidad misteriosa del alma del ser que se llamó... Carazamba... Este ser, encarna en sí toda la complejidad del alma femenina, que se acentúa aún más en el trópico plasmándose en toda la amalgama emotiva de la mujer tropical, en donde la diversidad de sangres se mueven en un cuerpo para darle vida sin mezclarse en una cosa afín;”
High School THE 5th WAVE BY RICK YANCEY Aliens who know how human beings think, how to kill us, and what things we live and die for, have left solitude as the only way to survive for Cassie. Creatures who look, move, and talk like humans roam the Earth and kill everything in their path--she can trust no one. However, when Cassie meets the beguiling Evan Walker, she may have to take a chance on companionship once again. She has little choice. LOS HERMANOS KARAMAZOV POR FIODOR M. DOSTOIEVSKI Las obras Dostoievski (1821-1881) forman parte del acervo de la cultura universal. En Los hermanos Karamazov, su última obra y síntesis monumental de su pensamiento y de su arte, desarrolla su íntimo convencimiento de la necesidad de un cambio radical en los destinos sociales y morales de la humanidad. El autor plasma un trágico cuadro de la sociedad de su tiempo y denuncia la corrupción engendrada por el poder del dinero, las pasiones incontroladas, el egoísmo y la ignominia espiritual.
REFERENCE Social Sciences R 301 GID Giddens, Anthony. Sociología. 6a. ed. Madrid : Alianza, 2010. History & Geography R 917.282 VOR Vorhees, Mara. Belize. Footscray, Victoria : Lonely Planet, 2013. NON-FICTION Philosophy & Psychology 150 PAS Pascal, Eugene. Jung para la vida cotidiana : Una guía práctica para aplicar los principios jungianos a la vida de cada día. 3a. ed. Barcelona : Ed. Obelisco, 2005. 179.9 NOR Norville, Deborah. The power of respect : benefit from the most forgotten element of success. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson, c2009. 184 ROBRobinson, Dave. Introducing Plato. London : Icon Books ;, 2010. 185 ARI Aristotle. The basic works of Aristotle. New York : Modern Library, 2001. 185 WOO Woodfin, Rupert. Introducing Aristotle. London : Icon Books ;, 2010. 190 SPE Spencer, Lloyd. Introducing the Enlightenment. London : Icon Books Ltd. ;, 2010. 193 WAN Want, Christopher. Introducing Kant. London : Icon Books ;, 2011. 194 DES Descartes, René, 1596-1650. Meditations on first philosophy : with selections from the Objections and replies. Oxford ; : Oxford University Press, c2008. 194 ROB Robinson, Dave. Introducing Descartes. London : Icon Books ;, 2010. Social Sciences 301 WEB Weber, Max. Sociología del poder : los tipos de dominación. Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 2012. 320.01 ARI Aristóteles. El arte de la política : selección de textos de política. Madrid : La esfera de los libros, 2012. 332 BAN Banco de Guatemala. Catálogo de billetes de Q0.50. Guatemala : Banco de Guatemala, 2009. 332 BAN Banco de Guatemala. Catálogo de billetes de Q1.00. Guatemala : Banco de Guatemala, 2009. 332 BAN Banco de Guatemala. Catálogo de billetes de Q5.00. Guatemala : Banco de Guatemala, 2009. 332 BAN Banco de Guatemala. Catálogo de billetes de Q10.00. Guatemala : Banco de Guatemala, 2009. 332 BAN Banco de Guatemala. Catálogo de billetes de Q20.00. Guatemala : Banco de Guatemala, 2009. 344.7305 GUN Gun control. Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2007. 378.1 FEA Feaver, Peter. Getting the best out of college. Second edition, Revised and updated. Berkeley : Ten Speed Press, 2012.
