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Speaking about . Love tyrannizes all the ages; but youthful, virgin hearts derive a blessing from its blasts and rages, like fields in spring when storms arrive. А. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin. wedding. dating. family. love. faithfulness. happiness . devotion. Love…Dating.
Speaking about • Love tyrannizes all the ages;but youthful, virgin hearts derivea blessing from its blasts and rages,like fields in spring when storms arrive. • А. Pushkin EvgenyOnegin
wedding dating family love faithfulness happiness devotion
Love…Dating What is love? It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. No one can give the proper definition of love. To some Love is friendship set on fire for others. Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind. Dating is any social activity undertaken by, typically, two people with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as their partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. Traditional dating activities include entertainment or a meal.
St. Valentine’s Day February, 14 is Valentine’s Day. It is celebrated as a lovers’ holiday, with the giving of candy, flowers, or other gifts between couples in love. It originated in 5th Century Rome as a tribute to St. Valentine, a Catholic bishop. Valentine had been beheaded by Emperor Claudius in AD 270. Claudius believed that married men made poor soldiers. So he banned marriage. A kind priest Valentine married young people secretly. But he was discovered and condemned to death. Even in prison Valentine showed love for everyone. He fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer. His love and great faith managed to miraculously heal from blindness. Before his death he sent a farewell message “from your Valentine”. The phrase has been used on holiday ever since.
St. Valentine’s Day Traditional symbols of Valentine's Day include hearts, doves, Cupid and love notes or valentines. The first true card was sent by Charles, duke of Orleans, to his wife in 1415. He was imprisoned in the Tower of London at that time. Cupid became associated with the holiday because he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. In Greek mythology, he was known as Eros, the son of Aphrodite
Anti-Valentine’s Day in Russia The Interreligious Council of Russia supported the idea of establishing an annual Day of theFamily, Love, and Faithfulness on 8th July, the holiday is marked on the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the Orthodox patron saints of marriage and family life. A 16th-century tale recounts how Prince Peter, who ruled the Russian city of Murom in the 13th century, had his leprosy cured by Fevronia, a young peasant woman. The prince at first broke his promise to marry her, but in the end they got married. Peter and Fevronia are said to have died in the same hour on July 8, 1228. As Peter was a monk, they were buried separately, but their bodies were later found in the same grave. They were canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547. Murom, a historic city 300 km (185 miles) east of Moscow, is the center of the festivities. The city has a long history of celebrating the saints' day, including by the traditional exchange of "fevronki," a local version of Valentine's Day heart-shaped cards.
Day of the Family, Love, and Faithfulness The 8th July can become a wonderful time to celebrate the Day of the Family in Russia. Throughout history, they believe that strong and fruitful families are the secure foundation of society and they assure the prosperity of the state. Chamomile (daisy) is widely used in Russia to tell fortunes. Swans can be a symbol of great faithfulness.
Faithfulness Ekaterina Trubetskaya Pauline Gueble PolinaAnnenkova Alexandra Muravyova Maria Volkonskaya The expression Decembrist wife is a Russian symbol of the devotion of a wife to her husband. The wives and fiancés of some Decembrists came to Siberia to share the lot of their men, overcoming the opposition of the authorities and of their relatives, losing their rights and possessions, and travelling thousands of kilometers by sledge and carriage. But nothing could stop these courageous women. They followed their husbands. There they helped their own husbandsand other Decembrists as well to survive exile.
Сквер любви и верности открылся в Чите в День семьи 08.07.2011 Автором проекта паркового комплекса в Чите стал губернатор края РавильГениатулин. Его идею создания скульптуры, посвященной женщинам Сибири, в своих эскизах воплотил известный художник Абрам Григорян. В паре с еще одним художником ЦзиньЖуньмином из Китая он создал памятник любви, который теперь украшает сквер на углу улиц Амурская и Столярова.— Эта скульптурная композиция — дань уважения женщинам, которые бесстрашно следовали за своими мужьями, сосланными в наш край, — сказал на открытии памятника губернатор. http://ria.ru/society/20110708/398827164.html Скульптурная композиция с символичным названием "Любовь и верность". http://www.zabrab.chita.ru/index/html/path/http-zabrab.zabkrai.ru%26%26i-Articles%26vechno-vlyublennaya8618 http://tv-altes.ru/index.php?dn=news&to=art&id=561
В России будет пустыня, если семья не станет святыней http://blogs.mail.ru/mail/lidiyapetrova1947/08223d1fa9a5a399.html http://www.solnet.ee/holidays/s33_2.html
Read more • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day • http://www.pictureframes.co.uk/pages/saint_valentine.htm • http://www.theromantic.com/valentinesday/main.htm - Facts and Fun • http://www.calend.ru/holidays/0/0/2475/ • http://www.cn.ru/journal/item/7795582/ • http://valentineday.ru/ -сайт праздника День Св. Валентина • http://www.realisti.ru/main/holiday?print=yes
And more • http://www.realisti.ru/main/holiday?id=432 • http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C_%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0_%D0%B8_%D0%A4%D0%B5%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8#cite_note-1 • http://travelforlove.ru/jeni-dekabristov/ • http://inflistok.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=223&Itemid=84 • http://www.solnet.ee/holidays/s33_2.html • http://decemb.hobby.ru/index.shtml?memory/annenk