Technology (Applied Sciences) 641.5 FAV Favorite Brand Name vegetarian 3 Books in 1 : Vegetarian. Lincolnwood, Ill. : Publications International, 2010. 641.5 GOO Good housekeeping favorite recipes : vegetarian meals. New York : Hearst Books, c2006. 658.3 HOW Howard, Linda G. (Linda Gordon). The sexual harassment handbook : protect yourself and coworkers from realitiesof sexual harassment : take action, investigate, and remedy accusations of harassment : and create corporate policies that educate and empower employees. Franklin Lakes, NJ : The Career Press, c2007. Literature 808.5 SMI Smith, Marc Kelly. Stage a poetry slam : creating performance poetry events : insider tips, backstage advice, and lotsof examples. Naperville, Ill. : Sourcebooks MediaFusion, c2009. 809.1 LAT Latin American poets. Ipswich, Mass. : Salem Press, c2012. 813.54 LUT Lutzer, Erwin W. The Da Vinci deception. Wheaton, Ill. : Tyndale House Publisher, c2004. 832 GOE Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Faust, a tragedy : Part 1. Bristol [UK] : Shearsman Books, 2012. 860.9 GON González Echevarría, Roberto. Modern Latin American literature : a very short introduction. Oxford ; : Oxford University Press, c2012. 861.009 SPA Spanish poets. Ipswich, Mass. : Salem Press, c2012. History & Geography 932 ANC Ancient Egypt. 1st ed. New York : Britannica Educational Pub. in association with Rosen Educational Services, 2012. 940.54 AMB Ambrose, Stephen E. D-Day, June 6, 1944 : the climactic battle of World War II. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1995. 944.05 HOR Horne, Alistair. The age of Napoleon. 2006 Modern Library pbk. ed. New York : Modern Library, 2006. 972 HAL Halperin Donghi, Tulio. Historia contemporánea de América latina. Madrid : Alianza, 2012. 972.81 DIA Díaz López, Gustavo Adolfo. Guatemala en llamas : visión política-militar del conflicto armado interno 1960-1996 : ensayo. 1. ed. Cuidad de Guatemala, República de Guatemala : Editorial Oscar de León Palacios, 2008. 973.3 BRO Brookhiser, Richard. What would the founders do? : our questions, their answers. New York : Basic Books, c2006. Biography 92 DAH Derf. My friend Dahmer : a graphic novel. New York : Abrams ComicArts, 2012. 92 DOU Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. The life and times of Frederick Douglass : his early life as a slave, his escape from bondage, and his complete history. Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications, 2003. 92 DRU Drucker, Olga Levy. Kindertransport. 1st Owlet pbk. ed. New York : Henry Holt, 1995. 92 HEN Jones, Brian Jay. Jim Henson : the biography. First edition. New York : Ballantine Books, 2013. 92 MAR Fraser, Antonia, 1932-. Marie Antoinette : the journey. 1st Anchor Books ed. New York : Anchor Books, 2002. 92 MEI Blashfield, Jean F. Golda Meir. New York : Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, c2011. 92 SPE Speer, Albert, 1905-. Inside the Third Reich : memoirs. 1st Touchstone ed. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1997. 92 TEN Ten Boom, Corrie. The hiding place. 1st Hendrickson ed. Peabody, Mass. : Hendrickson Publishers, 2009. 920 SHI Shirer, William L. (William Lawrence), 1904-1993. Gandhi : a memoir. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1997.
FICTION F BALBaldacci, David. Deliver us from evil. 1st U.S. mass market ed. New York : Vision, 2011, c2010. F CIS Cisneros, Sandra. Have you seen Marie? 1st ed. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. F COB Coben, Harlan, 1962-. Seconds away : a Mickey Bolitar novel. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, c2012. F COL Collins, Suzanne. En llamas. 32a. edición. Barcelona : RBA, 2014. F DAH Dahlquist, Gordon. The different girl. 1st ed. New York : Dutton Books, c2013. F DAS Dashner, James, 1972-. The death cure. 1st trade pbk. ed. New York : Delacorte Press, c2011. F DOS Dostoievski, Fiodor M. Los hermanos Karamázov. 13 a. ed. Madrid : Cátedra, 2013. F GRE Greene, Graham, 1904-. The quiet American. Penguin classics deluxe ed. New York : Penguin Books, 2004. F GRI Grisham, John. The confession : a novel. Dell mass market ed. New York : Dell, 2011, c2010. F HAR Harris, Thomas, 1940-. Hannibal. New York : Delta Trade Paperbacks, 2005. F HAR Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928. Under the greenwood tree, or, The Mellstock Quire : a rural painting of the Dutch school. New edition. F HES Hesse, Hermann, 1877-1962. The journey to the East. New York : Picador :, c1956. F HIA Hiatt, Fred. Nine days. 1st ed. New York : Delacorte Press, [2013]. F HOL Holmgren, Jim. Dodendal : Valley of Dreams. New York : CreateSpace., 2013. F JAY Jayne, Hannah. Truly, madly, deadly. Naperville, Illinois : Sourcebooks Fire, 2013. F LAW Lawson, Shandy. The loop. First edition. New York : Hyperion, 2013. F MIL Milla y Vidaurre, José, (Salomé Jil), 1822-1882. Los nazarenos. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, s.f. F MON Monteforte Toledo, Mario. Llegaron del mar. Guatemala : Fundación Mario Monteforte Toledo, 2009. F PER Pérez Galdós, Benito, 1843-1920. Marianela. 7a. ed. Madrid : Cátedra, 2011. F ROD Rodríguez Macal, Virgilio, 1916-1964. Carazamba. 26a. ed. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, 2013. F ROD Rodríguez Macal, Virgilio, 1916-1964. Sangre y clorofila y otros cuentos. Guatemala : Piedra Santa, 2013, c2000. F ROT Roth, Veronica. Allegiant. 3 copies. 1st ed. New York : Katherine Tegen Books, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2013]. F RUI Ruiz Zafón, Carlos. Las luces de Septiembre. Barcelona : Planeta, 2008. F RUI Ruiz Zafón, Carlos. El palacio de la medianoche. Barcelona : Planeta, 2007. F SAN Sandford, John, 1944 February 23-. Phantom prey. Berkley premium ed. New York : Berkley Books, 2009, c2008. F SCH Schwab, Victoria. The archived. 1st ed. New York : Hyperion, c2013. F TUC Tucholke, April Genevieve. Between the devil and the deep blue sea. New York : Dial Books, 2013. F YAN Yancey, Richard. The 5th Wave. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2013. F YAN Yancey, Richard. The Isle of Blood. 1st Simon & Schuster BFYR pbk. ed. New York : Simon & Schuster BFYR, 2012. Story Collection SC CUE Cuentos de miedo y espanto. Argentina : Del Naranjo, 2008. SC MAU Cuentos de fantasmas y desaparecidos. Argentina : Del Naranjo, 2008.
AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL DVD’S NON-FICTION Social Sciences DVD 372.4 LIT Literacy attendance. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2006. Pure Sciences DVD 502.89 LAB Lab safety. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, [2006]. DVD 517.6 CEL Cells, tissues and skin. Hamilton, NJ : Films for the Humanities & Sciences, c2009. DVD 530 PHY Physics power : learning physics. [Falls Church, VA] : Cerebellum Corporation, c2001. DVD 531 FOR Force : magnitude & direction. San Francisco, CA : distributed by Cerebellum Corporation, [2010]. DVD 541.22 PRO Properties of compounds. Wynnewood, PA : Schlessinger Media, c2004. DVD 550 AMA Amazing planet. Widescreen version. [Burbank, Calif.] : Distributed by Warner Home Video, c2006. DVD 551.1 DOW Down to the earth's core. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic, 2012. DVD 570 MOD Modern biology. Madison, WI : Hawkhill Associates, Inc., c2003. DVD 576.8 CHA Charles Darwin and the tree of life. England : BBC Earth; Distributed in the USA and Canada by Warner Home Video, 2009. Arts & Recreation DVD 791.43 AME An American in Paris. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2010. History & Geography DVD 900 TEN 10 things you don't know about. United States : A&E Television Networks, 2012. PROFESSIONAL NON-FICTION Social Sciences P 371.5 CAN Cantrell, Jan. Students harassing students : the emotional and educational toll on kids. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Education, c2008. Technology (Applied Sciences) P 649 SHE Sher, Barbara. Early intervention games : fun, joyful ways to develop social and motor skills in children with autism spectrum or sensory processing disorders. 1st ed. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2009. SERIAL S GUA Guatemala en números, 2013. Guatemala : Crónica & Publicaciones S. A., 2014.
JUVENILE NON-FICTION Social Sciences J 363.7 ROO Rooney, Anne. Reducing the carbon footprint. Mankato, Minn. : Smart Apple Media, c2010. J 371.5 FOX Fox, Debbie. Good-bye bully machine. Minneapolis, MN : Free Spirit Pub., c2009. J 394.2646 GOL Goldsworthy, Kaite. Halloween. New York : AV2/Weigl, c2012. J 398.2 VAL Vallverdú, Josep. El hijo de la lluvia de oro. Barcelona : La Galera, 2004. J 398.24 BEN Bennett, Adelaide. Ancient werewolves and vampires : the roots of the teeth. Broomall, Pa. : Mason Crest Publishers, c2011. Pure Sciences J 500 RIS Rissman, Rebecca. Be the best at science. Chicago, Ill. : Raintree, c2013. J 519.2 GOL Goldstone, Bruce. That's a possibility! : a book about what might happen. First edition. New York : Henry Holt and Company, 2013. J 571.6 COH Cohen, Marina, 1967-. What is cell theory? St. Catharines, ON ; : Crabtree Pub., c2011. J 578.6 JOH Johnson, Rebecca L. Zombie makers : true stories of nature's undead. Minneapolis, MN : Millbrook Press, 2013, 2013. J 590 BER Berger, Melvin. 101 animal records. New York : Scholastic, c2013. J 591.768 NEW Newland, Sonya. Wetland animals. Mankato, Minn. : Smart Apple Media, c2012. J 595.7 SIY Siy, Alexandra. Bug shots : the good, the bad, and the bugly. 1st ed. New York : Holiday House, c2011. J 597.96 TAY Taylor, Barbara, 1954-. 100 things you should know about snakes. Broomall, Pa. : Mason Crest, c2011. J 598.153 ARN Arnosky, Jim. Thunder birds : nature's flying predators. New York : Sterling, c2011. J 599 HOU Housel, Debra J. Mamífero manía. Huntington Beach, CA : Teacher Created Materials, 2012. Technology (Applied Sciences) J 629.44 BAK Baker, David, 1944-. The shuttle. New York : Weigl Publishers Inc., c2009. J 629.46 KOP Kops, Deborah. Exploring space robots. Minneapolis : Lerner Publications, c2012. J 636.6 SPI Spinner, Stephanie. Alex the parrot : no ordinary bird. First edition. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. J 636.935 KOO Koopmans, Carol. Gerbil. New York : Weigl Publishers, c2011. J 641.5 COO Cook it. 1st American ed. London ; : DK, 2013. J 641.5 IBB Ibbs, Katharine. DK children's cookbook. 1st American ed. London ; : DK, 2004. J 641.5 MOR Morris, Ting. Cocinando. México : Advanced Marketing, S. De R.L., 2012. J 641.5 MOR Morris, Ting. Horneando. México : Advanced Marketing, S. De R.L., 2012. J 641.512 KAR Karmel, Annabel. Mom and me cookbook : have fun in the kitchen. 1st American ed. London : Dorling Kindersley, c2005. Arts & Recreation J 741.5 GOD Godzilla: Age of monsters. 1st ed. Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Comics, c1998. J 796.04 LAB Labrecque, Ellen. Cliff diving. Mankato, MN : Childs World, c2012. J 797.2 TEI Teitelbaum, Michael. Scuba diving. Mankato, MN : Child's World, c2012. J 797.3 GIG Gigliotti, Jim. Barefoot waterskiing. Mankato, MN : Child's World, c2012.
J 797.3 TIM Timblin, Stephen. Wakeboarding. Mankato, MN : Child's World, c2012. J 797.5 KEL Kelley, K. C. Hang gliding. Mankato, MN : Child's World, c2012. Literature J 811 GEO George, Kristine O'Connell. Old Elm speaks : tree poems. 1st Clarion pbk. ed. New York : Clarion Books, 2006. J 821.008 POE Poems to learn by heart. 1st ed. New York : Disney/Hyperion Books, c2013. History & Geography J 910 OSB Osborne, Will. Titanic. New York : Random House, 2002. J 947.93 WAL Waldron, Melanie. Lithuania. Chicago : Heinemann Library, c2012. J 958.1 MIL Milivojevic, Jovanka JoAnn. Afghanistan. Chicago, Ill. : Heinemann Library, c2012. J 973.3 BUR Burgan, Michael. The Battle of Bunker Hill : an interactive history adventure. Mankato, Minn. : Capstone Press, 2008. J 981 WAT Watson, Galadriel Findlay. Amazon rain forest. New York : AV2 by Weigl, c2013. Biography J 92 SPR Simons, Rae, 1957-. Bruce Springsteen. Broomall, Pa. : Mason Crest, c2008. J 920 SCH Schlesinger, Ethan. AC/DC. Broomall, Pa. : Mason Crest Publishers, c2008. J 920 SCH Schlesinger, Ethan. The Rolling Stones. Broomall, Pa. : Mason Crest, c2008. FICTION J AVE Averbach, Márgara. La charla. 1a. ed. Buenos Aires : Pictus, 2010. J AVI Avi, 1937-. Sophia's war : a tale of the Revolution. 1st ed. New York : Beach Lane Books, 2012. J BAR Barrows, Annie. Ivy + Bean make the rules. San Francisco, Calif. : Chronicle Books, c2012. J BAR Barrows, Annie. Ivy + Bean no news is good news . San Francisco, Calif. : Chronicle Books, c2011. J BAR Barrows, Annie. Ivy + Bean what's the big idea? 1st pbk. ed. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 2011. J BAT Bates, Michelle. A horse for the summer. London : Usborne ;, 2009. J BEN Benton, Jim. Lunch walks among us. New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2003. J BER Bergen, Lara, 1955-. Sofía la charlatana. New York : Scholastic en español, 2012. J BER Bergen, Lara, 1955-. Sofía la fabulosa. New York : Scholastic en español, c2010. J BER Bergen, Lara, 1955-. Sofía la heroína. New York : Scholastic en español, 2011. J BRU Brumpton, Keith. Transfer trouble. London : Usborne Publishing, 2011. J CIN Cinetto, Liliana. Confesiones de un vampiro. 1a. ed. Buenos Aires : Del Naranjo, 2010. J CLE Clements, Andrew, 1949-. Lunch money. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York : Aladdin Paperbacks, 2007, c2005. J COV Coville, Bruce. The evil elves. 1st Aladdin Paperbacks ed. New York : Aladdin Paperbacks, 2006, c2004. J DIC DiCamillo, Kate. Flora & Ulysses : the illuminated adventures. First edition. Somerville, Massachusetts : Candlewick Press, 2013. J FAR Farmer, Nancy. The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm. New York : Scholastic Inc., [2012]. J FAR Farmer, Nancy. A girl named Disaster. New York : Scholastic, [2011]. J GAN Ganny, Charlee, 1944-. Chihuawolf : a tail of mystery and horror. Naperville, Ill. : Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2011. J GIL Gil, Carmen. El hada Roberta. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Bambú, 2006.
J GIO Giovannoli, Renato. Misterio en Villa Jamaica. 2a. ed. Madrid : Ediciones SM, 2005. J GRE Greene, Stephanie. Princess Posey and the perfect present. 2 copies. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, c2011. J HER Hernández, Pau Joan. Ostadar. Barcelona : La Galera, 1996. J KER Kerr, Judith. Cuando Hitler robó el conejo rosa. México : Alfaguara, 2013, c1971. J KIM Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody. Forever four. New York : Grosset & Dunlap, c2012. J KLA Klass, David. Stuck on Earth. 1st ed. New York : Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 2010. J LAR Larwood, Kieran. Freaks. First American edition. New York : Chicken House, Scholastic, 2013. J LAW Law, Ingrid, 1970-. Scumble. New York : Puffin Books ;, 2011. J LUB Lubar, David. Hyde and shriek : a monsterrific tale. First edition. New York : Starscape, c2012 p2013. J MAC MacDonald, Betty Bard. Happy birthday, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. 1st Harper Trophy ed. New York : HarperTrophy, 2008, c2007. J MAC MacDonald, Betty Bard. Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. 1st Harper Trophy ed. New York : HarperTrophy, 2007, c1985. J MAR Marsden, Carolyn. Starfields. 1st ed. Somerville, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2011. J MCC McClure, Wendy. Wanderville. New York, N.Y. : Razorbill, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA) LLC, [2014]. J MIL Milne, A. A. (Alan Alexander), 1882-1956. Winnie-the-Pooh. 1st American ed., [80th anniversary ed.]. New York : Dutton Children's Books, c2006. J MOR Moriarty, Jaclyn. A corner of white. First edition. New York : Arthur A. Levine Books, 2013. J PAR Park, Barbara. Almost starring Skinnybones. 1st. Yearling Books ed. New York : Yearling , 2006, c1988. J PAR Park, Barbara. Junie B., first grader: Turkeys we have loved and eaten (and other thankful stuff). 1st ed. New York : Random House, c2012. J PAU Paulsen, Gary. Harris and me : a summer remembered. 1st Harcourt pbk. ed. Orlando : Harcourt, Inc., 2007. J PAU Paulsen, Gary. The winter room. New York : Scholastic, [2009]. J PET Peterson, John Lawrence, 1924-. The Littles. New York : Scholastic, 2007. J PIL Pilkey, Dav, 1966-. Captain Underpants and the revolting revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers : the tenth epic novel. New York : Scholastic, c2013. J POT Potter, Ellen, 1963- . Otis Dooda : strange but true. First edition. New York : Feiwel and Friends, 2013. J SAG Sage, Angie. Fyre. First edition. New York : Katherine Tegen Books, 2013. J SHA Shan, Darren. The Lake of Souls. 1st U.S. pbk. ed. New York : Little, Brown and Co., 2006. J STE Stephens, John, 1972-. The fire chronicle. First Yearling edition. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. J STI Stine, R. L. Espanto marino. New York : Scholastic, c2009. J TRI Tripp, Valerie, 1951-. Changes for Josefina : a winter story. Middleton, WI : America Girl, c2000. J TRI Tripp, Valerie, 1951-. Happy birthday, Josefina! : a springtime story. Middleton, WI : American Girl, c2000. J TRI Tripp, Valerie, 1951-. Josefina learns a lesson : a school story. Middleton, WI : American Girl, c2000. J TRI Tripp, Valerie, 1951-. Josefina saves the day : a summer story. Middleton, WI : American Girl, c2000. J TRI Tripp, Valerie, 1951-. Josefina's surprise : a Christmas story. Middleton, WI : Pleasant Co., c2000. J TRI Tripp, Valerie, 1951-. Meet Josefina : an American girl. Middleton, WI : American Girl, c2000. J VAC Vaccarini, Franco. Merlín el mago de los reyes. 1a. ed. Buenos Aires : Pictus, 2010. J YOU Young, Karen Romano. Doodlebug : a novel in doodles. 1st Square Fish ed. New York : Square Fish, 2012. Story Collection J SC DRE Drennen, Olga Noemí. Donde viven los fantasmas. Buenos Aires : Quipu, 2010.
AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL AUDIOBOOKS FICTION CD (AB) J NAY Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Shiloh. Old Greenwich, CT : Listening Library, [2000]. DVD’S NON-FICTION Pure Sciences DVD J 531.14 GRA Gravity. Elk Grove, IL : distributed by Disney Educational Productions, c2008. DVD J 597.3 EYE Eyewitness shark. Pitsburg, PA : Dorling Kindersley, 2007. EASY NON-FICTION Religion E 222 FRI Fries, Tess. David y Goliat. Franklin, Tenn. : Spirit Press, 2006. E 224 FRI Fries, Tess. Moisés : un bebé entre los juncos. Franklin, TN : Spirit Press, 2006. Social Sciences E 394.2649 GUN Gunderson, Jessica. Thanksgiving then and now. Mankato, MN : Picture Window Books, c2011. E 395.5 TOU Tourville, Amanda Doering, 1980-. Comportamiento con libros de la biblioteca = Manners with a library book. Mankato, Minn. : Picture Window Books, c2011. E 395.5 TOU Tourville, Amanda Doering, 1980-. Comportamiento y modales en el autobús escolar = Manners on the school bus. Minneapolis, Minn. : Picture Window Books, c2011. E 398.2 JAN Jāne, Albert. Los viajes de Perseo. 1a. ed. Barcelona [Spain] : Combel Editorial, c2007. E 398.2 MAC Mackinnon, Mairi. The leopard and the Sky God. London : Usborne ;, 2007. E 398.8 PUN Punter, Russell. There was a crooked man. London : Usborne, 2009. Pure Sciences E 591.3 PIN Pinnington, Andrea. Crías de animales. 1st Spanish ed. New York : Scholastic, 2012. E 595.7 COU Courtauld, Sarah Lucy. Bugs. London : Usborne ;, 2008. E 597.8 CHO Chottin, Arianne. La rana. Barcelona : Combel Editorial, 2006. E 597.8 QUE Queralt, Elisenda, 1971-. La salamandra. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Combel Editorial, 2009. E 597.96 GOR Gordon, Sharon. Guess who hisses = : Adivina quién silba. New York : Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, c2008.
E 598.3 QUE Queralt, Elisenda, 1971-. La cigüeña. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Combel Editorial, 2010. E 599.67 KAL Kalman, Bobbie. Baby elephants. New York : Crabtree Pub. Co., c2010. E 599.8 COU Courtauld, Sarah Lucy. Monkeys. London : Usborne ;, 2009. Technology (Applied Sciences) E 630 ARL Arlon, Penelope. La granja. 1st Spanish ed. New York : Scholastic, 2013. E 636.3 GAN Ganges, Montse. La oveja. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Combel Editorial, 2011. E 641.5 ROO Rooney, Ronnie. Thanksgiving recipes. Mankato, MN : Picture Window Books, c2011. Arts & Recreation E 745.594 MUE Muehlenhardt, Amy Bailey, 1974-. Thanksgiving crafts. Mankato, Minn. : Picture Window Books, c2011. E 791.06 BOD Bodden, Valerie. Water rides. 1st ed. Mankato, Minn. : Creative Education, c2012. History & Geography E 973.2 GUN Gunderson, Jessica. The pilgrims' first Thanksgiving. Mankato, Minn. : Picture Window Books, c2011. E 978 ZUE Zuehlke, Jeffrey, 1968-. The Rocky Mountains. Minneapolis : Lerner Publications Co., c2010. FICTION E ALC Alcántara, Ricardo. Las ilusiones del mago. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Bambú, 2010. E ALM Almada Rivero, Marcos. Óscar, el gran actor. 1a. ed. México, D.F. : Progreso Editorial, 2010. E ALM Almada Rivero, Marcos. Óscar y Pancho Pijiji. 1a. ed. México, D.F. : Progreso Editorial, 2009. E ARN Arnold, Tedd. ¡A pasear, Hombre Mosca! New York : Scholastic en español, 2013. E ARN Arnold, Tedd. ¡Vuela alto, Hombre Mosca! 1a. ed. Barcelona : Scholastic en español, 2011. E ATW Atwood, Margaret, 1939-. Arriba en el árbol. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Ediciones Ekaré, 2009. E BAR Barnett, Mac. Extra yarn. 1st ed. New York : Balzer + Bray, c2012. E BER Berenguer, Carmen. El rey mocho. 1a ed. en tapa dura. Barcelona : Ediciones Ekaré, 2010, c1992. E BOD Bode, Ann de. I still love you, Dad. 1st ed. Mankato, Minn. : Amicus, c2011. E BRO Brown, Monica, 1969-. Marisol McDonald doesn't match. San Francisco, Calif. : Children's Book Press, c2011. E CAN Canetti, Yanitzia, 1967-. Pinocho no era el mentiroso. León, España : Everest, [2009]. E CAR Carle, Eric. The very hungry caterpillar = : La oruga muy hambrienta. Bilingual board book [ed.]. New York : Philomel Books, 2011. E CAR Carle, Eric. The very hungry caterpillar : board book and plush set. 1st board book ed. New York : Philomel Books, 1994. E CAS La casita de los tres cerditos. Madrid : Susaeta, 2010. E CIB Cibils, María Teresa. Vaquita, ¿Adónde vas? Buenos Aires : Quipu, 2010. E DIE Diez pequeños monos. Franklin, Tenn. : Dalmatian Press, 2006. E GAN Ganges, Montse. La reina Trotamundos en China. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Combel Editorial, 2007. E KRO Kromhout, Rindert, 1958-. Burrito y Gallina. 1a. ed. Caracas, Venezuela : Ediciones Ekaré, 2007. E KUR Kurusa. Lom y los nudones. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Ekaré, 2008.
E MAC Maclear, Kyo, 1970-. Virginia Wolf. Toronto ; : Kids Can Press, c2012. E MAR Marsoli, Lisa Ann, 1958-. Disney's home on the range : a read-aloud storybook. New York : Random House, c2004. E MAY Mayer, Mercer, 1943-. Going to the sea park. 1st ed. New York : Harper, c2009. E MEE Meesukhon, Patcharee. ¡Aqui estoy mami! (libro con solapas sorpresa). Montevideo, Rep. Oriental del Uruguay : Latinbooks International, 2008 E PRO Prochovnic, Dawn Babb. A to Z sign with me : sign language for the alphabet. Minneapolis, Minn. : Magic Wagon, c2012. E RAMRamos Castro, Nelson, 1951-. Un abuelo, sí. 1a. ed. Barcelona : Ediciones Ekaré, 2011. E REM Remkiewicz, Frank. Gus cultiva una planta. New York : Scholastic en español, 2014. E RIC Richards, Kitty. Cars 2 : Combina y crea. México : Silver Dolphin en Español, 2011. E RIV Rivera, Arturo. Xalur : la niña que pintaba estrellas. Guatemala : Letra Negra, 2011. E ROE Roe, David. Marvel villanos : Combina y crea. México : Silver Dolphin en Español, 2013. E ROE Roe, David. Toy story 3 combina y crea. México : Silver Dolphin en Español, 2010. E SAY Sayre, April Pulley. Turtle, turtle, watch out! Watertown, MA : Charlesbridge, c2010. E SCH Schachner, Judith Byron. Skippyjon Jones : board book and toy set. New York : Dutton Children's Books, 2007 E SCH Schimel, Lawrence. Vamos a ver a papá! 1a. ed. Caracas, Venezuela : Ediciones Ekaré, 2010. E TEI Teitelbaum, Michael. Marvel heroes : Combina y crea. México : Silver Dolphin en Español, 2013. E WAG Wagner, Jenny. El bunyip. Primera edición. Barcelona, España : Edicones Ekaré, 2012. Story Collection E SC COU Coutaz, Marta. Ni fu ni fa y otros cuentos. Buenos Aires : Del Naranjo, 2011. AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIAL DVD’S FICTION DVD E BRE Breeze from the trees. U.S.A. : Random House/ NCircle Entertainment, 2010. DVD E CHR Christmas. U.S.A. : Random House/ NCircle Entertainment, 2012. DVD E HAP Happiness is.. Peanuts friends forever. Burbank, CA : Warnes Bros., 2011. DVD E HAP Happiness is... Peanuts : Go Snoopy go. Burbank, CA : Warnes Bros., 2012. DVD E HAP Happiness is... Peanuts Snoopy's adventures. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2011. DVD E HAP Happiness is... Peanuts snow days. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2011. DVD E HAP Happiness is... Peanuts Team Snoopy. Burbank, CA : Warnes Home Video., 2011. DVD E HAP Happy feet two. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2011. DVD E MON Monsters University. Burbank, CA : Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2013. DVD E TRI Tricks and treats. U.S.A. : Random House/ NCircle Entertainment, 2012. September 2014